Sven walked quickly into the meeting room followed by two of his bodyguards, while the other two waited outside of the meeting room, along with other security personel from the houses of Kusari and Gallia.
The rest of the representatives were already waiting for him. Sven felt the best he could do was to introduce himself.
Guten tag representatives of Gallia and Kusari, my name is Sven Hartman, a member of the Bundestag appointed to represent the Federal Republic of Rheinland during the negotiations.
He took out his datapad, and turned it on, it would take a while to load the system, so he put it aside and went on with his introduction.
I believe the represantives of each house are already aware of the situation in Rheinland, so we won't go into much detail regarding that.
As previously discussed, Rheinland requested from the governments of Gallia and Kusari financial assistance to recover Rheinland from the current crisis we are going through. Our main objective during these negotiations is for the three nations to come to a mutual aid agreement which will benefit all parties involved and not Rheinland only.
A secondary objective for these negotiations; discussion of markets expansion, increasing trade between the three houses, and encouraging the corporations to work together, as the three nations can benefit from the resources and production of each other.
After the perfunctory greetings and VIP tours, Prime Minister Shimura Yokitara formally welcomed the delegates from Rhineland and Gallia.
It was fortunate that these two Houses arrived when they did. Shimura was not looking forward to the prospect of delegates from House at war entering Kusari space at the same time. Shimura did not want this kind of meeting overshadowed by diplomatic 'incidents'.
"Konnichwa ladies and gentlemen, friends and neighbours.
We have now come to the main agenda of your visit to Kusari. The Rhineland delegation has raised the specter of a major economic slump ready to engulf their House. There are real economic and strategic implications for this that shall impact upon us all if we do not act.
But the crisis facing Rhineland is also a great opportunity. It is my belief that a general liberalisation of trade, combined with prudent investment, shall allow our Houses to grow their respective economies. With such growth comes the chance to issue new government bonds, backed by access to new markets, new commodities and mineral reserves, and a general surge in consumer and business confidence.
The old Sirian system of reliance on credit, mostly from Liberty, worked well for the Sirian houses during times of peace. However, ever since the events of 800 A.S, the established protocols have been steadily eroded. Wars and blockades are the norm rather than the exception, and the monopolies on credit, and essential commodities are just another weapon in the arsenals Houses use against each other.
Esteemed Delegates, we seated here have the ability to create a new paradigm, a new understanding in terms of how we deal with our economies. During these discussions I shall outline how we can work together to expand and strengthen our respective economies. Each of us has a burden to bear in terms of building and maintaining our nations, and each of us can benefit from cooperation with the other."
Prime Minister Yokitara sat down, the floor was now open to the Gallic Delegation to introduce themselves...
Thibault d'Allemagne stood now. Behind him stood Raphael Montiel, the Assistant Directeur of the Office of Naval Intelligence and a Commandant in the Royal Navy. The GRP transport that thankfully given them transportation after the Eglantine had been damaged during a surprise attack had brought them to New Tokyo swiftly. Thibault wiped his glasses and cleared his throat to begin.
"Bonjour, Monsieur's Hartman and Yokitara. I am Thibault d'Allemagne, Ambassador for Gallia. Grande Marechal Roux sends her deepest apologies for not being here in person; She had wished to conduct this herself, but was unfortunately detained with the current war and the damage to her vessel, the Eglantine
Representatives of the interested houses present, it is with great interest that the representatives of Gallia enter these talks regarding mutual aid and development for our great nations.
We have, on the table, what Rheinland wants ' in general a bailout package, financial assistance although the figures are presently obscure. For Kusari, access to our markets and the ability to use your Jump Drive Technology unhindered. I can see a new influx of traders to Gallia, opening more markets and bringing more culture to us.
In general we find little disagreement in the words of the honourable Kusari representative, and have no problem with the idea of a Rheinland bailout, this could be a great opportunity for both commercial and strategic advances beneficial to all involved.
But, what will we Gallia gain? Besides more goods, what shall we be compensated with? I see many pros for you both, but right now I do not see any pros for us. So, monsieur's, what is on the table for you?
