Pilot Region, House or Location of Origin: Liberty Republic
Are You Applying for The Core Paramilitary, or our AP Manufacturing Sub-Divison?: The Core Paramilitary
Previous Jobs/Roles/Experience: Captain of the cargo ship
Detailed Background, One Paragraph or So (the more we can learn about you, the better): Previously captain of a cargo ship owned by Universal Shipping Incorporated. Tired of boring flights from point A to point B, Luke resigned from the corporation and started looking for a more dangerous, but also exciting job.
Why do you want to join The Core/APM?: Joining the Core will be a breath of fresh air for me, the constant flying back and forth, just to deliver some cargo, looking at the very familiar scenery, is already getting boring and hopeless. While the Core can provide a completely new experience, and maybe a heroic death in any of the tasks.
OoRP Form Are you applying to join our Rookie Boost Initiative?: Yes
How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: 4 years
Have you ever played a Core character before? Have you read the lore of The Core? Do you know what The Core is?: For the core previously played, faction lore read, the only thing remembered is that the core is a PMC.
How familiar are you with the Edge Worlds?: I'm very familiar with them.
How would you rate your RP skills out of 10?: 5
How would you rate your PvP skills out of 10? What ship-types are you good in?: 7
Why do you want to join the The Core?: yes
Do you already own a Core ship? If yes, what ship(s) is it?: -
What Country and/or Time Zone do you operate in?: Russia - UTC+4
What is your Discord ID (Could be sent over PM)?: neltharion0