This is so impossible it doesnt even belong under suggestions, but I refuse to let an idea simply die in my head, so Im putting it here to attract comments and likely ridicule for its ambitious lunacy.:lol:
The three words we all salivate over; player owned/built stations. so its four. I cheated.:P
This is how it would work...
first youd need to examine a mod called 'superdock' which can supposedly make anything dockable.
make an item requiring ridiculous, as in 30 times what an osiris requires, money and cargo space, that when dumped and hailed, would spawn into a station.
buyable only if you have an ID other than civillian, it would aquire the rep of your ID, and somehow your character would be linked to that new station so that if you dock you get an extra room where you can offload new equipment into the station, get money to or from it, and equip or remove it through a menu.
There would be highly expensive items that could make the station steadily produce comodities for its owner(s) or mount guns, or sell certain ships or rquipment packages and store the money from the sale...
These packets would be brought where applicable, IE a capship production blueprint at a shipyard, and the actual component for selling a ship class (something all blueprints would depend on based on a class system) at an industrial station, or a gun mount structure at a place like detroit munitions....
so you could by a Liberty DN blueprint at Norfolk if you have good enough rep, buy a shipyard module at say pueblo, then equip these and your station could sell dreadnoughts and youd get the proceeds dumped into the stations inventory as credit cards.
theyd be insanely strong, but not 100% invincible, but still very strong even at first, and especially once well equipped.
stations would need to be persistent, but by examining the configuration for wrecks/players theres sure to be a way to make them impervious to server reset. Maybe by linking the stations attributes to a piece of equipment in the controlling character's inventory, which would also serve as his station owner key.
it would be transferable, and unloosable in combat and unsellable on bases.
Impossible... right? thought so. oh well.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to several friends of mine, they like to keep a fixed distance from me most of the time, and they have a tendancy to spin and gyrate on multi-directional mounts faster than you can compensate for. They disgorge 75 isojoules of subatomic disruptive destructive energy. Fear the tachyon cannons"
I certainly wish that this were possible, particularly for this game. Tbh the main thing that annoys me about Freelancer is how static the entire universe is.
Imagine, dynamically constructing and destroying space stations/small outposts/gun platforms/etc at various strategic points in the Sirius sector.
You could have for example a tiny outpost temporarily built by a pirate faction on a popular but out of the way trade route to act as a base for quick raids on nearby shipping. When the authorities arrive the pirates flee, leaving the outpost to be destroyed but collecting more money/goods in the process.
Later on, the lawfuls could build a space station in the vicinity of some important pirate base to keep tabs on them, only to be heavily raided or destroyed by the pirates later on. The possibilities are (relatively) endless.
Too bad we probably won't see such a wonderful system being implemented, though we can insanely hope ;)
in my opinoin it can be a big help for RP. For example a SynthFood trader build a SynthFood station which make SynthPast but the Station also need other things like Water for the Workers on it so the player who own this station has to by water somewhere and take it to the Station. But if he not want to do this he can make a contract wiht a player faction like RepEX and now the Player pay RepEx for delivering his Station with Water.
May its not possible but if it is it will be a great thing for RP it think
another example: Corsairs want to build a station in Omega 3 for better pirating now they have to defend this Station cause it can be damaged and destroyed and if its get destroyed the half of the price get to the owner and all equipment and cargo who he stored there get back to him.
why the Hessains should be looking how the Corsairs get a better chance to pirate they form a raid and attack and may destroy the station so the RP can be made a bit more interresting i think or not ?
Simply put, not possible.
It would require modifying the system file where the station is for everyone who uses the server. That essentially means a patch.
Yeah, that was my guess, but still, it was an interesting thought, the main point being, is it possible to piggyback persistence and existence characteristics of an object onto a piece of equipment.
And, I have, by the way, never even played the demo of Eve Online.:P
"Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to several friends of mine, they like to keep a fixed distance from me most of the time, and they have a tendancy to spin and gyrate on multi-directional mounts faster than you can compensate for. They disgorge 75 isojoules of subatomic disruptive destructive energy. Fear the tachyon cannons"
' Wrote:in my opinoin it can be a big help for RP. For example a SynthFood trader build a SynthFood station which make SynthPast but the Station also need other things like Water for the Workers on it so the player who own this station has to by water somewhere and take it to the Station.
I had a similar idea, if you introduced clan specific equipment, which is made at the clan base, and needs certain "ingredients" in order to make them.
That would give people incentive to go trawling across the galaxy to get them, or to set up trade agreements, etc.
This could be doable by means of a fudge (e.g. admin intervention), but I don't know if it's possible to do properly.