So let us come now and discuss what must be done, what we can do, what is needed, and what is on the table for negotiating. From my seat, you want a bailout package from the Kingdom, but what can Rheinland give in return? And Kusari, this paradigm, what will it entitle for us all?"
After a short recess, with some side discussions, Prime Minister Yokitara re-convened the meeting. He bowed to Ambassador d'Allemagne, and responded to his last main statement.
I would like to take some time here to discuss what I coined as the 'new paradigm' facing our Houses.
The 'new paradigm' in these terms, is a future without the dominance of Liberty in key sectors such as the issuing of new lines of credit, insurance and the strategic technologies of Trade Lanes and Jump Gates.
Ambassador you spoke of the benefit to the Kingdom for granting loans to House Rhineland. From a purely commercial perspective, loans are repaid with interest. If however a part of this means that Gallia wishes to invest in certain holdings in Rhineland, and even Kusari, of course we can talk about that on its merits.
From a strategic perspective, a strong Rhineland remains a threat to Liberty, for at least as long as Liberty remains at war with them.
Furthermore, the benefit to Gallia comes from a general realignment of economic interests away from Liberty. Once House Kusari and Rhineland are no longer bound by unequal terms of trade with Liberty, Liberty's economic clout is diminished.
I am sure that the Rhineland Delegates can provide a complete breakdown, but economic analysts would tell you that one-hundred billion credits would be needed.
This would cover the payment of any outstanding wages, as well as servicing local creditors, and implementing the new accounting standards needed to cope with Gallic trade and financial systems.
Overall, as a result of forming this new economic bloc - Gallia, like Kusari and Rhineland, shall be in the business of wealth creation.
The unhindered use of Jump Drive technology is not intended to be for Kusari's benefit alone. There are some commercial Drive units already on the market, but Kusari has been one of the pioneers of this technology.
Ambassador when you speak of the unhindered use of Jump Drives, I say to you that where laws are relaxed for Gallia, they are relaxed for Kusari and Rhineland as well. So any benefit you could conceive of for us, is automatically granted to you as well.
We offer nothing less than the establishment of a commercial Inter-House Jump Service. As long as we can agree on a common regulatory framework, all our Houses can make use of the service to conduct trade relations. I would say Ambassador d'Allemagne, that this issue deserves time allocated on its own, separate from the issue of finances for Rhineland.
Sven listened to the representatives of Gallia and Kusari, writing on his datapad every now and then. He looked at the representatives, and took a deep breath and stood up.
For hundreds of years Rheinland has been known as an industrial powerhouse. The Walker Nebula is extensive and resourceful, and has fueled the industrial might of our house. Even now Rheinland corporations; Daumann Heavy Construction and Kruger Minerals; are sending explorer drones and surveyors into unexplored sectors of the nebula, looking for new resources to exploit, and new resources are found every year.
The current situation in Rheinland however, has forced the corporations to reduce the workforce and thus, production, slowing down the industrial expansion. With the aid of Gallia and Kusari, the Bundestag will have plenty of resources again, which will in turn benefit the corporations and increase our expansion rate. Gallia and Kusari will benefit from this, as we will be able to offer these resources to Gallia and Kusari, and more importantly, our production capacity to assist rebuilding the Kusari and Rheinland fleets, with a strengthened economy and a renewed industry.
With the Kusarian technology and Rheinland industry, this "economic bloc" will face a new age of wealth, and Gallia as part of the bloc will benefit from it as well, fueling the Kingdom with resources and new markets.
As for the ammount of the bailout package, Rheinland analysts are still discussion the real numbers, a hundred billion credits is a close number to what our preliminary studies suggested, as Prime Minister Yokitara mentioned.
Sven stood in silence for a few seconds, reviewing what he said, then sat down, hoping the Gallic ambassador would be convinced about Rheinland's industrial might.
Thibault d'Allemagne now raised himself and slowly paced the room.
"Well gentlemen a plethora of different avenues are now emerging, many of which align closely with Gallia's viewpoint, it may be beneficial to split them down for ease of progress.
