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Joined: May 2020
Staff roles: Server Admin
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Updated for 5.0, 22-04-2024 .
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Owners may submit requests for the purchase of custom POB models for their bases. Each owner may purchase a model at any time, but staff reserve the right to reject such a purchase if the model would not fit the location of the base or nature of the base's IFF: i.e., an asteroid model in direct orbit of a planet apart from a field, prison station for corporate bases, etc. Screens of each available model are provided below with designations.
All base models are purchasable for Sci-Data, Credits, or a combination of Sci-Data and Credits as follows:
Core 1 - 200 Sci-Data or $6,000,000 Credits
Core 2 - 400 Sci-Data or $12,000,000 Credits
Core 3 - 800 Sci-Data or $24,000,000, Credits
Core 4 - 1600 Sci-Data or $48,000,000 Credits
As models are currently tied to core level and cannot be applied to higher or lower cores. Any player purchasing a Core 1, Core 2, or Core 3 model will be able to apply the purchase price of a previous model to the purchase price of a higher-core model. Considering the Scientific Data is valued at 30,000 sc per unit, you can do the following:
Owner purchases Core 1 model for 200 Sci-Data. When upgraded to Core 2, the owner can pay 200 additional Sci-Data for a Core 2 model for a total spent of 400 Sci-Data.
Owner purchases Core 2 model for 400 Sci-Data. Instead of purchasing a Core 3 model at upgrade, the owner chooses to wait to purchase a Core 4 model. The Owner can purchase a Core 4 model for 1200 Sci-Data for a total spent of 1600 Sci-Data.
Model changes will be handled like all other POB Requests via this page, and the following template should be used:
[b]Request for POB Model Purchase[/b]
[b]1. Name of your base[/b]
[b]2. IFF of your base:[/b]
[b]3. Model requested:[/b]
[b]4. Date of any previous requests:[/b]
[b]5. The name of the ship(s) holding the purchase fee.[/b]
Posts: 2,239
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Joined: May 2020
Staff roles: Server Admin
Last updated for 5.0, 27-03-2024
. . Wrecks are refreshed at server restart. You may find a wreck with full healthbar that drops nothing. It's because wrecks slowly regenerate their health and someone else looted it before you. You can loot each wreck only one time per character. If you try to loot it for the second time, it won't drop anything and noone will be able to loot it until server restart. Looting wrecks with hazards listed under their note is generally not safe to attempt on the starter ship.
Posts: 2,239
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Joined: May 2020
Staff roles: Server Admin
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Updated for 5.0, 01-05-2024 .
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Official Factions have the benefit of requesting specific bonuses to enhance their activity and roleplay. Once an Official Faction is approved, they will automatically be able to start requesting benefits. Requests can be both beneficial and detrimental, allowing you to adjust your ID lines and benefits in order to match the kind of group your ID represents. What about the poor indie player? Indies may receive a trickle down benefit from a perk chosen by the Official Faction representing their ID. The Staff will examine each approved perk and decide if a 'lesser' version of this perk might be suitable for the Open ID. Nevertheless, these perks are designed primarily to reward and promote activity for Official Factions.
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General Perk Information
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The perks listed below are the most common types requested by Official Factions. Keep in mind that perk requests are not limited to the list below, you may request benefits that aren't listed here. Each perk request will be handled on a case by case basis. If you would like to read over current ID lines for existing factions, please visit the ID Reference page.
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Perk Type: Mining Bonuses
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A mining bonus would be a good example of a perk that could be added to an Official Faction ID. Of course, any perks doled out to non-Mining factions should be less than what Mining factions currently operate with, otherwise we either cannibalize the Mining factions, or we run the risk of making every official faction ID indistinguishable from the other. Obviously, Mining factions should be able to benefit the most from the mining perk, Trading factions less so and Military/Police/Unlawful the least, but still possible. This will continue our ability to distinguish the defining characteristics of Official factions, one from the other. The Admins will decide the amount of the bonus and whether indies might benefit from it in some way or not.
