Apologies for my absence of late, however I have been on patrol on the later parts of the day. I would like to congratulate all of my fellow officers for their promotions and wish them the best of luck in their new rank. The days I have been patrolling, there were nothing of interest so I will only report one incident that occured today during my late shift. New York was a mess as always during this late and this time there was a Keeper and several outcast/hackers who were causing trouble. As I neared Manhattan, I spotted Basilisk, Rob.Jarvis and John-Calico as hostile on my sensors. I ordered Jarvis to leave the surrounding area however he refused and I was forced to attack. His manuverable Sabre and missiles were too much for my Avenger however, and I was forced to eject back to Manhattan. My ship is currently being repaired and should be back to fighting condition in a day.
[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Vice Admiral Stephanie Malaign]
[Target: General Liberty Forces, Jack Malrone, Joe McTyre, Mike Ypsilantis, Zachary Ryans, David Hastings]
It seems my databases were mistaken pilots, it was my error and I shall attempt to fix it now.
All the aforementioned pilots are Lieutenant Commanders, with the exception of Joe McTyre, who is now a commander.
When joe arrives in his quaters after a harsh patrol against the HF forces he's tired.
Today his bomber was shot down by a overwhelming force of battleships, cruisers and gunboats.
Barley he managed too eject and make his way back too Westpoint aboard a passing civilian transport.
He sees a letter from highcommand and a little black box standing on his desk.
He opens the letter seems one from VA Malaign.
He reads the letter and than slowly opens the box too look inside it.
He is stunned.......... insignias for a commander.
"well time for a mission report" he thinks with a grin on his face.
**Too: L.H.C.**
**From: Comm Mctyre**
**Missionreport: AET/11U-6**
Goodday sirs
Last night patrol i lost two good bombers 1 too the HF forces and a other on too the merc breen.
I didnt have any guncamere footage of the battle with the hackers hope another officer was able too make them.
But it was a masacre we lost a battle.
There were simply too many enemy capital vessels in california.
After i returned from Westpoint too the Missouri i was given a spare bomber and continuued my patrol in NY when suddenly a OPG corsair bomber was reported.
He shot down several civilians but when faced with a single navy bomber he ran the coward.
After a chase towards the ugly badlands he turned and tryed too destroy my ship.
He was accompanied with Acid a xeno.
i did not know xenos and corsairs worked together in Liberty now.
Well i engaged the cors and he noticed i wasnt a easy fight even 2 v 1 and his bots and bats were disappearing fast.
I even saw guard 00 he fired on the corsair, that unit helped me before when i was a recruit i believe.
Later jack Bauer arrived and covered me.
Hell i was even helped by the merc breen too get rid of this corsair.
When Acid disappeared of my radar the cors made a run for it.
Perhaps guard 00 unit took him out??
With 1 missle left i tried too stop him but there were simply too many astroids in the way.
I hate that place.
He escaped but later i saw him suicide so his plane must be more damaged than i thought.
when i flew back i saw Breen engaging Bauer so i engaged Breen goodlord could he not simply fly away for one day???
Unfortunally i ran out of ammo against the cors so only 3 shieldbusters and a SN left i engaged breen.
He took me out by a lucky SN shot after 5 min of dodging fire.
On arrival on the Missouri the capt didnt allow me a other ship so i called it a day and headed for the bar.
**End of report**
On a side note:
Ill thank the High command for there trust in me.
Ill try whatever i can too live up too my rank and make the navy and liberty proud.
Incoming Message
Source - LAS Freedom
Subject: Krusa - Service Report
Loading Data
As the Navy is well aware, the Liberty Assault Ship "Freedom" has been completed.
Data Summary 1
Archan was spotted with Artifacts. Unfortunately, he made it to Manhattan. He was later encountered again somehow managing to break the security locks on the jumpgate in Zone-21. We followed him in but by the time we were through and activated the cruise engines he was out of range.
Later, PunkMeOut attempted the same thing Archan did earlier. His ship was destroyed by the Freedom's mortars.
Not long afterwards, Avenger064 showed up with a load of Cardamine. Needless to say, he was destroyed.
