Quote:(OOC: [FR]Liberator is simply here to fly around in a battleship and brag about how many players he can kill. He's apparently not here to RP at all. I suggest we avoid him like the plague.)
*ooc*: Response to Romers latest post: I do RP pal, it's almost the same as
when you fly around in your Phantom chars attacking random player
or hunting them.
And I'm not bragging about player kills, just doing it for fun,
to cause chaos and making that trade route a bit less profitable.
Quote:He's apparently not here to RP at all
Just got off the comm with this FR (Free Radicals) Liberator. He seems to just be intersted in blockading this area. As for the non-tagged thing I did just get to confirm his standings with the Xenos, Tagged and ID'ed. My mistake on the no tags part, just spoke before I had second confirmation. After you actually take a moment to chat with the guy, he seems to be a normal bloke out for some destructive blockading. Said he's out for the night, will be back later. Trade lanes should be a little smoother from this point on. I could use a transfer to one of your IND guys, picked up a load of cargo for Mr. Lawson. I know, it's a little odd for a Gaian to go out of his way for your kind. He's got this one coming. He saved my skin, literally my scalp, one time when I had run out of H-Fuel and his Raiding Party came thru. He's an honorable man, and I can respect that. Well that and business is business, I am makin a cool 5 mil for the lot. Any help would be appreciated.
If your xeno ID'd make sure you check what the ID is on your target.
Remember that as your in a BS you can't pirate at all.
So anyone with a zoner, IMG, freelancer or neutral ID is safe from you.
Make sure you check the ID before you fire.
The phantoms have only being doing their RP, like they have been for months.
Besides which if I remember correctly you only started this FR group because you were told the phantoms are invite only and that they're not recruiting.
Message TO: Edgar Winter
Comm ID: Patrick Boone, IND Epsilon Wing
The Nova is excellent, just not effective as single fighter. The bugger knew what's he gonna face when he realized we were going after him even to Gamma, that's why he disappeared off the scopes on Crete or Tripoli (ooc: departed) Three fighters would maul him in no time.
Message TO: Pops
Comm ID: Patrick Boone, IND Epsilon Wing
5% per fighter is OK, may ask more if high risk.
Message TO: Traders
Comm ID: Manuel Escobar
My net worth has increased a lot in spite the recent petty attempts of the [FR]Liberator that's plaguing the trade routes in the Omegas. He can't make enough damage to all of us at once, I suggest trading in convoys for safety reasons.
Message TO: Traders
Comm ID: Patrick Boone, IND Epsilon Wing
He will be dealt with by the Epsilons as soon as he stops cowardly running whenever he sees more than one fighter on his sensors. The techs have promised me a few of those experimental long-range-sensor-jamming devices, they are being mounted on our fighters as we speak.
ooc: he'll get bored when he gets killed a few times
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
Risk was high and some of the stuff is limited to ships Renno Currently cannot access. Simply put, I got what he needed, cuz he's too lazy to buy a small runabout to carry on that tub he calls a trader vessel.
He should get himself one of those Backpacks with Jets, that would help.
Quote:Response to Romers latest post: I do RP pal, it's almost the same as
when you fly around in your Phantom chars attacking random player
or hunting them.
No, what you do is called spawn raping. It's cheap, petty, and shows an utter lack of imagination. Not to mention the fact that you're chasing traders...IN A BATTLESHIP. All so you can tally up your 'player kills' and brag about it in system chat. Cheap man...real cheap...
A little trick I found out today, some BHG wanted some contraband from the old cargo hold, being bored I wanted to see how much they could hold So i dumped my hold of Cardamine, and they only took about 65-200, not positive how much, and they left to scan a Liberty battleship patrol.
So I tractored the leftovers back in, as they scanned to Lib dreadnaught i shot the leader till i got the hole " Hey watch your fire " warning, and when the Dreadnaught Destroyed the little pirahna, It dropped the rest of my Cardamine......
Goona try again later and see what happens..... :laugh:
Alignment:The Outcasts Status: Retired Personal Bio Click here Current Ships:The BlackPearl Base Of Operations:Pryde Villa, Planet Malta
Quote:No, what you do is called spawn raping. It's cheap, petty, and shows an utter lack of imagination. Not to mention the fact that you're chasing traders...IN A BATTLESHIP. All so you can tally up your 'player kills' and brag about it in system chat. Cheap man...real cheap...
Spawn raping against the rules? Nope.
Cheap? Maybe. Battleships is the best ship class in the game so why not?
Chasing traders in a BS? It's a game ffs! You got anything against that?
Players kills...well it's good to know how many you've killed and
for the last time I'm not bragging about player kills or anything
just because I think it's funny.
You pissed because you got PWN3D?
Well don't be but remember it's just a game it won't hurt you
if you get killed in a game.
Now please stop with your cheapish yat and try to avoid me ingame
if you don't like me, it's simple.
Try to RP instead of getting upset.
This is the last post about this conflict.
Have I made myself clear?
Thank you.
Quote:as soon as he stops cowardly running whenever he sees more than one fighter on his sensors
@ Night, So sorry I had to go to bed when you and your friend came
perhaps an other time.
Hey guys, how've you all been? Sorry I've been a little quiet over the comms lately. I've had one thing on my mind and that's been to make as much money as possible. One track mind here for awhile. I also hear there's been some happenings going on outside of Corfu. Some bloke in a battleship tearing our traders up, is that it? My goodness! In a Battleship no less! Not even the Phantoms stoop that low in their terrorizing...only Phantom fighters have intercepted me. I guess they leave the battleships for more important things. Understandably so, the price of H-Fuel is going up and the cost to refuel them must be outrageous! Ugh, well I'm signing off here. You guys keep it straight and stay safe. Drinks and food on me when we all meet up at the bar!