|::Incoming Message...
|::Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Valence Harper - Liberty Navy
|::Opening Message...
I won't bother to repeat what Ms. Casper stated, however, I will add more evidence to her report.
Over our communications channel, Mr. Eddy Looper contacted me that there were some hostiles at Texas, near Sugarland, and that they probably needed assistance. I jumped into my Havok bomber and proceeded to his location.
Casper on my wing, I was 25k from their location when I recieved a message stating that one of the LSF fighters were downed by the hostiles.
Nearing the combat scene, Looper informed me that the current target is a Rogue Gunboat, Zamfir, if I'm not mistaken. Firing my Debilitators until his shields went down, I then powered up my SuperNova and fired it. A direct hit made the Gunboat's hull buckle.
A few more shots from the other fighters, and the gunboat exploded.
There were still 2 more hostiles left. A Rogue Barghest bomber, and an Slipstream fighter. We firts proceeded to destroy the Barghest. After a few missed shots, I managed to land a MiniRazor hit on the unfortunate bomber, which destroyed it.
Turning towards the Slipstream, I fired several Debilitator shots, which tore down his shields. I activated my MiniRazor and started to fire it at him. Several minutes went by without us managing to significantly damage its hull.
Looper then asked us to stand down, so he could take the Slipstream by himself. I agreed, and ordered the rest of the ships to halt their firing for a second.
A little over 20 seconds, and Looper landed a critical hit ont he Slipstream, destroying it completely. After congratulating him on his wonderful shot, we then headed back to New York.
I recieved reports of some pirate activity in California, so, under Admiral Talon's orders, I flew with him to California. Completing a full round of the tradelane route, and finding no hostiles, Admiral Talon and I proceeded to head back to New York. Just as the Admiral jumped through, my sensors detected a Rogue in a Falcata. Turning towards it, I engaged my cruise engines and closed in.
Coming within range, I killed the engine, and fired a cruise disruptor towards the Rogue, disabling his cruise. A few minutes of fighting, without the Rogue landing any significant hull damage to me, I managed to destroy him, only to find myself surrounded by Rogue Gunboats and a Barghest bomber, 2k out.
Before I could engage my cruise engines, they had closed in and were engaging me. I tried to fly evasively, taking potshots on the Barghest, but it was no use. The Gunboats were missile platforms, and my Avenger couldn't out-maneuver the missiles. I soon ejected before my Avenger was destroyed.
I was picked up by a passing trader and he kindly dropped me off at Norfolk, where their engineers had another Avenger waiting for me, all fully prepped.
=LSF=Fluid then informed me that they were engaged on the West Point - California Gate lane, so I headed over there.
Imagine my surprise as I found that Admiral Talon, LSF Fluid and Sarah Willows were being attacked by at least 5 of them, perhaps more. So, after a few taunts aimed towards the pirates, I engaged.
All of our fire was directed towards a HellFire Legion Falcata. However, LSF Fluid first got rid of a Lane Hacker. Finishing off the Hacker, he turned his attention back towards the HellFire ship.
Severely weakening, the HellFire ship made his way to the heavily fortified Rogue Destroyer nearby, with us dead on his tail. Evading fire from the Destroyer's guns. A minute later, the HellFire ship exploded, its hull shattering under the firepower of our combined weapons fire.
We then aimed for Koverias Haevarion, another pirate. This one we took down swiftly.
Turning our attention to the last remaining pirate, a Rogue by the name of Anthony Crowley, we started to fire on him, but he evaded many of our shots, in what seemed like a last ditch attempt to escape. Eventually, he got tired of it, and tried to engage us.
Out of the blue, an Order Gunboat captained by Kaize Soze shows up, and starts firing on us. He proved a bigger threat, so we engaged him.
Crowley then stated that he had nothing to do with the Order vessel showing up.
A few minutes passed with us continually firing on the weakening gunboat, imagine our surprise when 4 more Rogue Gunboats popped up on radar.
Smugly, Crowley then confessed that he had something to do with the bringing of the additional Rogue forces.
Admiral Talon then noted that 2 of the new gunboats were missile boats, and ordered a retreat. We all then activated our cruise engines, and made our way out. However, Talon was under heavy fire from the rest, and his engines were being disrupted, as his supplies were running out. I then tried to draw away the fire from him, but it was no use. His ship was destroyed. However, we were near West Point, and his pod managed to safely escape and dock at that station.