Near the end of our shift, we set for Houston to setup a blockade for an incoming smuggler. Again, we didn't make it in time. However, this ship did not get away and agreed to pay the four million credit fine placed on his ship.
This report starts out with smugglers like most. With the Freedom in dock for repairs I had launched in my bomber.
The target this time was [STC]Miles.Naismith. Carrying Counterfeit Software and Passengers possibly as a human shield.
He was about to head into the minefield and after taking his shields down I launched a Supernova and took out the ship's bridge section leaving the passengers unharmed for rescue.
Later there were alerts that Xenos had entered the system. Soon enough they were spotted at Manhattan.
As I was focused on two other targets, my gun-camera didn't catch the death's of other Xenos in the area.
Afterwards I was engaged by 3 hostiles, one i noticed as an Outcast. Their ships consisted of two gunboats and a bomber.
Because of this I was easily outgunned and was forced to call in support. However, as help was incoming, I managed to drag the Falcata out and away from the gunboats and he was able to be destroyed. My reinforcement appeared on scanners and I returned to the gunboats using thrusters as my cruise engines were malfunctioning. After a while the gunboats, like the bomber, were destroyed.
In the initial assault however my gun-camera was hit, this is the only image i have of the engagement.
The Freedom's repairs were finished, in an early and short shift it was launched to blockade Texas.
Smugglers are becoming a common occurance. Two ships, blackwar and IronBoy, were spotted outside Houston attempting to leave with a surprising number of slaves. After several orders were given, only to have no response in return, I ordered Jac to have the gunners open fire. One transport was destroyed, the other one vanished.
Krusa docks on Norfolk and returns to his quarters. To his surprise there was a message sent to his computer from an unknown source claiming to be the Ishtar.
Incoming Transmission
Authorization - *******
Confirmed Access Approved
Loading Data
I am a bit disappointed at seeing this message.
From what i can understand, after announcing he was making his leave of Liberty. Captain Shad Winston aboard the LNS Commonwealth ordered the a ship known as the Ishtar to a halt, an order that was obeyed. The ship's identification as an Order vessel was called into question. The commander of the Ishtar replied stating he had no allegiance to the Order. This was considered a lie by some of the vessels in the area.
John Rudal aboard the Prodigy, if I may add is a ship that was supposed to be grounded at the time, jumped in asking to fight the allegedly hostile ship, putting his crew and resources of Liberty at risk. From the logs, Winston agreed to have let the battle take place implying that should the Ishtar survive the Prodigy's assault, it and its crew would be allowed to leave Liberty unharmed. The Prodigy, being outclassed, lost the fight. Luckily the crew managed to escape the ship before it was destroyed.
The conclusion of this unfortunate encounter is the reason for my disappointment. Instead of being allowed to leave after the fight with the Prodigy, Captain Winston ordered the ship to be destroyed, going against his previous agreement.
These logs were sent to me as a request to make a report on it. The commander of the Ishtar also stated that it's repair was successful and is willing to accept a public apology for the unreasonable attack on him and his crew.
TO: Liberty High Command
FROM: Junker Copernicus
SUBJECT: Dealing with Smugglers
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I bring this to your attention as I know you have made a conscious effort to crack down on unscrupulous activities within Liberty. It is bad enough when a civilian or others act in this manner, but far worse when members of the government or others representing the people of Liberty do so.
There is an independent Liberty Gunboat who has chosen to act in opposition of Liberty procedures with regard to dealing with contraband. I have attached photographic evidence of a member of the LPI, /LC/-LRC-Poseidon, beaming aboard contraband (Counterfeit Software) from a vessel he had just destroyed. He then docked and sold the contraband for his own profit. This practice can bring negative attention to the LPI and the rest of Liberty as many would view this as a form of piracy. If the pilot carrying the contraband is not destroyed and sees the Liberty vessel beam the contraband aboard for himself ... what is he to think? An agent of Liberty doing such things is one step closer to accepting bribes.
My understanding is that contraband is to be destroyed immediately when encountered. I can understand slaves, pilots and other living beings would not be destroyed but rescued to safe haven. But contraband such as these Counterfeit Software should be destroyed immediately and not cashed in for profit.
