Do you know Akumabito, I really have no clue as to why you hang out around here. The infrastucture is
most obviously corrupt, the place is falling down round our collective ears, and absolutely no one enjoys
any time on the forums and server ... Ever.
The size of the chip on your shoulder must have caused the devastation of an entire small South American
rainforest, and I have it on good authority that minor European Royal Families, and the Pope, have now
changed their reading habits.
Its old mate, the soapbox has collapsed, the masses like me, don't need an entity to champion their causes,
especially when totally transparently, the championing is done for entirely selfish reasons.
Want to be a idealist? Go sacrifice yourself elsewhere please.
"Maintenance, spillage in forum 5 ... Looks like another martyr, and this one is old enough to know better."
"I know dear, their highly opinionated blood is always a bitch to get out, better pop some cillit bang in with
the mop and bucket."
Fellow Hoodlum (Just a plain old member)
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Hoodlum, if you don't think there is room for improvement on the server than I would say you have a point, but I know there is a lot of room for improvement, and it can start with you. Don't be so quick to put snide comments in when you use your administrator stick for instance.
I like the server, I like playing freelancer, that's why I'm here, trying to make the server the best it can be, for me and others like me. That's why we are all here, isn't it? Sure it's selfish but then so is everyone here, you are selfish toward you and the admins, the factions are selfish for the factions, etc...
Do I have certain issues I harp on? Of course I do. Poor or biased administration and factions bullying indies. My hope is that one day those will improve to the point where they are not an issue for me, and that's why I comment on these topics. They aren't popular topics here on the forums, which are admin and faction heavy, but hey, I can handle it better than most.
If you want to ban me, trump up something and ban me. If you want to go around locking threads that don't need locking because I made a point in them keep doing that as well, but don't pretend that I don't have a reason to be here that isn't as valid as anyone elses. I'm here for the server.
On a slow day in New York, you might find me spouting the precepts of Discordianism or Ontological Anarchy; but I tend to agree with Gronath. The RP which I have espoused since the days of Lightfoot are probably not best presented in that environment. It is too convoluted for the average cabbage, and would be wasted on the majority of "regulars" hanging about Manhattan.
And 'bito, do I need to be told the difference between opinion and fact? In your case, of course not. However, I would suggest that you've lost the ability to discrimate between the two.
What a bleak reality tunnel you live in, sir. Hoodlum the player has your number. Hoodlum the Admin has far more integrity than to be troubled by your vacuous gut-rumblings.
Perhaps you would be happier on one of those other "failing" servers, lad. I personally would not miss your rather suspect statements of "fact". But of course, mine is merely one squeeky voice in the babble of consensus.
' Wrote:And 'bito, do I need to be told the difference between opinion and fact? In your case, of course not.
Well then do so, and feel free to comment on them as you see fit, not that you need my permission or I yours.
' Wrote:What a bleak reality tunnel you live in, sir.
That's your opinon, right? :lol: My reality is far from bleak, but it is based on reality. Game servers, like online games, don't last forever. Saying that the server will die if there isn't enough RP in system chat is a bit hysterical and doesn't really reflect the reality of the situation. Thinking that the handful of people here in this forum have a real impact on that is not really putting things in perspective.
' Wrote:I personally would not miss your rather suspect statements of "fact".
I think we can both agree that neither of us would miss the other much. Unlike you I am more concerned with what I do on the server that what others do it seems. Oh well, live and let live has no place here.