New available command examples:
* . base order_by to check available ordering keys
* . base order_by set name
* . base order_by set affiliation
* . base order_by status checking current ordering rule
* . base order_by unset unsetting ordering rules
<@381567591816364034> , Fenrir reported unusual behavior of the Darkbot. investigation lead to discovery of potential memory corruption in handling commands.
rewrote a bit memory initialization which should increase durability against memory leaks.
Command that stopped responding was as example `. forum thread watch add The Enigma Confederacy`
It just printed broken help information instead.
I added extra memory initialization to command buffers, so in theory should be solved
But better to be monitored for reaapearing
UPD 2023-12-17. 3 days observation showed bug did not resurface. discontinuing monitoring. Marking bug as solved
For mysterious reason, app stopped responding correctly in microk8s cluster. Rebooting server did not fix it. microk8s got broken.
Investigation did not find any root reason what happened with microk8s cluster.
Thankfully i had plan in advance regarding that, and just made fallback to good old running as regular docker container, that is way more reliable and stable.
Restoring status: OK, app is back to normal
Postmortem thoughts: could be nice to add healthcheck status with automated alerting.
Probably i should cleanup microk8s cluster from server. May be reinstalling it from zero with help to it.
Another update: Actually just running snap remove microk8s --purge and getting it back helped to get things back to normal too.
Just fixes to documentation pretty much and general maintenance with dependencies updates
For player "Shelco" was discovered problem with forum tracking bot features sending only empty msgs.
Problem appeared to be with insufficient permissions granted to bot. Discord at some point added "Embed Link" as separate permission apparently not present in older generated invite link.
As long term solution changed as default recommendation to invite bot as admin in documentation
Offering as non admin only as optional choice to use
Golang standard fmt.Println escaping things when showing how stuff is in . conf command
Discord escaping things on render in addition
it was all not aligned how escapes are in the end work, as each level showed them differently.
I aligned all darkbot responses to be showing exactly the same amount of escaping. (When dealing with \ characters )
U will see right away how you added tag, how it is seen in . conf command
and you will see exactly the same in rendered tables now.
That will help you eliminate the confusion.
At the end of a day you just needed to add target as . player friend add R\- without any extra escapings. You added escapings and that's why things became not valid due too extra not needed escapings.
Deployed version of a darkbot will help to eliminate all the confusions as it has all escapings made to a same level.
Tested in game until i was able to match R\Nickname\-Tester correctly with just writing . player friend add R\Nick
I did not escape anything during command writing
## Deployment **v1.9.0** - Info quering search command
funny info quering command. It can get info about Bases, Cloaks, Missiles, Mines, Engines, Tractors/IDs, Thrusters, Pobs, Commodities, Scanners, Shields, Ammo, Factions, Player Owned Bases, and etc same stuff as tabs exist for in darkstat
it can search entities by partial or full names (including from first line of infocard), or can get exact one by nickname ^_^
it prints data about entity right away if it finds only a single match, or if you inserted precise nickname
If it matches multiple entities, it offers up to 10 entities to specify your request more precisely.
The data is pulled from darkstat, so if item has for example crafting recipes, it will be printed as part of its infocard
The command prints some parameters of an object, and then its infocard + whatever darkstat prints into infocard