Not sure if this has been answered previously, but will cap ships gain access to anti-bomber weapons in 4.85? When i say 'anti-bomber', obviously i mean weapons that are good only against bombers, not against other capital craft. I really hope these weapons will be available in 4.85, or the bombers get nerfed. In my opinion, a bomber taking down a fighter just isn't right.
' Wrote:Not sure if this has been answered previously, but will cap ships gain access to anti-bomber weapons in 4.85? When i say 'anti-bomber', obviously i mean weapons that are good only against bombers, not against other capital craft. I really hope these weapons will be available in 4.85, or the bombers get nerfed. In my opinion, a bomber taking down a fighter just isn't right.
Quote:Not sure if this has been answered previously, but will cap ships gain access to anti-bomber weapons in 4.85? When i say 'anti-bomber', obviously i mean weapons that are good only against bombers, not against other capital craft. I really hope these weapons will be available in 4.85, or the bombers get nerfed. In my opinion, a bomber taking down a fighter just isn't right.
So anti-bomber weapons are needed, because a bomber piloted by a good pilot can beat a fighter 1v1 occasionally? If it's an escorting situation, the bomber would be in trouble if jousts the fighter escort, considering the speed and power of capital ship weapons.
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caps should get anti-bomber weapons... and bomber taking down fighter isn't right...
ehh what are you actually asking about?
1. Anti-bomber weapons for caps will get changed in 4.85 but their names will mostly remain the same
for GBs - Solaris, Missiles and "normal" turrets
Cruiser - Solaris, NOT missiles and NOT Flaks
BS - Solaris, Flaks, NOT missiles
2. Anti-bomber weapons for fighters will mostly remain the same but some will get damage increase:
Mini Razor, Sunslayer - by far the best anti bomber weapon 1vs1 even now, Missiles, Mines
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
Take a fighter escort. Thats a pretty good anti-bomber weapon. Add some missile turrets instead of all the anti-cap guns that are probably mounted.
If all else fails, use cruise baby, use cruise!
' Wrote:Take a fighter escort. Thats a pretty good anti-bomber weapon. Add some missile turrets instead of all the anti-cap guns that are probably mounted.
If all else fails, use cruise baby, use cruise!
I'll be flying a carrier in 4.85. I will almost always have Order bomber and fighter pilots with me when I go out to pvp - it's both in-RP for the ship and effective =P
I guess I'm just lucky the order has such a large number of nephthys and (soon) sehkmet pilots too.