Of primary concern is the "unhindered use of Jump Drives", at present Gallia is full of reports concerning large fleets of ships appearing, plundering and then moving off. This is obviously of potential military concern but we feel of greater importance is the destabilising effect upon trade and commerce. These devices allow circumventing of most normal border controls and massively upset the delicate balance all our commercial fleets are based upon. Not only the trading routes themselves but also all the ancillary industries, commodity supplies, local workforce standards of living etc. Thus Gallia is keen to reduced the severe impact of these devices, whether it be a "commercial Inter-House Jump Service” with a robust agreed “common regulatory framework", potentially including dedicated termini, or even a complete ban.
We also think it prudent that our intelligence services take a more active interest in these drives and try and ascertain how the technology behind them and ability to produce them seems to be everywhere. From a commercial viewpoint their appearance everywhere at the same time in many hands seems a bit odd. Any initial advantages the makers possessed were instantly negated, this make us wonder if there is not a greater plan behind these devices.
Now onto "the business of wealth creation", as you know Gallia is large with a healthy population we thus are always keen to open "new markets", both to supply some of our raw materials and obviously to export many of our unique products and materials. It is therefore of obvious interest that Rheinland is "sending explorer drones and surveyors into unexplored sectors of the nebula" and willing to "offer these resources to Gallia and Kusari". We would thus need a comprehensive and enforceable licensing arrangement for the import and export of materials, possibly with a dedicated control point at the Orkney transit point, we all have the capabilities for space station building, I suggest we consider building a neutral multi-house base at this point as soon as possible to best serve the interests of all the houses and potential license holders.
We have seen the approach Sirius seem to prefer and with alteration of parties and some wording would foresee no problem, for example your Omega Treaty
“4.3 - Corporate vessels of corporations belonging to …………………. and those belonging to the …………. are allowed unrestricted trade access to each others markets.
4.3.1 - Corporations must abide by the local laws regarding contraband and must purchase required permits for restricted goods.
4.3.2 - The ………………… to make available………………………. Permits may be demanded for this good to be purchased, but the requirements for obtaining said permit must not be prohibitive.”
We speak not just of trade movement, it would also be of benefit to all representatives if we fostered more cultural exchanges between our peoples. We propose establishment of quality regular "passenger" routes to allow both our general public and our business leaders to be able to travel in style between the great nations.
Linked to this we get to "If however a part of this means that Gallia wishes to invest in certain holdings in Rhineland, and even Kusari, of course we can talk about that on its merits" itself an interesting phrase.
Due to the length of supply lines it would of course be beneficial for Gallia to have tangible operational depots within Sirian space without the need to obtain them by military might. Ideally a permanent base in say New Berlin and New Tokyo would be useful focal points for trade links."
Thibault d'Allemagne stood still, stroked his chin then with a final flourish sat down with "Messieurs la balle est dans votre camp".
This was the translation carried through to Prime Minister Yokitara. It was time to press for some more concrete dealings. The Prime Minister was preparing to make a rather lengthy speech, and he hoped tat the Delegates would remain alert for the duration.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, there are some proposals on the table we can consider only after a period of development analysis. There is one matter though, that we can agree on and implement immediately to our mutual benefit. This is the matter of an Inter-House Jump Service.
For our part, Kusari considers the unsolicited entry of armed battleship-class vessels a general threat to national security.
That being said, there are existing protocols to allow such entry, including a register of foreign vessels."
The Prime Minister went on for about fifteen minutes detailing the types of register used by the various Houses, citing numerous bureaucratic codes and standard forms.
"So my first recommendation is that all ships participating in this Service should be placed on a common register for the inspection of all our Houses.
The next issue I see is that deportment of a military-grade warship, in the running of such a Service.
In an ideal world, commercial traffic would be unarmed. Such an ideal shall not be seen in our lifetimes, and certainly not in the present environment. The issue is therefore one of balance in my eyes, between the need for national security, and the need for our Service vessels to reasonably defend themselves.
So to what extent could a Service vessel present a threat? In the worst-case scenarios, our strategic analysts consider the seizure of a Service vessel by enemy forces to be the main threat. The considered goal would be the subsequent jump-in to foreign space, with the aim of committing terrorist acts - most notably bombardment of bases and/or planets."
