It is all a question of ID. CR's ID does not allow them to stop smugglers or traders, so unless the ship in question is wearing an Outcast ID, they can't do anything about it. Now we all know most Cardi smugglers carry the smuggler ID and not the Outcast ID, Same with Corsairs. Now the Pirate ID and the Military/Police/BH ID allow stopping of smugglers and Traders, but Corporate ID's do not, so CR is left in the situation of not being about to stop Cardi smugglers.
Edit: I think blindly going after their traders is poor form, but possibly within the rules.
If we get a CR trader in Alpha we blow it up. No questions asked, enemy convoy, probably carrying something valuable to an enemy, we let fly with everything we have.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Depends on ID. If it is an IMG (or other faction that isn't a trade specific ID) ID you can treat it like it was a combat ship. (This is on the fairly radical assumption that my reading of the rules is correct)
The RoS have a fleet of OC tagged and ID'd pirate trains and transports. We havbe no problems with them being engaged much as we would be in our sabres or falcatas. Infact we regard it as rather good fun.