From: Matthew J. Burns To: Christian Siegfried Subject: Diamant Station
Mr. Siegfried.
This is very good news. I am Minister Burns of the Republican Provisional Assembly and the administrator of Connacht Depot.
We were wondering at the state of Hessian prospecting operations for a while now. As you know, diamonds are highly sought after for manufacturing precision cutting tools, mining drill bits, and many other useful applications. We will be glad to source them from you while supporting your movement at the same time.
I will let the captains of the Free Dublin Shipping Company know about your station and its services. Since they often find themselves bringing gold to Dresden, it will be a welcome addition to their trade network.
From: Trade intendant Viktor Rojinski.
Priority: HIGH
I apologise for the long reaction from the Coalition side to that communication. So, I am Viktor Rojinski, and I am answering for non-military trade contacts.
Our military department overloaded us with different requests, but now we again can concentrate on trade. Our traders already received an update for their trade routes with information about your station.