There was nearly a full hour of detailed analysis of previous threats, from Blood Dragon attacks, to security matters originating from Gallia and the Taus, to the assault on Krupp Munitions by the Red Hessians. Military delegates in particular, paid close attention for the entire hour.
"I believe we can mitigate such threats, and also allow for a reasonable defense against any threats. I would propose a prohibition on the deployment of Mortar-class heavy weapon mounts on Service vessels. It is these guns which are capable of delivering high-capacity bombardment to bases and planets.
Another means of mitigating risk would be to use under-strength hulls. I am sure all our respective House Navies have a few older classes of ship we would consider using for this Service. The Ministry of Defense informs me that older Meji-class warships carry an armour rating equivalent to AU8. I am also informed that a lower armour rating such as this has the advantage of freeing up additional cargo space for fuel storage.
I am sure you will all have more to say on the matter of armaments, I have received a wide range of views from within the Ministry of Defence, as well as in meetings with senior officers of the KNF. I am sure that your people will have a similar range of views."
There was a recess, with much private discussion had between the delegates. Food and drink were served and eagerly dined upon.
"Moving on to the matter of arranging suitable locations for this Service to be conducted. I believe it is a simple matter for each House to determine the number, and location of any jump-in points for Service vessels. Indeed, any jump coordinates a House, should be issued only by that House in the interests of national security.
With regards to other sundry regulations concerning the movements of Service vessels, there will of course be local rules and regulations to abide by for all our Houses. I feel we owe it to ourselves to ensure that regulations are not onerous, for the Jump Service is designed to encourage trade, not stifle it.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have outlined for some of the salient points concerning this new technology, and how we might harness it to our own benefit. I would like for you all to add your weight to this discussion - in the hope that we can draft some clauses towards an overall agreement between us."
Thibault d'Allemagne rocked upon his chair, 'I hope fellow delegates do not mind if I pick up the proceedings before our distinguished Rheinlander representatives speak'.
'Prime Minister Yokitara your translators are impeccable, that was exactly the phrase I ended with and I am please that you have responded with a number or returned 'balls'. It is interesting that you place the Inter-House Jump Service as the initial concern. In an ideal world we probably would wish to turn the clock back, we see the jump drive as a massive destabilising force within the delicate social, economic and military balance of the Universe.
However the people of Gallia are pragmatists so we concur with your general approach to maximising the potentials the jump drive may offer whilst minimising risk. Gallia also considers the unsolicited entry of armed battleship-class vessels as a security threat and thus perceive the control and potential de-fanging of these ships of paramount importance to any protocols.
The first point currently on the table ]all ships participating in this Service should be placed on a common register' would be considered the absolute basic requirement with any plans. This will need rigourous policing and we have to make sure that we are not allowing access to any enemies of any of the three houses signatory nations. It would not make sense for Kusari to sanction jumping of their friends into Rheinland space if they were not also considered Rheinlands friends as well, each group would need to have absolute powers of veto.' Thibault pauses then stresses 'Have we all considered potential sovereignty issues?'
He then rises and begins what is now becoming a trademark pacing around the room.'We also realise that we cannot guarantee absolute safety to any jumping ship so they need some potential defence capabilities. The suggestion of a 'prohibition on the deployment of Mortar-class heavy weapon mounts' is a welcome clause but is it far enough? For the foreseeable pirate deployments they may face are secondaries and flak turrets not enough? '
Thibault steeples his fingers, stops pacing and pauses for what seems an age but was in fact only a few second , just enough to allow people to collect their thoughts before the pacing restarts with a obviously phrased 'fly in the ointment'. 'That said however there is an obvious problem with our Valor battleship design, the longitudinal gun is intergral to structural integrity, we thus have a problem with Gallic prime jumpships. Is there a potential to supply Kusari or Rheinland capital ships in order to limit Gallic weapon capacity? If not then removing heavy weapons may be a moot point.
So in general, to this point we have no real problems with what is on the table. With the next point however our strategists have arrived at a different end point regarding armour. As one of the prime problems seems to be pirate defence when in foreign space we think it would make more sense to increase the jumpship survivability and think carrying an armour rating equivalent to HAU8 is more desirable. Not only will this aid in their survival it will open a longer window of time in which local police and military craft can come to their aid.