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Perk Type: Tech-Compat Exemptions
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We can carefully implement technology exceptions to this in Official Faction's ID with well thought out RP. This means being able to use your allies' guns, ships and equipment. Of course, there are absolute limits on what tech a player can use. For example, Liberty Navy would not be using Rheinland Military tech under any circumstances, but they could make full use of an ally's, or even an Official faction that was diplomatically neutral if the RP warranted it. This would give back to Official factions a lost perk, but this time, the Admins would have more control over it. Depending on the request, the Admins will consider if the RP warrants a full exemption or a partial one. In many cases, an approved perk in this area might result in a partial percentage increase, but still nerfed somewhat. It may take two, three or more requests to gain up to 100% use of another faction's tech. This will enable the Admins to determine whether an unfair imbalance is occurring as well as provide additional opportunities for the Official Faction to RP this perk. Again, as was stated with the other two perks, this one would act on a sliding scale as well.
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Perk Type: Zone of Influence Extensions
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Some factions have tried to RP with a view to making adjustments to their ZOI, but have been hampered by ID restrictions. Now, with the ZOI perk, they can potentially see some real movement with their faction and faction lore. Obviously, there has to be limits here. We cannot have House military/police factions with Sirius wide ZOI. However, there are tweaks that can be made here and there based on RP. Even Official factions with a Sirius wide ZOI could benefit from this perk. They may decide that certain actions could be permissible in specific systems and RP toward that effect. Of all the perks discussed, this is one that would have to be the most cautiously implemented as it could disrupt game balance severely. Small, carefully considered tweaks are probably best.
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Perk Type: Ship Class, Cargo and Named Ships
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This is another perk that would benefit the factions that possess a limited ship-line. Upon qualifying, they could take advantage of their relationships with other factions and upgrade their ID's to allow for heavier class ships. Military factions, who possess the full complement of the ship class wouldn't see a benefit from this, but a few factions out there might enjoy it immensely. Inversely, you may request to have ship classes removed from your ID, if you want to ensure that your group doesn't overuse certain ship types. The cargo limits can also expanded or reduced. In addition to this, they may name individual ships to be used outside of that restriction. This also applies to the ship classes.
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Perk Type: Official Faction Restarts
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Official factions can now request a restart template specific to their own faction, which can include a specific set of reputations, map, starting location, etc. These restarts will be not be accessible to public, and each faction restart will be password protected, with the password distributed through the leadership of that faction (similar to tag passwords). These restarts, however, cannot include any equipment of value or unreasonable reputation/map, and are only intended to ease the process of setting up new characters for members of the official factions. Requests for faction restarts will be handled through the standard faction perk system, but unlike other perks, do not require any roleplay.
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How often will these perks be awarded?
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Every two months an Official Faction leader may request a perk from the list above.
In order to qualify for this request, they must present to the Staff the RP supporting this request. The RP should be something that takes place over a period of weeks, not a day or two. It should be well thought out, well documented on the forums and involve, if possible, in-game activity/events. Admins will then vote on the perk request. The Admins will be very stringent in handing out perks. Some requests will undoubtedly be beyond what we are willing to fulfill. Others may be handed out, but in a reduced fashion. Some perks may be a 'one and done' type of situation, where the perk only lasts for a specified period of time. Still others may be put on hold until we are certain of any game balance issues. Whether the perk is approved or not, the faction will have to wait two months before making any additional requests. We want to emphasize that perk requests are like a spice in cooking. Too much, and you ruin the meal. However, in the right amount, it can enhance it. This is the way Official Factions should view perks, small adjustments over an extended period of time, that enhance the game.
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Optional Considerations
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Is there a way for indies to benefit from this perk to some extent? (It would be nice if there was a trickle down effect for indies from the perks. Maybe they wouldn't benefit to the fullest extent, but it would be good if they saw some kind of positive out of the perk.)
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How to Lose Perks Quickly
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Anything that can given, with regard to perks, can be taken away. The goal is to reward excellent behavior and quality RP, however there are occasions when the conduct of an Official faction proves harmful to the server.
OORP hate manifesting itself as Meta-gaming / Power-gaming will not be tolerated.
Breaking server rules in the use of any perks one might receive will result in its loss.
Low Activity in the Official Faction.
If the perk is discovered to create a severe game imbalance.
The Admins reserve the right to remove any perk if they see that it creates harm to the server.
The Admins reserve the right to alter any perk request.