I do hope Liberty citizens can rest assured this activity does not happen again.
New Transmission Comm ID:Tiberius Walker Source: Planet Manhattan, New York Entering code: ******** Link Established...
Dear Copernicus,
I write today to answer your complaint of misconduct within the Liberty Cutter service.
I have investigated the matter and I have found no misconduct: The LPI have confiscated the said Software and it is now being picked apart for any evidence to trace it back to its source by forensic experts. 'Cashing' it in is not a choice word to use.
Liberty has understandings with several corporations, and confiscated goods are extremely helpful.
Cryer Pharmaceuticals has on-going research on Cardimine to attempt to create a Synthetic version that does not include the side-effects that makes it Contraband. I trust that the Outcasts do not sell them Cardimine, and after inspection from several lawful organizations - The confiscated Cardimine is then shipped to Cryer.
Artifacts are contraband without a special license as stated in our laws, confiscated Artifacts are run through by the LSF and if active; destroyed. If they are inactive and deemed safe, they are given to the Liberty Planetary Museum, or given to an Archaeological Researcher.
Nomadic Entity's are brought to an undisclosed location to be properly destroyed.
As you can see... Everything we do is for the greater good.
None the less we thank you for your time, and for your complaint. And on behalf of the Liberty Security Force - Have a nice day.
Link disengaged.
Tiberius Walker, putting flames out and being awesome since Apr 13 2008
[8/17/2008 5:56:46 PM] Aaron (Boss/Jurgen) says: Can't bring myself to say it... Looks like you get the LABC, I've seen what you can do in one
Walker (Albert Wint): I can has win? --- Epyon the Bored: You can haz win. --- [1:18:00 PM] Chris (Niezck) says: I love you <3
[5:55:53 PM] Raisu says: Walker pwned both Battleships(LNS-Texas LNS-Arizona) - [5:55:57 PM] Raisu says: in a cruiser Tiberius Walker, spreading mayhem, destruction, and Spamming Flood since Oct 22 2008
[9:08:25 AM] Gurjiv (Frozen) says: I hope someone gives you AIDs.
[7:15:17 PM] Dylan (Ximen) says: Walker... you have no idea how much fail you bring into this world...
[8:05:08 AM] Ross (SevereTrinity) says: Screw you for making me install FL again
[10:51IE AM] Epyon the Bored says: My god if I ever meet you I am going to strangle you. Tiberius Walker, being better then you since April 30, 2009 â¢
We will remember - We do not Forget - We do not Forgive
We moved out from Norfolk on a trial to make sure our systems were up after our refit. We received an SOS at Ft Bush about a pack of pirates making a siege at the Bases. We moved in and dispatched the ships in question. Next, we moved on and came across a Rogue in a bargy. He attacked us and after several warnings his ship was destroyed. We moved to Manhattan and had an LR tagged bomber on long range, 12K. We warned him to leave.
We moved on to WestPoint a few min later and came into close contact with the same bomber killing Navy around the base. This time we fired, killing his friend who came to support him and driving off the bomber. A different outcast showed up a little later and attacked our fine ship. He too was destroyed.
With NY clear we moved back to Norfolk and docked.
Current Crew Count: 198
Ship passed trial.
Commander Lawson, 1/12 FAS
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.
---Incoming Transmission---
---Source Identified: William von Darkmoor, Lieutenant Commander---
---Destination: Liberty Navy High Command---
Priority: Internal Affairs; Restricted Access
Subject: LNS-Hornet, AKA LNS-Prodigy/LNS-Alaska?
Summary: Repeatedly disobeying orders. Flying despite being grounded. Threatening an officer and stealing identity
Shift Report:
I feel these audio records fairly well sum it up.
I then went below the scanners to listen into the comms channels where he would not notice me. He disappeared, but I picked up another frequency belonging to the LNS-Alaska soon after, a ship I have not seen before.
//I switched to another character, and saw the LNS-Hornet log. A ship by the name of LNS-Alaska then signed in for a few seconds, then back out. Suspect he may have renamed himself again.