I've just started getting back into Freelancer fairly recently. Back when I first started playing, I remember there being a Map program that I used to use.
Worked pretty much like the system maps in game, but had the locations of jump gates, jump holes, etc. Does anyone happen to remember what this program was called?
(Apologies if this is in the wrong section)
' Wrote:I've just started getting back into Freelancer fairly recently. Back when I first started playing, I remember there being a Map program that I used to use.
Worked pretty much like the system maps in game, but had the locations of jump gates, jump holes, etc. Does anyone happen to remember what this program was called?
(Apologies if this is in the wrong section)
Freelancer Companion, shows you just JHs JGs and Basses, nothing more , also it shows you prices of commodities and best trade routes!
' Wrote:I've just started getting back into Freelancer fairly recently. Back when I first started playing, I remember there being a Map program that I used to use.
Worked pretty much like the system maps in game, but had the locations of jump gates, jump holes, etc. Does anyone happen to remember what this program was called?
(Apologies if this is in the wrong section)
Why do people need spoilers to have a good time?
For me the fun of a game like Freelancer is in DISCOVERING the universe.
I haven't had the opportunity to explore the discovery mod much, but in original FL after quartering a sector for an hour or so searching for a jump hole, the option of checking its location was nice.
Exploring is fun, but after a certain point, for me at least, it becomes frustrating. (Generally this point for me comes after about an hour-hour and a half of looking for something, or when i'm in a rush to log off and need to find the nearest station) Maps aren't a tool I use constantly, but they're something useful to have when needed.
Freelancer Companion & DataStorm for when you don't remember where everything is.
And re-exploring every time a new mod build comes out gets kinda boring.
' Wrote:Why do people need spoilers to have a good time?
For me the fun of a game like Freelancer is in DISCOVERING the universe.
This is true, for the 5th time...
But after that it starts getting tedious:)
"Yes I know where Mississippi/Alpha/Omega 55 is, but its not on my Nav map. I have to physically GO there. Again."
Same goes for rep. Sometimes I just want to have it all fixed and get RPing, instead of rep fixing / rediscovering back JH's routes / commodities prices yet again.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.