Incoming Transmission
Enter code:*******
Comm ID: [LN]-Rick.Gunner.
Rank: Lieutenant
Subject: report after actions
Message engaged
First of all...
Congratulations to our new Lt. Commander William Darkmoor....
Congratulations to our new Commander Seth Karlo...
I can't wait to follow your Commands in space and behind my desk.
For the report... I'm sorry when I finished my last shift I fall asleep on my desk. I was supposed to fill that report 14 hours ago.. Well at least now I'm in good state awake with a clear mind....
As I launch from West Point I saw that Sub.Lt. Jack Malrone and LNS-Dawn were in california... Due the activities criminal I have hear from a trader in California i decided to have a look too...
In California I found no trace of both companion... I reached Mojave and Dawn patched me in secure communication at time... because the 2 reported criminal were here Punks.Rage and Tempest_, One pirate Hacker Gunship IFF Hessian and another I don't remind the ID but flying a sabre.... Dawn and me tried to arrest them as we had report of their illegal activities from a trader.... but.... they did not comply so we used forces as they started to fire... The Sub. Lt Malrone came back from his chase and assisted us...
Here all the photos from my camera drone... Both enemies were destroyed and arrested...
As we come back to West Point... We've detected on long range scan two Order battleship headed to New York gates from Alaska.... The Big Fatty and Lee... Those Orders ship had no good reason to be here... So while Dawn and the Sub-Lt Malrone were calling for Re-enforcement I headed near the entrance of the mine field... The order came... I ordered them to leave New York.... Instead they headed toward Planet Manhattan... I chase them and our Re-enforcement was waiting for them... We engaged them as they disobeyed orders in Liberty space... And their presence near the planet wasn't very pleasant... They both been destroyed... A juggernaut and a Battleship Osiris...
One of our capital ship submitted loads of damage...
I thanks all the Capital Pilots, Sub Lt Malrone.... They all fought well in this Victory against those foolish trigger happy breaking our space with their capital vessels... That will teach both of them I hope....
<div align="center]Day Summary
Punks.Rage - PIRATING - DESTROYED (just the Light fighter)
[THC]BigFatty- ORDER JUGGERNAUT - broke through our space and disobeyed orders - DESTOYED
|Lee|- ORDER OSIRIS - broke through our space and disobeyed orders - DESTROYED
---Incoming Transmission---
---Source Identified: William von Darkmoor, Recruit---
---Destination: Liberty Navy High Command---
Thanks, Congratulations and Request
Firstly, my thanks to you, Vice Admiral Malaign, for this promotion. I will not let you down. Secondly, congratulations to Commander Karlo. You're a good man, and I hope to be seeing more of you in space. About time you were promoted. Thirdly, it has come to my attention that a Lieutenant Commander has permission to fly a gunboat. I thought I would be courteous and go through the correct channels, notifying you ahead of time that I were going to purchase one.
It will be funded and piloted by myself, with an estimated crew of 23 pilots, plus myself. I have already taken the liberty of filling out the paperwork for:
1x Liberty Gunboat
1x Liberty Gunboat Forward Gun
4x Liberty Gunboat Turrets
2x Liberty Gunboat Defense Turrets
1x Cerberus Turret
As well as the usuals. I have contacted the quartermasters, who believe they may be able to find a reasonably new one sitting around, and can get it to me within three days. I will need help finding a decent crew who knows what they're doing, because going down to the local bar and asking for volunteers would be a bad idea. I may also need some assistance improving my skills with it, as gunboat flying has never been a part of my curriculum.
Lieutenant Commander William von Darkmoor
Today my report concerns the AWOL Liberty Dreadnaught Providence
Gun Camera Visual
This ship is apparently remote-controlled... (incredibly unlikely)... also claimed to have hostages which we quickly recovered. The ship completely disobeyed direct orders from multiple members of Admirality. The ship's captain was quite... rude. Conversation deteriorated.
Ryan's Comm: "You shouldn't disobey orders from Admirality"
Providence: "You shouldn't fly such a small ship"
This followed with the Providence opening fire upon my bomber, and then fleeing to Zone 21, with both the Commonwealth and the Dawn pursuing-me slightly behind the two.
Not only rude, but cowardly in his tactics-opening fire on the smallest ship in an attempt to cause casualties, he continued onwards. He circled the minefield in an attempt to avoid us, however-being behind and knowing only a unique tactic would prevail, I peeled off and cut across the minefield-flying over it. Arriving before the Providence, I was able to cut him off and disrupt his cruise engines.
However, he then turned and entered the minefield, destroying his ship. Very unusual behavior, I'm sure the ship won't be seen again.
Ryans, out
End Transmission
Closing Comms
[5:57:11 PM] InfernalTater (Lewis) [Formerly TLI-Inferno]:meanwhile, Aces 'I don't always miss my destinations, but when I do, I'm on the other side of house space.'
