I keep trying to think of what I can add to the model to make it 'bigger', but nothing looks right =(
If I add extra wings onto it like the collector, it loses the sleek feel that it's got now. I think the only way we're gonna be able to make it 'big' is to keep the double-pilot cockpit style, which I'm not really fond of but it's something I can live with.
It does still have a fairly small front profile, but a large side profile to balance that out. I think hitbox-wise it would be balanced, nobody ever said it had to be as manuverable as a redcat - slightly slower is fine considering the junker ships tend to have larger cargo holds.
I like the wings of the collector. Adding similar wings would help the bomber blend in with collectors and maybe make it seem less threatening until it unleashes its big guns.
' Wrote:I like the wings of the collector. Adding similar wings would help the bomber blend in with collectors and maybe make it seem less threatening until it unleashes its big guns.
-Added Collector-Style Wings to the sides of the body
-Altered the interior of the cockpit - added a seperate 'floor' to the interior to seperate texturing, and now there's fancy new chairs! I like to relax in a lay-z-boy when i'm blastin xenos :P