Now here's the details to what I wish for it to look like.
Seeing as how I can't make a ship weather my life depended on it.
The thin red squares are all where engines go.
Seeing as how it's going to be an interception class(Just a name/look we cant mod speed)
It will have a smaller version of the osiris engine as the main
back one.(stick thing in the back)
The back 4 support engines next to the main engine
would be (from above) hidden. They would be
hiding under a wing as a shield if it gets attacked from above.
Now the 8 wing engines (4 per wing) would go across the back
of the wings. Inside it. Partially sticking out because
they would need to point straight back while on an angle wing.
The black circle is where (like the osiris) the bridge is.
This ship should be like 75% the size of an Osiris.
NOW the green squares are where turrets can go.
I really couldn't figure out where to put other
squares so be creative.
I also wish. That when textured the front flat part would
be a window texture. or somtin...I never could thing of a side
shape for this thing. maybe kinda flat to be more aerodynamic.
Please is someone can make this that would be awesome.
Just send me the images or somthing(I dont want this submited
til it looks like I pictured it in my mind)
If anything it will be somtin to add in my sand box (Which is what I prefer)
What are you opinions on my design thingy?
PS I Know my paint skills suck. the image is no where near proportioned thats
why your making it. hehe
actually come to think of it I think the front should be a point similar to the osiris .... I dont creative on the shape just as long as it keeps the engine and wing setup. Unless the back engine alone looks awesome.....SCRAP the wings that is just a waste of space. Make it looks like and osiris with 4 support just make the back look the same and add the bridge...and some other stuff and it should be good. for me at least.
Okay, in just a minute of drawing over-top your thing with the curve tool in paint I made this re-vamp outline:
Note: I'm not at home right now so i don't have access to Paint.NET which is what I use to make white-space transparent.
After looking at this, I have a sudden want to return to my designs for a cityship. A relatively self-sufficient vessel capable of moving from place to place. Also rather mammoth.
In regards to this design, it might work well but if other views could be shown it would help a lot (Side-view etc)
okay guys, I've got a new Top-view going on for Stewcool's model request, (its still in the paint stage, but meh...
(btw, I'm back at home, (was at school before) so I added transparency too!)
Sorry Stew-Cool about the 'large primary engine in back' I had to veto that in favor of two, because it made it look better.