Apologies to high command for my lack of reports over the past week but most of my shifts have already been commented on in previous reports and i feel no need to repeat what has already been said. I have been in many military operations, including numerous Order attacks and general hostile encounters. The main purpose of this report is to raise some queries regarding a certain 'independent' officer in possession of a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser. Most who have been on the field know him already as the LNS-Prodigy, and he was ordered to be grounded for inexcusable actions not befitting a Naval officer. However, he has disobeyed this order repeatedly and chose to act completely outside the jurisdiction of the Liberty Navy and has been insubordinate to many high-ranking officers.
Someone needs to show this officer who is in charge of the Navy.
We were called in today to attempt to intercept an Order Crewed Zoner Juggernaught (THC-BigFatty) leading a fleet containing at least one Corsair GB and several smaller craft invading NY. We went in with two BC (Kearsarge, BHG-Kidy) and a single GB (LNS Dawn) to try and delay the fleet as long as possible.
The Kearsarge was disabled first. I lost a portion of my crew to a hull breach but most survived, ships roster is currently at 198. The Order fleet then disabled the GB and the other BC in quick succession. The BH did manage to kill several of the other vessels before being disabled. The LNS Prodigy came in a few min later from his exile and drove out the heavily damaged Battleship.
I am sorry to report that the Merc Anthony Ryan was with the enemy battle group piloting one of the bombers. He has been given leniency in the past. I now propose that he is to be considered an enemy for aiding this fleet and destroyed when he enters our space. Before the battle I attempted to have him leave the group to no avail. We have had cordial contact in the past.
The Kearsarge is now moored at Norfolk undergoing repairs. The reactor is online but about half of the targeting system is functioning. We are not sure of the exact time she will be in dry-dock but I will keep you posted.
For now I am in Command of the Catlett and will be reachable there.
For Liberty!
Commander Lawson, 1/12 FAS
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.
Evening sirs.
When i launched today from the Yukon i got a message from capt Winston.
I had too patrol California again so i did.
There is not much activity from traders in this system because of pirates latly.
But today it was extremly calm in California.
Later we had these annoying mercanary in Liberty mister B.
After his bomber was shot down by officer malrone but he returned no less than 30 mins later from rochester with a new bomber.
At the end of my patrol we encounterd some pirates named: *Wolves.Defiance ----- Rogue bomberpilot. *Phosphate ------ outcast light fighterpilot. *[HF]-Peto.Gonzalez ---- Hacker sabre pilot.
The bomber pilot dodge many of oure fire and tryed too destroy the Gunboat spirit.
Well he failed and suddenly he began too run away, well i could land some hits and he blow too dust.
The HF pilot was outnumbred but he still engaged us well he died quikly as his outcast buddy followed not much later.
On a side note:
The buckshot systems are back on armoury depot.
Missouri's deckchief convinced me that the weapons were damaged beyond his knowledge too repair them.
So i dont no iff they will ever see combat again they served me well.
So i switched too the flaspoint line.
They are nice weapons who can deliver a good punch too a enemy fighter.
To add to Lt Commander McTyre's report, here is the guncam footage of both the illegal mercenary i killed (William Breem) and a violent Outcast (Jack Galahad).
Shortly after, my on-board systems started to act up for some unknown reason, and was forced to make an emergency landing on Manhatten. The ship should be back in operation at 1800 hours.
>-Leave Request-<
Over the time spent in the Liberty Navy, i have accrued almost a week in paid leave. I will be taking this leave starting tomorrow to go and catch up with a good friend of mine, Commander Jack Davius Malrone...its a long story. Apologies about the short notice, however the Sangraal is once again refitting its reactor core and the Commander contacted me only yesterday about it. We'll be on Planet Junyo going deep-sea fishing, however we have to make a stop at Planet Kurile first to stock up on Microorganisms which'll attract the...ok i'm blabbering on. Point is: I'm going to be out of contact for at least the next 5 days.
I bid you good day High Command!
Puts some shades on, turns computer off, lifts himself up from the chair and switches off the light to his quarters.
[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Vice Admiral Stephanie Malaign]
[Target: General Liberty Forces, Jack Malrone, Joe McTyre, Mike Ypsilantis, Zachary Ryans, David Hastings]
Good day, and congratulations to the three individuals mentioned in this transmission.
The original plan was to make most of you LT Commanders, and one commander.
I have decided against this, our upper command slots are in need of illing up.
So, to the new commanders. David Hastings, Jack Malrone, Joe McTyre, and Mike Ypsilantis, the last one of those who has been overlooked for a very long time, you have deserved this for bery long, all of you.
Congratulations, commanders.
And to Zachary Ryans, a pilot whose fierce determination and his donations towards the Liberty Navy's cause, I am awarding you the position of LT Commander.
I would not be surprised if when Jack gets back, he finds this lovely surprise waiting for him.