We have special location for players to sell their ships, also for equipment and also for pob, so why not one special location for shipyards sell their ships? this way players can know who is building what and also for what price, and if there are avaiable, some already announced their offers on their pages or in the comms section, but a special place in the marketplace could be easier for players. just a thought
What prevents shipyards from making sell threads advertising their services in the Ship Dealers section? That's... literally the subforum's purpose. Why do we need another subforum for it?
This, as said by Tenshi above me, is already covered by the POB section of the threads. Some base threads have already been set up to advertise the selling of ships, if others aren't that's on the people running them.
The same way that before pobs were sold on the equipment section, why not some more specific since this are new ships and location of those shipyards? also i don't know about you but i'm not the kind of people that have time and patience to go around in the forum reading everything, so if a shipyard publishes on their page or even a faction, certanly most of the players will not read it. also it was just a tought but anyway ... take care and have fun