Age: 24
Height: 7'5"; He has no idea why he is so tall, and hates standing out.
Build: Quite slim; underfed in his youth
Hair: Short, brown
Eyes: A slightly greyish blue
He was born and raised on his father's trade ship, to a loving father (who died when Ed was only 4), and a maladjusted mother. After his father died, his mother moved to Manhattan.
He was always bullied (due to his height, mostly) and never seemed to fit in at school, he blamed his mother for this as she would send him to private schools, believing education to be the most important thing. He did inherit her technical mind, but he's too nervous to put it to good use. He moved to Los Angeles shortly after leaving school; he couldn't bare to be around the ghost of his former mother (not dead, just heavily affected by the loss of the father).
For a long time, he was a cleaner on the streets of Los Angeles, never wanting a career with more social interaction, despite the prospect of more money. He's more of a sentimental, sensitive type; the few friends he has had throughout various stages life have been girls. Recently, he was fed up with his life, and decided to make a change. He was inspired by his father, and so he became a trader. He gets very jumpy in the depths of space, even in Liberty. When attacked by pirates, he is often too shakey to aim his turrets correctly, so he tries to run. He does love the thrill of blowing up pirate ships, though, and isn't afraid to show that to other people.
He's mostly a lawful guy, as long as the law is correct. He's not quite sure that the liberty police are adequate, but will comply with them nonetheless. He's very distrustful of robots, after a robot ship threatened him.
He yearns to explore, yet he's too scared of what might be through the next jump gate. Maybe when he's more confident. He's hoping to meet some nice people who will help him, both in his job, and socially.