私は独立採掘ギルド 「IMG 」のギルドミストレス、秋薔薇明日菜です。貴施設が鳴らしているIFFトランスポンダーコードを考慮し、クサリ語でこのメッセージを送信しました。私たちは対等な立場であることがベストでしょう? I am Guildmistress Akibara Asuna of the Independent Miners' Guild "IMG'. Given the IFF transponder code your installation is squawking, I have submitted this message in Kusari language. Best we be on equal footing, no?
そちらの施設 「ヴィーナス蒸留所 」はホルマン前哨基地の近くにあり、約20,000シリウス天文単位(20'000SAU)離れている。 Your installation, "VENUS DISTILLERY", is in close proximity to Holman Outpost, approxmiately 20,000 Sirian Astronomical Units (20'000 SAU) away.
独立採掘ギルド恒星規則第B条第1項に従う: Pursuant to Section B, Paragraph 1 of the Independent Miners' Guild Stellar Regulations:
B. 違法行為と禁制品 B. Illegal Actions & Contraband
1. 基地の建設:
ギルドの事前の許可なく、IMGの設置場所から半径20K以内で無許可の建設を行ってはならない。この禁止はギルド全体の所有物である他の宇宙空間、すなわちIMG所有の採掘場と惑星ペコスにも及ぶ。 1. Base Construction:
No unauthorized construction is allowed within a 20K radius of any IMG installation without prior permission from the Guild. This prohibition extends to other parts of space which are the property of the entire Guild, namely IMG-owned mining fields and Planet Pecos.
1.1 モジュラー・ステーションの義務
適用領域内のすべての施設は、すべてのギルド主力船(IMG|サブコードを発する船)にドッキングを提供し、要求があれば検査を許可しなければならない。特別な場合には、ギルドのサブグループにドッキングを提供することが求められる。この規則に違反した場合、その施設は強制的に解体される。 1.1 Modular Station obligations:
All installations in Areas of Applicability must provide docking to all mainline Guild ships (vessels tagged IMG|) and if requested allow inspection. In special cases, installations may also be required to provide docking access for subgroups of the Guild. Those found in violation of this regulation may have their installations forcibly deconstructed.
あなたの施設は20K制限の周辺にあるが、我々はマルタの仲間が我々の施設の近くにいることを快く思っていない。 Whilst your installation is on the periphery of the 20K limit, we regardless do not take kindly to associates of the Maltese being in proximity to one of our installations.
とはいえ、私は金菊のことはよく知っている。私は昔、レーンハッカーズの一員として、あなた方の護衛艦の1つに搭乗したことがある。間違いなく、私はあなた方、マスカー、あるいはマスカーに味方する者たちに愛想を尽かしているわけではない。 This being said, I am more than familiar with the Golden Chrysanthemums. I flew as part of the Lane Hackers a long time ago on one of your convoys. Make no mistake, I have no love lost with you, with the maskers or with anyone who sides with them.
しかし、一つだけ親切にしてやろう。 I am however, going to offer you a sole kindness.
私は数年前、君たちと 「黄金の夢 」を容認していた。今、カルダミンとゲンアンから来る狂気の狭間で、私は金の花を翼に持つ者に与える親切はほとんどない。この親切を悪用するな。われわれの要求に応じれば、おまえの処刑は免除する。そうしなければ、あなたとその施設は突然、爆発的な方法で別れることになる。 I tolerated your kind and the 'Golden Dream' years ago. Now between the Cardamine and the insanity coming from the Gen'an, I've little kindness to give to anyone who carries the gold flower on their wing. Do not abuse this kindness.Comply with our demands and we will spare your installation. Fail to do so and you and it will be abruptly parted in an explosive manner.
敬具、 Sincerely,
秋薔薇明日菜 IMGギルドミストレス、フォークランド基地
Akibara Asuna
Guildmistress, Falkland Base
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
先日は説明が足りなかったかもしれない。 Maybe I didn't make myself clear the other day.
おい。カルダミンを吸ってるバカども。返答には72時間ある。基地のサガルマタ分遣隊をお前たちの小さなスラム街に送り込ませるな。 Oi. Cardamine-sniffing dipshits. You have 72 hours to respond. Don't make me sic our base's Sagarmatha detachment on your little shanty town.
秋薔薇明日菜 IMGギルドミストレス、フォークランド基地
Akibara Asuna
Guildmistress, Falkland Base
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
My name is Malvina Tetsen, I am one of the founders of the Venus Distillery. It is kind of you to write your transmission in both languages, but wasted on me I'm afraid, I have not been here long enough to learn the script.
It may be that we have met before, not in your time with the Hackers, but in the Guild: I was among the escapees from Malta during the uprising in 831, and came into contact with the Guild then. I took my very name from the cloud that marked the gateway into freedom, before I joined the sisterhood. There aren't a lot of places one can go as a dependent.
But that isn't here or there.
We are not categorically opposed to allowing your ships docking access, though this will have to be a group decision. The staff here are civilians without much in the ways of arms and ships, so we would like to avoid conflict with other groups in the region including those we might have our differences with.
But I have to ask what sort of "inspections" you have in mind here. This is not just a distillery but also living space for dozens of our sisters, many of whom like me have fled terrible circumstances and have found a safe space in our little haven. It would be an unacceptable violation of their privacy and security to have strangers going around their living quarters and common rooms.
So any inspections would have to be limited to the areas of general access, the docking facilities, warehouses, and shop. We hope you understand.
