Can some one please help me, I cannot connect to ANY server when I go to connect on line.
I have a clean install and every thing and I wanted to play the ne Dis, mod but I keep runing into that prob..
I hope that some one here can help me with this prog..
"It can't online" Doesn't tell us much... Please be more precise about what you are having a problem with. I might be able to help, or someone should be able to. What is it/not doing, just give me some details.*
<div align="right">*If you believed this are you this guy?</div>
My Shadowness account.
"Rage; the only freedom left me." - Commander Greven il-Vec
First, check your filters. Perhaps someone ticked a box he didn't want to tick?
Second, take a look around. I saw a direct-connect proggy around somewhere..... It's pinned in one of the FL forums..
Finally, XFire can help you direct-connect to the server.
Play a Microsoft CD backwords, and it plays satanic messages. Play it forwards, and it does something worse - It installs Windows.
I open freelancer, I go to multiplayerand then to the ESRB Notice and click YES, then to the type of Multiplayer and click Internet.
It gose to the sever then and it just stays at Connecting to the Global Server...
I am trying every thing I can to get it to work, I am useing Avast for my firewall and I did not see anything there about frrelancer..
What filter should I look for to see if it was check, I do not know much that lol, I can surfe like a mad man but I am still a nOOb when it comes to ADV. setting on program lol.. [Sorry]
What i would say to that would be to turn off the firewall completely annd see if it works. However, if you want to go on the internet again after that, you must restart the computer. The reason i turn off my firewall is because the school has its own firewall which is very good ( i board at school). My firewall doesnt block it though.
What I do when this happens is hit the windows butten between "Ctrl" and "Alt" and then is say "Freelancer is atempting to connect to the Interent. What do you want to do?" and then i hit "Permit Always" I dunno if this will work for u but it always does for me
Sounds like a firewall issue, open your firewall program and manually add Freelancer in. If that does not work then just turn it off and try running it.*
<div align="right">*If you believed this are you this guy?</div>
My Shadowness account.
"Rage; the only freedom left me." - Commander Greven il-Vec
I have tryed all I could to get it to work, I uninstalled my firewall and evey thing to try to get it to work but nothing work and it is driveing me nuts lol
I have reinstalled 4 times now to try to get it to work but nothing
I do not know what is going on..
Could it be do to the fact my room mate has freelancer as well, he is have the same prob. as well
He is on a wireless in another room and he tryed to get on line and could not..