The newly comissioned Battleship Balistner recieved a baptisim by fire today. Several SCRA ships attempted to goad me into attacking them today. (OOC: The balistner at the time had only a few turrets the kind that do nothing) I Ignored them and got the money I needed to finish the ship when I did finish. Myself, The Vulture Of Death and an AW Bomber helped me attack the SCRA ships we succeded in defeating their ship "Dreadnought" And persued the cowardly Antarg through half a dozen systems at least. In the original engagement. The Balistner was severly damaged but it was repaired at a nearby Zoner base.
We pursed the Antarg to the salisbury system The Balistner was forced to retreat due to engine and shield problems (OOC: I had to eat thanksgiving dinner) And that is where my tale ends for today.
The war has ended..... All HF ships cease fire, perhaps we can fix the political situation somehow. I personaly did not like the outcome of all of this We have lost an ally that is a sad thing. But perhaps one day we can redeem ourselves in the meantime we must collect our money from the Helghast.
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This is Mark Kaine, of the HFC Renegade. We will no longer be commencing hostile actions upon our former enemies. The pirate coalition has been nroken by this war. I wish it would have ended in a more honorable way. Renegade out.
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I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
There is new discussion of war and how it should be fought I hope it will end the perminant ending of hostilities and that we can collect our money. OOC: No other HFs are to post in the negotiations thread.
We are not to participate in any further military actions against the SCRA or SSO. I am negotiating with the Chancellor of the SCRA and I have drafted an official ceasefire agreement with them it will soon be made public for the world to see and read. Hopefully we will collect payment from the Helghast and make our first payment on our debt to AW.
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This is Mark Kaine, of the HFC Renegade. It seems that the Helghast of Sirius are a little reluctant to pay up. Are we expecting payment soon?
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I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
I have been assured of payment within four weeks, the Helghast say it may take some time to amass the credits we asked for and that is okay. (OOC: Bestflyer how much creds have you got?)
Incoming Transmission:
Recipient: Guildmaster Drake Thastus
Sender: Major Marcus Williams
The cruiser, VultureOfDeath, is almost ready, I still need to do a little tweaking on the ship. But In one or two days it should be ready. I am currently en-route to Mactan Base, Magellan
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Good to hear we have another cruiser on the line, Vulture. Welcome to the front lines. ooc: 460 mil if they havent taken my 400 for the system yet
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I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)