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My name's Chieftan Mc Cormack.
Ever since I turned 10 I've been fighting with a rifle or a gun of some sort and for so many different causes I can't even count 'em on what's left of me fingers.
Fer the past 12 years though I've been fightin fer the Molly's. I was always a Molly, from the day I was born and I will be one till the day I die, which could be soon fer all I know.
To get te the point though.
I command the Gaelic. A fearsome Destroyer that's seen too many scrapes fer the beauty she is but she did it all fer us and fer you and your children.
I, with permission from the Republic's command, be forming an Official Warband to take the fight back to the damn Corsairs who obliterated Cork and stuck a knife deep into the heart of the Mollys.
I say we fight back and it seems Command agrees.
So then, I be callin all like-minded Mollys to sign up 'ere or make themselves known somehow to me.
You'll be takin' the fight to the Corsairs and makin sure that Cork be avenged.
We will have our revenge and it will be in the blood of the bastards who did this to Cork.