that line has 1 for me... i think the falcon was tweaked.
Even the tag for the falcon was dsy_ge_fighter5
anyway... you guys just do whatever you feel with the stats.. im jsut having fun with it in open SP;)
But sure i'll reduce the powerplant to a centurion and see how it goes. If it's too weak (i think it might me) i can try the eagle or sabre as fero sugested.
I would suggest something a Corsair exclusive. A fighter interceptor. 4 class 10's, Dual CD/Torpedo mount, an Hammerhead powerplant, (9000/900) 8K of armor, and somewhere around Eagle agility, BUT with the current mass of the Sabre, to make it able to strafe better. A compact size would not hurt either.
Well i don't think i'm gonna fiddle anymore The devs will change it to whatever they please.. though the latest of Fero's sugestions did not put me off either.
To what mail should I submit the ship to?;)Still waiting for Igiss to get back at me:P
You should submit your ship in the appropriate thread. Ship submissions for 4.85, here in developer section.
At least I think that's the procedure. Or you should send a PM to Iggis, and then see how it should be done with him.
Or have a word/two with people who already submitted their ships, like AoM, Jinx or Doom.
Anyway, this is also insane :
Quote:I would suggest something a Corsair exclusive. A fighter interceptor. 4 class 10's, Dual CD/Torpedo mount, an Hammerhead powerplant, (9000/900) 8K of armor, and somewhere around Eagle agility, BUT with the current mass of the Sabre, to make it able to strafe better. A compact size would not hurt either.
The bold part is totally out of the question. We don't need any more lag simulation ships.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
I dont know why, but I have battled many Sabres in my life, and it feels far than a lag simulator. I can easily hit a Sabre, provided no ally bumps me while I minimize our transversal velocity.
But anyway, yes, the mass of the Sabre (thats set at 75 even on vanilla I think) is very low, so you can assume I was overenthusiastic on that one. Still, I cannot stress out more that an interceptor needs to be good at dodging, so you can react to mines, Supernova shots or Infernos.
You haven't fought the right people, then.
Tapping thruster button in a Sabre produces the so-called 'lag effect' and the ship becomes very hard to hit.
Reason for this is very low mass which allows it to change speeds rapidly.
That means it needs 2x less time to go from 0 to 200 speed, and half of the regular time to go from 200 to 0 again.
Same goes for strafe. It accelerates to max-strafe speed 2x faster then 150 mass VHF's.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
For quite a long time now the Centurion has been a tad overlooked as a ship. I think it flies extremely nicely as it is.
This model is just superb. Beautiful. Nice work.
In terms of stats,Ain't no way in hell I'#m letting them damned corsairs get a ship that flies like an HF but has VHF firepower, especialy if (as I'm sure is happening) the sabre is gunna take a nerf.
What would be nice is if we could make the Stiletto usable as well... I'd love to see more people flying HF's and why not start the craze out in the omicrons. I look forward to getting shot at by one of these already.
It does. For an average VHF with lower then HF power supply, HF armor and class 8's and 9's.
Really, it's a HF with a speed of Titan.
Titan is not bad, while it's MUCH better then Centurion.
I'v used both for a while (Titan for a year).
Centurion isn't a good HF, but I hope it will be in 4.85.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
I'm gonna talk as of the original plan for the role of this ship, which is a VHF/Bomber killer. A Space Superiority HF. I'm gonna talk about my tests in Open SP vs BH and Nomad NPCs in Gamma.
I know all too well that this ship is meant to be balanced for PVP and not PVE, however I couldn't test it in a PVP environment yet. So please take all the below notes as personal experiences given the limitations that I could only test it in a PVE environment.
What it needs:
*Agility... enough to make an Titan break necks trying to cope with the turns, make and Eagle sweat a bit, but not enough that even other HF's will feel the same. Wether it's achieved by a fast turn rate or improved straffing, It simply needs to be very agile when compared to VHFs. This ship is meant to outdodge them above all.
*Weapon Systems and pwoerplant in line with the ship's class (In my opinion a 6xclass 9's setup delivers a nice enough punch without being overpowered. A powersource that is as efficient firing 4xSalamancas(class9) on this ship as an eagle's powerplant is efficient firing 4xcodies.
*The base armor value of 8200 seems fitting for the agility and a powerful shield allows it to remain agile and go toe to toe with the VHFs... a Class 10. Remember this ship is going to be dodging Codies and even worse. In my tests... one good barrage on this ship can take out it's shield and armor and send the pilot back to home base on the escape pod.
I don't think that this setup is in any sort of way overpowered. I don't even say that it's the best or only way. In fact I'm hoping people may agree or not and point out flaws in my reasoning and why it is so. Perhaps some other setups will remain true to this ship's intended spirit and make it even better at it without undermining the rest of the balance. I hope i can find out.
At this point im jsut throwing sugestions based on my flight experience in FL and what I tested with this ship.
I still know and fully expect that if it's accepted, the devs will tinker with the stats the way they feel right, and I'll support them no matter what. They know best... better than me at least. I'm just a guy that models stuff.
Now debate to your heart's content... in a civil way ofc:)