Will existing whitelists be converted into <name> or <tag>?
(09-05-2024, 10:54 PM)Aingar Wrote: Limitations
Each of the whitelist and blacklist access lists will have a limit of 20 entries to avoid bloating the POB configs that means up to 20 whitelisted names, 20 whitelisted tags, 20 blacklisted names etc etc. Existing stations with more than 20 entries of a given kind will keep them, but you will be unable to add more until you go below the limit.
Edit: This does seem like a potential issue, though. How is that supposed to work with a popular non-open docking POB? After a certain point, you just have to tell docking applicants "sorry, we're out of slots"? 20 really isn't a high number, either.
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(09-06-2024, 08:33 AM)Karst Wrote: Neat.
Will existing whitelists be converted into <name> or <tag>?
(09-05-2024, 10:54 PM)Aingar Wrote: Limitations
Each of the whitelist and blacklist access lists will have a limit of 20 entries to avoid bloating the POB configs that means up to 20 whitelisted names, 20 whitelisted tags, 20 blacklisted names etc etc. Existing stations with more than 20 entries of a given kind will keep them, but you will be unable to add more until you go below the limit.
Edit: This does seem like a potential issue, though. How is that supposed to work with a popular non-open docking POB? After a certain point, you just have to tell docking applicants "sorry, we're out of slots"? 20 really isn't a high number, either.
They remain as tags, as they were added under such system.
If 20 becomes an insufficient number it can be tweaked. Perhaps on per-pob level. We shall see.
Does all this new syntax make the old whitelist|blacklist obsolete & means a Dr Gimptroll can redock?
Also need more examples of the syntax, esp that <entry> bit, can't for the life of me remove entries to ease up configs.
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<entry> simply gets substituted with the tag for "tag" subcommand, with the player name for "name" subcommand, and faction nickname for "faction" subcommand.
Each one of those has had a separate example provided.
Then there's the "clear" for when you just want to nuke a given config.
Each of the whitelist and blacklist access lists will have a limit of 20 entries to avoid bloating the POB configs that means up to 20 whitelisted names, 20 whitelisted tags, 20 blacklisted names etc etc. Existing stations with more than 20 entries of a given kind will keep them, but you will be unable to add more until you go below the limit.
TL;DR: New command syntax, it will be no longer possible to enable docking for hostile/nodock rep ships without Admin Intervention. For example, no more Bowex ships docking on Molly bases, except for approved "SRP" docking requests.
During transition to the new system, bases with Defense Modes 2 and 4 will be moved to Defense Mode 1, those with Defense Modes 1 and 5 will move to Defense Mode 2, bases with Defense Mode 3 will remain as is.
EDIT: Almost forgot, dockable POBs will now always show as green, undockable POBs will show as white or red.
I would like you @Aingar answer me some questioning about ...
1.- 20 Entries with lot of player tags and so, is kinda ridiculous, I could belive Freelancer Base would be able to dock any ship type someone could want ...
2.- Leaving my own variety of ships undockable ... is kinda crap ¬¬ leaving bases without the variety to bring questioning trades under the water and not fully openly available
3.- If by doing "Request Special POB by Admin" how long the admin will take to answer? I mean, admins are kinda SLOOOWW to bring you one answer, tested and by everyone told about, i mean, will admin be able to answer in less than 24 std hours? if i am gonna need to wait for server restarts, if i am gonna need to wait for days, is gonna be ridiculous, always is told admins are too busy to process all requests (as devs are with the posts on discovery mod reports) i don't wanna think about the "Waiting time" ... so can you bring me the time will admins be able to answer my requests?
4.- It is possible to make someone available to dock and others not able to dock? doing so, will leave any base open to anyone, if i wanna make my base let's say (Rheinland Polizei) not able to bring any Corporation to dock, then, with this i am unable to do so because Corps in Rheinland has Polizei as Allied or very highly Friendlies ...
Personally would like to have the ability to secure dock in anyway pleased, for example, let my base be able to have any ship i want to dock ... that is what is a player base, now by default if i am able to have 1 base, now i need get 2 or more bases due how damn factions work now, and people in here and i belive admins have some "hateful" for player bases, if i was happy with just 1, now i need like 10 or more to get my things running, as i would like to, kinda shame @Aingar really, Usually i like your doing on improve the game other devs break by admin wishes, but this day, this "update" isn't something i like to have it, not even by keeping spies or anyone just because "stand well" to my base faction now ¬¬ bad bad ...
Bad dev, you did wrong today by pushing and letting this update to move as it should when isn't benefit anyone on this game ... specially the thing with "Admin review on each SRP for allow a player to dock" ... that would take days, and probably with my huge number of transports this is gonna be a mess ¬¬
*sigh* no more "Come to my shop and buy it yourself" ._. sad ...
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It's a little hard to try to figure out what you're trying to say here, but I think you might be misunderstanding these plugin changes.
The basic functionality of being able to set docking access for specific ships, specific IFFs, or to open it for any neutrals is unchanged.
The main change is that you can't whitelist ships that are hostile with the base's IFF, which really never should have been docking there anyway.
Other than that it's pretty much just syntax changes.
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You can block people who normally would be able to dock on NPC base of your IFF.
You can NOT allow people who wouldn't be able to dock on NPC base of your IFF. If you have a VERY GOOD REASON for that, you'll have to SRP it out.
We're not going to backpedal on letting criminals dock on corporate bases and vice versa.
As for the 20 entries limit, if you need to whitelist/blacklist more than
- 20 IFFs
- 20 player tags
- 20 individual player names
Then your base must be the most customer-besieged base in Sirius, and I'd consider simply opening it up to public, since it's already letting in just about anyone.