The Rogues then turned their attention to me, and disrupted my every attempt to escape. Once again, the missiles were too hard to out-maneuver, and my Avenger was destroyed again. As with Talon, I managed to safely escape to West Point.
The beginning of the day was great. We were winning, and suppressing the Rogues. However, nearing the end of the above combat scenario, I am ashamed to say that we were out gunned, and outnumbered, as 5 fighters, including LSF Serpico, who arrived towards the end of the battle, were no match for the missile boats.
I am currently unable to show the last recorded images of the fight, as the engineers on the Missouri are trying to pry it from my ship's blackbox. Rest assured, I will be able to show it when it is done.
That's my second Avenger today... I have a hefty bill on my hands...
It seems that smugglers are a large problem in Liberty currently. Many we catch, but many escape. Many feel it's wise not to comply to an Officers commands and instead try and flee and dock on a nearby station.
Here i have evidence of 2 smugglers that need to be comprehended, questioned, and fined!
Both of these smugglers didn't stop when asked to, and then docked on Manhattan to sell their goods. Neither of them returned to space so i could question or fine them either.
I've had reports on Manhattan of a new teenager culture of the "happy pill" I believe it is the smuggling of cardimine into Liberty and onto Manhattan that is providing this new black market. The teenagers and children of Manhattan are too naieve to believe that this pill is anything but good, and it's up to us to stop this outrageous act.
Therefore, both Zeus and Storm_warrior owe 4 million in a fine i believe, and if they don't comply one more time, then i feel they should be destroyed, along with their cargo..
The Ithaca's research team successfully deployed Drone-p01 earlier today at 14:00 hours.
Drone One is a basic and cheap alternative to the Sentinel system; a lightweight and intelligent Fly-by-wire package installed on a modified LZF-6364 'Patriot' Light Fighter. The Drone's equipment is currently very basic until more field tests are completed.
The Drone accepts basic commands from authorised Liberty Armed Forces personnel via the easy-to-use Armed Forces Commlink Interface. In addition, it will also respond to backup calls from Liberty Armed Forces personnel.
Unfortunately My ship was severly damaged by a slipstream light fighter dubbed LH~Phate~ while on patrol a few days ago. I'm still perplex by how it seem to have done more damage than the xeno's VHF I encountered other day in very little time. My ship was severly damaged and I was forced to bail out my guess is he used powerful missiles in order to inflict heavy damage to my hull. I also believe the impacting missile detonateda mine that either I or he dispensed seconds earlier. With this in mind I intend to brush up on my timing while using such unstable weapons. (//possible training in conneticut) Some time after my next offday next week.
****Incoming Transmission****
-----ID: Lt. Mike Ypsilantis-----
Another busy day for Liberty. Upon launch, I found reports of two phantoms in Texas. Knowing full well the threat of these phantoms, I gathered the forces at Norfolk and then we launched out attack.
The fight then split between Suzanna and Nightsmoke and the rest on Gloom. Gloom managed to destroyed Bixtri's and Officer Walsh's ship, but I managed to retrieve their pods. Eventually, Gloom fled through a unknown jump hole, and Nighsmoke fled as well.
Then, we once again gathered our forces at Cali gate to combat a large battalion of pirates in Cali.
We then launched our attack upon them, and found 2 lane hacker gunboats, 1 bomber, and 1 sabre.
The two Gunboats quickly fell to our forces, but the pirates were further reinforced with another bomber and a third rogue gunboat.
The fight continued for a while, but eventually, the pirates succumbed to our forces. I was both surprised and grateful to find that there were not casualties on our side.
Then, we began to return to NY, where I checked out reports of hostiles in Alaska, when I suddenly got a mayday from one of the patrols. There was a Lane Hacker Spyglass. I quickly joined the chase from NY to Cali after the Spyglass.
We managed to stop it at California Minor and we opened fire.
The Spyglass soon fell to our fire.
Another day, another victory for Liberty!
****End Transmission****
' Wrote:TDL Dark pretty much hit the nail on the head..
This was another of those boring old days in which nothing happened.
I got into my flight suit, entered the cockpit of my Avenger Very Heavy fighter, and set out to patrol the New York system.
As I was listening to the random chats the commoners were having in the systemwide channel, I heard a special word: Slave.
