I noticed Basilisk and found him quickly in his Slipstream fighter, I was feeling apprehensive as I heated up the weaponry of my Havoc bomber. However, the fight was quick, a few shield drops combined with a couple nuclear mines put a quick end to the fight. Thusly, I moved on and ran into Youchi-already being engaged by John Rudal and LSF officer Smith. He was also dealt with.
Might I add, Rudal would make a fine officer. When he applies, if he does, he has my recommendation.
Ryans, out
End Transmission
Closing Comms
[5:57:11 PM] InfernalTater (Lewis) [Formerly TLI-Inferno]:meanwhile, Aces 'I don't always miss my destinations, but when I do, I'm on the other side of house space.'
Look here people We were Just raped by a HF battleship that was an LN Carrier and a HF BC that also was LN made. but thats not even half of it. THEY CALLED A WHOLE FLEET ON JUST 2 Bombers and a batlecruiser. Can we say fair i think not we may do over kill but not that bad we don't call BCs Battleships GBs Bombers and fighters on 2 Bombers and a BC, I think Todays actions should be noted that We need a LN Battleship or at least a few more bombers on call in case this happens again which will soon the dead hours that were supposed to be Protected by the LN indys need to come back they came in force and we need to send a message back that the Navy does not like have an enemy Fleet in their HOME system.
End Message
Some people may appear bright until you hear them speak, This is because light travels faster then the speed of sound
Ma'ams, Sir's
Today, while beeing on duty, my scanner crew located a Lane Hacker Gunship. It fled as we came close to it.
During that fleeing, we also entered the Bad Lands. Following the Lane Hacker GS, we suddenly stood infront of a base in Sector E6, southern part, near the beginning of sector E7, very much in the middle. Does the High Command have any information about such a base? It looks black, like the rocks of the Bad Lands, and showed hostilities. There were also several Outcasts and Rogue vessels around it.
The perhaps most important thing is the following:
After the destruction of the Hacker Gunship, we were contacted by a vessel with the call sign Guard_00. As how i understand it, it is asking for some kind of amnestie by Liberty. For showing its good will, it handed over 27 Rogue Pilots. As i dont think me, or any of my crew members has the right or authority to grant that, im giving this case on towards the High Command.
Information about Guard_00 vessel:
- Junker tag/ID
- Praefect Cruiser class vessel
- Weapon Loadout contains many Nomad Turrets.
Question about why it is mounting Nomad turrets it answered that it is mounting the weapons that are most useful for defending Junker/Harvester bases.
So much from me on that case, what will come now is up to High Command. The Rogue pilots will stay into our cells until i have recieved orders what to do with them.
Note: Gun cam of our Gunboat is broken
End of Report
Quote:Look here people We were Just raped by a HF battleship that was an LN Carrier and a HF BC that also was LN made. but thats not even half of it. THEY CALLED A WHOLE FLEET ON JUST 2 Bombers and a batlecruiser. Can we say fair i think not we may do over kill but not that bad we don't call BCs Battleships GBs Bombers and fighters on 2 Bombers and a BC, I think Todays actions should be noted that We need a LN Battleship or at least a few more bombers on call in case this happens again which will soon the dead hours that were supposed to be Protected by the LN indys need to come back they came in force and we need to send a message back that the Navy does not like have an enemy Fleet in their HOME system.
(A heavy "southern" accent is heard)
Well sir, if we had known, we would have brought the San Francisco round on the double and taught those fools a lesson. Thing is, we had other things to do, sleepin' mainly. We cayn't be evereewhere at once you know.
Perhap using S.K.Y.P.E communications would help us respond more quickly aye?
---Commence Transmission---
To: Liberty Navy and Liberty Secruity Force High Command
From: Liberty Security Force Agent Michael Cartman
Location: Planet Manhattan, New York System
Subject: New Licenses and New York Patrol
Today was pretty hectic. First, the ship LAS-Freedom and I intercepted two ships carrying unlicensed Nomad weapons, but they quickly decided to pay for a license. Jessicka.Leblanc and Olivia.Satarae are now licensed and are allowed to carry Nomad materials in Liberty Space.
When I learned that there was a 522 ship in the New York System, I climbed out of my fighter and took off in my bomber, fearing that it was a capital ship. For a while, he and an Outcast escorting him evaded me, but I soon found them under Planet Manhattan. I engaged the Outcast bomber first and quickly took him down with a Supernova to his hull.
The 522 was a little harder to take down, as he was not in a capital ship as I had previously suspected. Instead, he was in an Eagle Fighter and a lengthy dogfight ensued. My plasma weapons were able to do some damage to him, but soon they were blown off by his missles, so I became limited to my Supernova and Nuclear Mines. Unfortunately, I had to use a Supernova on his shield, as I could not get it down with my mines, but as he passed me, a mine suddenly detonated near him, blowing his ship to a thousand pieces.
With both hostiles destroyed, I returned to Planet Manhattan to repair my ship and write this report.
Carlos Rivera: Corsair Brotherhood Pirate - Retired, shifted to Tripoli Shipyard's Research and Development engineering teams Anthony Cameron: Guild Core Bounty Hunter - Killed in Action, committed suicide after being trapped in Omicron Minor following its destruction Juan Ruiz: Outcast Ghost of Razgriz Pirate - Killed in Action, killed by the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army during Bretonian piracy raid Michael Winchester: Liberty Security Force Agent - Missing in Action, likely killed during Rheinland espionage mission or trapped in Rheinland Space Eric McCormick: Order Pilot - Retired, shifted to planetside training of new recruits
Ryans here, can I get information on Skype Communications channels for the Liberty Navy sent to my neural net by another officer. I currently lack access codes.