Drinks anyone?' asks Thibault as he strides to the crystal decanter set and pours himself a neat spirit of some description.
'Regarning your final point Prime Minister the determination of 'the number, and location of any jump-in points' raises many interesting scenarios. Of prime concern is the mitigation of potential destabilisation to local economies. Would it not be prudent for us to start with only one jump-in location at the onset? It would be logical to build a single dedicated terminus in each house space. Somewhere we can monitor and protect easily. Local transports could supply these termini, maintaining local economies, and jump ships could focus on these termini for supplies. With the resources of three houses to draw upon these could swiftly be constructed. We could also consider having a multi-house peacekeeping force stationed at these termini bases.
The benefits of this approach are numerous. Instead of having alien vessels jumping where-ever they want they are jumping to dedicated 'supermarche'. These one stop 'shops' will allow us to impose limited non-onerous regulations for the jumpers, allow us to maximise their safety by having readily available lawful protection, allow us to regulate imports and exports also importantly allow us to maximise our security by limiting the movement of foreign ships in house space.
Fellow representatives I have sketched out the thoughts of Gallia on the matter of the jump trade potentials and realise time is proceeding apace. Although we have much to discus about other aspects of these talks, especially more normal trade expansion and access to Gallia, I will sit down and allow us to sort one clause at a time.'
Hartman kept silent for a few seconds, thinking on the words the representatives of Gallia and Kusari; after some time he noticed the room was eagerly waiting for an answer.
Well it seems like the jump ship concept is starting to take a more solid shape.
He paused for a second
We understand Gallia's concerns about their Valor class Battleship, and we are sure some groups within Rheinland will raise concerns about their presence, despite we all have the best intentions in mind. There is indeed a possibility to supply Rheinland battleships, however due to security concerns, this would first have to be discussed with Rheinland Military High Command. If we can't, then removing weapon restriction entirely would be easier solution.
As for armor rating, I agree that given the potentially hostile scenarios jump-trade convoys might face, allowing said battleships a superior armor rating is a must.
He paused again, and looked at his datapad.
Regarding setting up an "entry point" for jump ships, I believe this would be the best choice we currently have. It's not a secret for anyone that law abiding groups are not the only ones with access to the jump technology. Defining specific entry points for jump ships into each of the houses, will allow a better control of said convoys. Any group jumping into a house outside of this entry point would simply be treated as hostile. Aditionally as Gallia stated, a multinational force will ensure the security of ships jumping into the houses, and allow a better control of jump transit in and out.
Prime Minister Yokitara was pleased that Gallia and Rheinland had finally come to the table, to him it seemed that business sense was prevailing over military hard-heads and conservative sentiments towards foreigners.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have enough on the table now to move forward, and I would like to submit the following motion concerning an Inter-House Jump Service"
Data copies of the following motion were distributed, as well as projected into the main viewing area:
The Republic of Kusari, the Republic of Rheinland, and the Kingdom of Gallia agree to establish an Inter-House Jump Service (hereby referred to as the "Service").
This Service shall consist of the following elements:
1) Registration of one or more Battleship-class vessels, known as Service Vessels, capable of operating a Type IV Jumpdrive Engine. These Service Vessels shall be placed on a common register available to the relevant law-enforcement agencies of each participating House.
2) Designation of a hyperspace coordinate to allow the Service to operate. House authorities shall be responsible for issuing coordinates, and such data remains the sole property of the issuing House.
3) Rules and regulations concerning the operation of Service Vessels. House authorities shall be responsible for issuing rules and regulations for their own House as required. House laws apply from the moment any ship enters the relevant House space.
That was all there was to it. At such a high level of talks it was important to keep things concise. Leave it to the local bureaucrats to argue about the details to be put on their own laws and charters.
"I believe this motion captures the essence of this Service, and what we hope to achieve with it. This motion should provide sufficient framework for our law-makers to work with. We are free to provide the details on rules and regulations as are necessary for our own requirements.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe we are on the threshold of a new wave of economic growth for our nations. I urge you all to ratify this motion, and bestow on our people the first gift to come from these talks."