I hate begging, I really, really do! But here I am doing it again....
A freind of mine from Shattered Worlds (Foresaken) did me a big favour by placing the curent texture on this ship. The problem is that I have learned that for discovery the texture file needs to be smaller. Right now it is rougly 4mb which is too large.
All I want is for it to use the Generic pirate texture found on Rouge / Molly ships. I am posting on the public forums because I know most of the moddelers on the dev team are busy with other, generally more important projects.
AoM has made two verisons, the orignal and a revised. The one I want textured is the original because the CMP should already have its firing arcs assigned and a working custom fit SUR (Thanks to foresaken).
The revised model can use the sur for the old one, because general shape is the same with differences in detail. For a ship of this size its unimportant if some small parts aren't covered or a bit of empty space is covered.
I suggest to use the new one, due to its much smaller polycount. So anyone who wants to take the burden, can get the model as ms3d file from me.
Ok thats awsome! thanks AoM! If only I could get a copy of the new Photoshop CS4. Aparently there is a new feauture that lets you paint directly onto the model.
Easy fix Ben. Look me up on MSN and I'll send you the revised mat. I mistakenly made the texture a TGA. Why I did it? Call it a lapse in judgement. After changing it.... I got it down to 900kb.
@AoM... unless you know a method I dont know (but should tell me:D) the SUR for the Slaver Rev 1 will not work for your revised model as is. You can however make it work. Use UTF Edit. What you need to do is open the new Slaver model (using the existing Slaver as referance) and add the .lod1 nodes. Be sure to export the data found in the existing slaver lod1 nodes and import them into the new nodes you've made . You will also need to make a Cons.Fix node on your revised model and export the data from the existing Slaver model and then import it into the Cons.Fix. node in the revised model. It SHOULD work then.
If you dont do that, you will only see the "Root" SUR, and all of the other parts of the SUR which I've spliced together to make one single sur will not work. This will leave major portions of the model SUR-less.
Having said all of that, if you or any of the other Discovery Devs know a different method than what I use (and can send me detailed instructions)... I'd greatly appreciate it. As we all know with FL modding there are tons of way to skin the proverbial cat and I dont claim my method of SUR making is the best out there, I do say it works with atleast 90% of SUR making attempts (and I've made hundreds of SUR's).
You both have my email, let me know if you need something.
P.S. Ben, I'm actually quite embarrased you all are actually going to use the Slaver texture. My skill with texturing has increased quite a bit since then... and I finally realize how mediocre the Slaver texture actually turned out.:(
Ah phew! Thanks Griff, I'll get in touch with you over email if I dont see you on MSN within the next while. As for the medicore texture...if you say so. :laugh: Honestly I am fine leaving it as is with the current model. The idea for the Pilrim started over a year ago, I was hoping to squeez it into discovery 4.84. Now with the deadline of 4.85 incoming, I dont want to start becoming a perfectionist.