Thank you, Ryans out
End Transmission
Closing Comms
[5:57:11 PM] InfernalTater (Lewis) [Formerly TLI-Inferno]:meanwhile, Aces 'I don't always miss my destinations, but when I do, I'm on the other side of house space.'
Incoming Transmission
Enter code:*******
Comm ID: [LN]-Rick.Gunner.
Rank: Lieutenant
Subject: Report after action
Message engaged
First of all....this....
' Wrote:Today was pretty hectic. First, the ship LAS-Freedom and I intercepted two ships carrying unlicensed Nomad weapons, but they quickly decided to pay for a license. Jessicka.Leblanc and Olivia.Satarae are now licensed and are allowed to carry Nomad materials in Liberty Space.
According to this on the lasts transmissions of the LIBERTY LICENSES ....
Please note, we are no longer selling new licenses, however, for the time being, all previously bought Licenses are valid
[End Transmission]
Agent Michael Cartman I think you sold 2 fake licenses to those pilots.... Maybe you did not saw this transmission... Anyway I leave this note to the High Command... I'm sure it was a misreading... Myself found that out a few days ago...
Now to the report....
Many hostilities near West Point... the pilot .Cowboy was engaged with [HF]-Peto.Gonzalez... He took care of him... Then a Bounty Hunter Destroyer came to engage Tsukasa a Lane Hacker on a Liberty Rogue Gun boat... As the Hunter was strong... Phosphate a pirate owning a LR Gunboat and Tsukasa returned to the Rogue Destroyer... Here is all Identification of hostile ships from my camera drone...
As I return to West Point... I took the liberty to scan an unknown pilot...Punks.Rage with Pirate Identification and owning a LH gunship...
He was showing no hostilities... So I ordered him to leave liberty... he complied but then returned... A hunter took care of him... I have rewarded the hunter....
Then Phosphate came back near West Point... The Synth Food Pilot SGTMatt che him down until the border of the Badlands.... I was on my bomber thinking it would be his Gunboat... But now this time he was on his Light Fighter "Scimitar"... Matt manage to take him down...
I went back on my Avenger at West Point... Then headed to Manhattan with Matt... Our scanners indicated a Pirate called Bad'Santa salvaging out depots on his Barghest... We chase him down... I disrupted him, Then Matt destroyed him... Our commodities were brought back to the depots...
<div align="center]Day Summary
Phosphate-PIRATE HACKER-DESTROYED (just the Light fighter)
Many Thanks for the pilot SGTMatt, for helping me takin' care of the trouble makers....
Patrick "Cowboy" Hale here, sorry for the quality of the recording, but I've had this little bugger too long to get rid of it.
*sounds of someone stretching and popping several joints*
It's been a busy time in new york lately. I remember the times of the SA and all the politics that happened back then. Bad times, bad times... Anyways...
I don't want to see that happen again. Liberty is too important to fall under the tides of piracy and debauchery that seem to threaten us daily. We are a beacon of light for the future of mankind, and I'll be damned if I let that light go out!
That, is why I am so determined and will not rest until I have purged every pirate that comes across my path of their filthy souls.
*again, he coughs* Sorry if it sounds harsh, but, it's a touchy issue for me. I have seen some things over the past few days, that has quite frankly disturbed me. Since when did we pander to pirates and killers? Yeah, run em off back to their holes, scare them into walkin the straight road, but when they breach the very orbit of manhattan, and I am ordered to stand down and let a known terrorist, cannibal and all around EVIL maniac, "walk away" with his captives, including some of OUR men...
*he pauses for a good long while*
I find this...
It puts me at a loss for words.
Some of you have the mistaken idea that I am a traitor, or some dangeous rogue agent. I have turned in my Guardian, and taken the helm of an old guild ship I once flew, well, it was a surprise gift from some old friends who wished me well, but since some members of the fleet had voiced concerns over my using a naval vessel, and well, the techs were giving me hell, I switched. I do not work for any pay beyond the satisfaction of knowing I do my best daily to keep the people of liberty safe, I support my ship and my mission with the spoils of enemy pilots I down, and the pittance that I am paid for the capture of the pilots themselves. I ask nothing of my fellow Libertonians, and my fellow warriors in the navy than a helping hand and swift backup.
And yet I am almost spat upon by some naval officers?
I ask you to rethink your actions towards myself and the other independent patriots who stand up daily to aid you in the fight against evil. Liberty is our home too, we will defend it, and where you cannot act, we will.
Yeah... anyways, my respects to the Admiralty. Cowboy, out.
-End voice data-
.Cowboy : Back to being a bounty hunter due to Liberty politics, Flies a manta.
Gyrfalcon: The bounty hunting Bretonian corvette. At least, it will be if approved, Flown by "Cowboy" also.
LNS-Patriot : The little gunboat that could.... and then someday will be a beautiful LABC.
Freebyrd.II : insane trader/geneticist who has a whole hydro lab in his ship, he designs and grows his OWN.
Sky.High.Marin : Corsair praetorian pilot, with a love for fuzzy dice.
Kane.Taggart : Mad scientist in a hacker gunship being a buccaneer of the spacelanes.
[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Vice Admiral Stephanie Malaign]
[Target: General Liberty Forces, William Darkmoor]
Well, I'll keep this short and to the point.
William, for your Valour, skill in combat, relentless achievements, and your willingness to take control of a situation and seize command, I am herey promoting you.