I immediately went to ask who was smuggling said person, and got a line on him. His current location was Fort Bush, but I knew no time was to be wasted, as he could be moving any second now.
During the tradelane travel, I was wondering what I could encounter, and it was... how do we say it... exceptional?
At Fort Bush was a pilot in a ship named Jagger_Delivery, he was flying in a Raven Claw loaded up with all the commodities for a long journey, and even had a Slave with him- the slave the people must've been talking about.
I started up a chat with this peculiar fellow, and it seemed he was alot more ''civilized'' to say, as he dropped the slave immediately on my demand to be beamed up by my fellow Police officers.
I further had a chat with him about his ship, and if he had any rights to own it, but the only thing I got from him was that he was a former Zoner Military, and that he got the rights from his chief to purchase the ship.
Now I don't know who that ''chief'' person was, but I decided to just note his name down and let him go. We might want to get a hold of him later.
After I left him at Fort Bush, (God knows why he still was hanging around) a new message came in about a trader, someone whose ship was called ''Free_Trader_003'' or something along those lines.
He was told to be smuggling Cardamine into Manhattan, but by the time I came there, he already unloaded his cargo and ran off into Alaskan space.
New Transmission Comm ID:Tiberius Source: Planet Curacao, Cortez System Entering code: ******** Link Established...
I would like to remind Hitomi Mahler that Alaska does not exist... And to keep such an imagination locked up in her own mind.
Dear, Liberty Law-Enforcement Spacecraft and Warships
In recent light of Human Traffickers most notably those who buy and sell slaves reportedly jettisoning some slaves in an attempt to confuse a Navy/LPI/LSF Craft who instinctively tries to safe as much pods as possible before they run out of air, and sadly is unable to due to the cargo space on Liberty's Starfighters.
This is no longer our concern, DSE and Ageira Inc. Have offered several re-fitted Heavy Lifters and Repair Ships
to this cause, if you should encounter a smuggler attempting to jettison his slaves leaving you scrambling to save as much as you can simply signal any of DSE's or Ageira's Rapid Response stations located throughout Liberty and some of the Border worlds and in record time their Retrieval Agents will be on the scene to facilitate the situation and collect all of the life-pods.
Thank you for your time.
-Tiberius Walker
Link disengaged.
//Basically if he jettisons the slaves - RP-Wise Ageira/DSE will pick em up. Just a small touch I figured I should add to Liberty since ive seen so many "Sadly I couldn't get all the slaves in time" - It looks better this way!
Tiberius Walker, putting flames out and being awesome since Apr 13 2008
[8/17/2008 5:56:46 PM] Aaron (Boss/Jurgen) says: Can't bring myself to say it... Looks like you get the LABC, I've seen what you can do in one
Walker (Albert Wint): I can has win? --- Epyon the Bored: You can haz win. --- [1:18:00 PM] Chris (Niezck) says: I love you <3
[5:55:53 PM] Raisu says: Walker pwned both Battleships(LNS-Texas LNS-Arizona) - [5:55:57 PM] Raisu says: in a cruiser Tiberius Walker, spreading mayhem, destruction, and Spamming Flood since Oct 22 2008
[9:08:25 AM] Gurjiv (Frozen) says: I hope someone gives you AIDs.
[7:15:17 PM] Dylan (Ximen) says: Walker... you have no idea how much fail you bring into this world...
[8:05:08 AM] Ross (SevereTrinity) says: Screw you for making me install FL again
[10:51IE AM] Epyon the Bored says: My god if I ever meet you I am going to strangle you. Tiberius Walker, being better then you since April 30, 2009 â¢
We will remember - We do not Forget - We do not Forgive
**Incoming Transmission**
Transmitted from: DW-Apache
Target Destination: Liberty High Command
Regarding: Slave traders in Texas system
While travelling towards the New York system I encountered a few merchant class vessels with illegal cargo onboard. In the Texas system today I located 3 traders carrying slaves onboard.
Belrend also attempted to deliver Cardamine to Planet Houston.
There were no available Liberty Forces on shift to handle the capture.
His ship was engaged and destroyed for refusal to drop the contraband and for prior slave trafficing.
Due to your outstanding performance in the field of battle, and the fact you have begun to show your skills in leadership, I am hereby promoting you from Ensign, to Lieutenant.