I know the Guild is opposed to the Outcast, and to the spread of cardamine. Believe me, I understand. But there are dependents all over, who must make the best out of their situation. With what you say of your background, I guess you might also be one of them. Our only intention is to help those like ourselves stay healthy and give those that need it a place to stay. For those among your own ranks or under your care that have the dependency, maybe we can also be of help with this.
Good to finally see a response. That being said, let's.. get things sorted.
Quote:I was among the escapees from Malta during the uprising in 831, and came into contact with the Guild then. I took my very name from the cloud that marked the gateway into freedom, before I joined the sisterhood. There aren't a lot of places one can go as a dependent.
We in the IMG have no issue with former slaves and those dependent on Cardamine - I think given what happened to you that much should be obvious. It's more an issue with those who spread and support its' use outside of absolute necessity. In fact, we do keep a supply of it aboard our bases as restricted materials just in case of situations like yours.
That being said, I've talked to former GC and suffice to say the cause there whilst for some parts is good - believe me, I'm all for egalitarian doctrine - the baggage of Cardamine isn't worth the hassle of siding with them.
Quote:But that isn't here or there.
We are not categorically opposed to allowing your ships docking access, though this will have to be a group decision. The staff here are civilians without much in the ways of arms and ships, so we would like to avoid conflict with other groups in the region including those we might have our differences with.
But I have to ask what sort of "inspections" you have in mind here. This is not just a distillery but also living space for dozens of our sisters, many of whom like me have fled terrible circumstances and have found a safe space in our little haven. It would be an unacceptable violation of their privacy and security to have strangers going around their living quarters and common rooms.
All the IMG desires to know is straight forward:
- The intentions of your installation
- Your installation cargo manifest and bills of lading records
- Your installation's permanent resident listing
and the ability to check these things regularly.
That's all. Contrary to how I came off, outside of the Maskers we don't want to start fights with people. We were founded to be a solution to the oppression of workers throughout Sirius, an example to follow. I assure you that if you comply with our request for access, and you are compliant with our stellar code, we won't bring you or your people to harm.
We don't want to invade on people's privacy, we don't want to be some sort of wannabe big brother. We just want to make sure you're not selling or stocking Cardamine outside of what's necessary to keep you guys alive, and that no other contraband's being stored or traded on the station. That's all.
Quote:So any inspections would have to be limited to the areas of general access, the docking facilities, warehouses, and shop. We hope you understand.
As stated before, from my understanding after conversing with Guildmaster Schulze that is more than fine.
Quote:I know the Guild is opposed to the Outcast, and to the spread of cardamine. Believe me, I understand. But there are dependents all over, who must make the best out of their situation. With what you say of your background, I guess you might also be one of them. Our only intention is to help those like ourselves stay healthy and give those that need it a place to stay. For those among your own ranks or under your care that have the dependency, maybe we can also be of help with this.
I'm well aware of the dependency people have on Cardamine. I used to help peddle the shit long ago, before I wised up to what it did to people. When my cell of the Hackers started doing the stuff to get an edge in cyberwarfare and the sort, they tried to push it on me, and I ran the fuck away. I spent years in hiding, trying to keep my ass from being chopped off and mounted on some wall on Mactan as an example.
Now, I work for the IMG, both to further the goals I originally joined the Lane Hackers for by providing an alternative to corpos like Ageira, BMM and Galway, and to atone for my mistakes in tolerating Cardamine in the first place like I did.
So believe me when I say this - I get why you need the stuff. Alot of us do. But you have to understand that squawking GC IFF transponder codes, not too far from one of our main bases, isn't going to bode well if you don't come say Hi before setting up shop.
If this is fine for you, we'll give you guys about a week to come to a vote on the matter. If we don't hear back until then, or you guys vote no, I'm afraid I'm under directives to commence demolition. We'll give you ample time to evacuate if it comes to that.
Kind Regards,
Akibara Asuna
Guildmistress, Falkland Base
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
I'll to respond to and comply with what we can here.
Let's start with the intentions, because that one at least is straightforward.
Venus Distillery is, obviously I guess, a beverage manufactory. We make cardamine-fortified drinks for users uncomfortable with the stigma of inhalers and to be clear, we are upfront about the ingredients and sell only to existing users. We categorically do not attempt to lure new users in or breach new markets, simply to supply a medicinal product to people that need it.
For your other questions, these are going to be more difficult. This is a level of detailed inside information we'd not even expect house authorities to require, much less independents in the border worlds. But let's make an attempt.
We can if really necessary provide cargo manifests, but I can't imagine you'd find them very interesting. This isn't a trade station, and we don't stock anything beyond what we need for our production, station maintenance, and the needs of our population. In broad categories at least, we obviously can't give you exact item listings of say, personal items shipped to and from our people.
We absolutely cannot and will not provide a listing of residents, and I can't believe you'd even ask this after we've already stated that we must protect the privacy of our people. Many of which again, come from backgrounds that are such that they absolutely would not want to be known or found. I really doubt you would ask, say, Freeport 6 next door for regular updates on their exact resident listing. Nor would they provide it if you did.
You can have the list of our advisor council that makes station management decisions, if you insist.
We really are trying to be forthcoming here, but we can't accept a police state level of surveillance of our activities. That would defeat the purpose of an independent operation in the border worlds to begin with.
I hope you can meet us halfway here somewhere, because we really do believe in living and letting live out here.