Greetings Citizens! Has Universal Shipping offended you or someone you know? If so feel free to post your comments on this Neural Net thread. Please try to keep you input clean and if possible constructive. Universal prides itself on adapting to new situations, and we value your feedback immensely.
If you would like to compliment our members in general or perhaps on a certain job, feel free to post here. We always love to here that we're doing a good job serving you and Liberty. Also, if you have any comments or ideas for us, we would love to hear them!
[color=#FFFFFF]-- Transmission Source: Arranmore Base -- Dispatcher ID: Colin Breen, Molly Republic Consul -- Recipient ID: Untruthful Shipping Incorporated -- Subject: Gold. -- Encryption:Level I
[font=Agency FB]
I heard tooday that ye lot theenk ye're gettin' yer gould frae Arranmoore? I had a good laugh weeth the rest o' us Mollies after hearin' that there... heh... That ain't right, no way in blayzes would we be sellin' ye lot gould. Go kiss yer friends BMM or e'en go soock up to the IMG to get it cheaper.... but donnae go tellin' anyone that ye're buyin' frae us. Because that cert'n'ly ain't true. And you know about tellin' lies...
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Michael Trenton, Vice President of Universal Shipping Inc.---
---Subject: Re: Mr. Breen---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
"Oh, I remember you. Did ya get yourself a new ship? *laughs* Oh, I'm sorry ... I mean ... I .. didn't .. mean .. for .. uh, you to get hurt.
*takes a pause and then continues*
Ahem, oh that's right. I did tell you that. My apologies, It's hard to remember all of the <strike>lies</strike> uhm, conversations that I have. But, yes. You caught me! I lied... *looks down for a moment* You have to admit .. You believed me for a few minutes *laughs*
*Clears his throat*
In all seriousness, we apologize for any inconvenience you've experienced with our corporation *tries not laugh*
Have a nice day!"
[color=#FFFFFF]-- Transmission Source: Arranmore Base -- Dispatcher ID: Colin Breen, Molly Republic Consul -- Recipient ID: Untruthful Shipping Incorporated -- Subject: Pilots. -- Encryption:Level I
[font=Agency FB]
Oh, t'werenae me flyin' that ship...
If it were, ye'd hae had a gunboot on ye instea o' a wee little ship there. An' with the Bruckless on ye, well, ye wouldnae hae fared soo well.
I suppose thaes o' noo matter, though... I weren't there, I was... elsewheresish.
Now, I ken tha good business practice offen' involves lyin' and cheatin' and stealin', but I'd be oobliged if ye could keep us oot o' yer lyin' and such the next time.
We got a reputation to uphoold, ye see.
Ye can spoil yers if'n ye want, yer a corpooration..
But we cannae affoord to hae oor name sullied wi' yers.
I must admit, I had doubts about your faction when you first started. However, I think you guys are all very level headed and good roleplayers. It's really refreshing to see good roleplaying and basically being good people, even in Pennsylvania and other "horrible" places. Really, a great kudos.
EDIT: Sorry for being OoRP, but, I just really wanted to say how much you're all appreciated.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
// Bump, a lot has changed within USI. Our faction status will be updated shortly. We still have a generous number of members and hopefully that will grow soon. If you could provide any feedback here, I would appreciate it.
***Incoming Transmission*** Message to: Them damned Euu Ess Eye From: Tyler Valentine Comm ID: Valentine Location: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
My name is Valentine, and I gotta say, your pilots do know how to insult a terrorist alright, heck they know how to eat Antimatter too!
Never a dull moment when popping your boys, kudos to your employees for really diving infront of the bullet for their line of work, literally of course.
// Added links to every character's name in our faction status post. Along with links to each member's GC Forum ID. Post here for feedback, please do not post in our member files link. Thank you