Kon'nichiwa honorabel Members of the Junker Congress
My name is Eri Amaririsu and I am a Member of the Gen´an Chrysanthemums. I am contacting you today to seek your expertise in the removal of radiation. I am one of the Sisters that is Responsible for the Sisterhoods Logistics needs and we have a little Project that might need your Expertise. Through my Contacts, I have heard that you are Working Mostly in the Recycling business and that you deal with the Dismemberment of Old Spaceships. I assume that kind of Work makes it necessary to also Deal with the Dangers of Radiation? If that is the case then we would like to ask you for a little help in this field. I can't tell you about this Project in Detail as lots of it is Top Secret. But we would need Space Suits and maybe Robots that can work in a High Radiation environment. We also need Equipment to Remove the Radiation from a Space Ship and to make it more accessible for further Damage assessment and to see what needs to be fixed and what needs to be Cleaned. Our Current Plan is to First send in some Robots and then let us Sisters follow once the situation is at an Acceptable Level.
Our SIsters in the Engineering Department assume that there might be a high Damage and Failure Rate among the Robots so we would need a lot of them to have some in Storage when we have to replace them. Therefore we don't need a High Tech Solution, something more Robust and Reliable would be best for us. We would Like to also buy all the Necessary Cleaning Agents and other stuff needed as well as some Heavy Duty Anti Radiation Space Suits for at least a Team of 5 Sisters plus some Spares. We try not to endanger our Sisters in this Situation and to keep it as safe as possible for us so the Robots will take the Most Risky and Dangerous Jobs. If you can Provide us with the Necessary Equipment and maybe some Tips or even Training to Deal with such a Hostile environment then we will pay you accordingly and we might have even more Jobs for you Regarding that Project in the Future.
.:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Comm ID: Rick Tiltman:.
.:Topic: Radium Girls Redux:.
Pardon the delay, had to take full stock of what exactly you might require. You are correct in our line of work we often find ourselves either intentionally or unintentionally in close, sometimes unpleasantly so, contact with particularly close contact with all sort of radioactive waste. At the best of times is a somewhat leaky reactor core, other times its The Grande Negra and her withering radiation. Now, I am not sure what you are dealing with precisely however I can supply you with the necessary equipment for you to handle these things safely. I must emphasize though, radiation is not a monster to be trifled with, it is a nasty creature that will kill you given the chance.
There is a catch though, much of these goods are not so much financially expensive as they are logistically so, I am going to have to call in a few favors. So what can the Sisters offer me in return? Credits are of course always nice, perhaps the Sisters may be able to offer us something else? I am always looking for some way to get one up on those Hogosha pricks.
While you see if there is anything else you can offer me, I'll start requisitioning the necessary goods.
We understand that you have the Most Experience with this Matter. While our own Engineering Staff is Talented too we rarely deal with Radiation problems on this Scale. I assume you could need some more pieces of information about the Project and while I can't tell you everything due to the Operational Secrecy of this Matter, I can tell you that we need to Decontaminate a Large and Highly Radiated Ship. We were so far able to tow the Ship to one of our Stations but we had to Equip our Towing Ships with some Extra Lead Shielding that we had Bought at the Noshima Freeport. Currently, the Ship is Anchored as far away from the Residential Areas of the Station as possible. Our Current Plan is to Decontaminate the Ship with Robots and Bring the Radiation Dow so that Sisters in Special Space Suits can Handle the Leftovers. Once this is completed we will Tow the Ship to an Allied Shipyard and begin the Full Damage Assessment and Repair Work.
As for your Request for something more than a Simple Monetary Reward I have to tell you that while I am just a Simple Sister that takes care of Logistics. While I have the Full Support of the Matriarch for this Project I am not sure if I can share anything more than some Credits. So I don't want to make any promises that I can't Hold in the end. However, from what you told me about Sticking it to the Hogosha, I have to say that I share your Passion for "Sticking it to them". I despise these Spineless Lapdogs even more than I do the Servants of the Corrupt Patriarchy. But if I get a green Light from the Matriarch then I might be able to Equip some of your Gunboats with some of our Weapons, or some of your Ships with our Engines. Apart from that, we might be able to share some Data from our Project with you once it is no Longer a Secret. Apart from the things that I would first need the approval of the Matriarch for I can tell you that we will of course Pay you very generously for your Work. So if you Name me a Price for these deliveries I will make sure to Put a Nice Big Bonus on top of it out of Respect for your Help in the Past and the Future.
.:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Comm ID: Rick Tiltman:.
.:Topic: Radium Girls Redux:.
All supplies I would use have been delivered to a Secure Garage on Noshima Freeport.
Black Market Augments:
These are useful for allowing you to handle materials that either are too heavy or too dangerous for human hands even under protection.
HazMat Cannisters:
Top of the line premium disposal containers. Good for all your toxic waste disposal needs.
Medical Equipment:
No matter how hard you try accidents can and will happen. These should help with that.
See Above.
Xenobiotic Filters:
Whatever it is you're going to want to clean the place. No better devices in serious for that purposes.
We thank you for your Quick Delivery and hope that this payment shows our Appreciation for your Great and Quick Work. With this, we should be able to Decontaminate the Ship and get it ready for the next steps of our Plan. We will soon pick up the Goods from the Noshima Freeport. With your Delivery, we can finally bring this Project to the Next Level. Thank you again Tillman-san, you can find the receipt for the Payment in the Attached File.