If an Official Faction is found abusing their perks in any way, the first offense is loss of that perk. The second offense is loss of all perks. The third offense will result in loss of Officialdom. If a faction loses a perk in this manner, they will have to wait an additional two months from the date of its removal before applying for an additional one.
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Official Factions are a valued part of this server. In order to qualify for Officialdom, they must exhibit excellence in RP. They must be active. They must respond well to negative feedback. Any decision they make, whether good or bad, they have to live with. Since their standards are high, it has been hard for them to induce players to join. It's far easier to play an indie, where accountability is negligible and any bad decision can be erased with a name change. Therefore, the Staff wishes to implement this Official Faction Perk concept to the community in an effort to reward those that choose to live up to the high standards of becoming Official and to provide them a way to induce others to join their ranks.
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Template and Where to Request
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All Official Faction Perk requests will be handled via this page, please utilize the template below.
1. Name of Official Faction requesting the Perk:
2. Date of last Perk request:
3. Type of Perk:
4. How will this Perk be used?
5. If another Official Faction is involved in this request, do they approve?
6. Describe the RP leading up to this Perk Request. (If you provide RP links, please give a brief description of what we are looking at.)
7. Is this request for the Player Faction ID only?
8. Do you understand that if the Staff approves this Perk request, we retain the right to alter it, or remove it, as we see fit?
Posts: 2,239
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Joined: May 2020
Staff roles: Server Admin
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Templates and Guidelines .
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The following are guidelines for posting rule violation reports. Please follow this template as closely as possible, it makes everyone’s lives just a tad bit simpler.
Remember, each member is only permitted to file one rule violation report per day. Any more than that and your additional reports will not be considered. This is done to prevent malicious reporting or multiple reports of extremely trivial behavior. Just go out, play the game, and have some fun.
That said, we do realize that the players make for the best eyes and ears for catching rule violations both on the server and forums. If you find yourself in the position to report a violation, follow the guidelines in this thread to help us out.
The staff will find it incredibly helpful to have a timestamp included
You can find it within the DSAce file listed above, if any logs match the time of the violation
Giving us a paragraph or two explaining the situation and context
The staff won't know the entire story by looking only at the evidence
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Am I filing a petty report because I’m angry?
Remember the "sandwich rule," step away for 30 minutes. Return and decide if submitting the report is worth it.
Do I really have enough evidence to make this stick?
Sanctions won’t go through unless sufficient evidence is provided of the report. Consider what evidence you have and decide if it's enough.
Is this person clearly just a new player who doesn’t know better yet?
You should know by now that while most of the rules are common-sense, we’ve have a long list. If you suspect someone of being a new player, unless the violation is serious, you’re better off pointing them in the right direction than slapping them with a violation. Remember, we were all in their shoes at one point.
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[color=#FFFFFF]*Violator's Forum / Character name here*[/color]
[quote=Rule Being Broken]*Paste rule being broken here*[/quote]
[color=#FFFFFF]*Your Forum / Character name here*[/color]
[color=#FFFFFF]*Put that there. I mean here. Just a little summary, please.*[/color]
[spoiler=Evidence Submitted]
*Any DSAce chat logs, please do paste them inside the Spoiler tags.*
[spoiler=Chat Logs]
*Screen shot link(s)/forum link(s) here please.*
Link I
Link II
Link III
*For forum violations, place the copied offense between the Quote tags.*
Posts: 2,239
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Joined: May 2020
Staff roles: Server Admin
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This subforum was created to ensure there is a central place for all player base listings. Please use the template provided on the right here. It will nicely display all relevant details of any bases going for sale.
Any finalized sales will be made invisible by the Moderator team.
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Selling Player Base:
[*]Name: [color=#80BFFF]HERE[/color]
[*]Location: [color=#80BFFF]Alpha 1, New York[/color]
[*]IFF: [color=#80BFFF]HERE[/color]
Built Modules:
[*][color=#80BFFF]Bulk Storage[/color] x4
Other Details:
[*][color=#80BFFF]Mention roleplay impacts, resupply points or other general information here[/color]
Selling for:
[*][color=#80FF80]PRICE HERE sc[/color]
[align=center][img=384x216]SCREENSHOT URL HERE[/img][/align]