Does it really need to be rheinlandish ?
What about Langschwert (Longsword) then?
Maybe a name like Cinquedea, Flamberg or *put in the name of your choice* with a german nickname?
Hm, I can somehow relate to Nightwind's problems with the ship getting a German name.
It just doesn't look like a Rheinland ship at all - it's a intensified Borderworld design.
If it'd look more like a Rheinland/BW crossover (as the Civ/Rheinland crossover for the Unioners), there'd be no objections - but, the ship looking like this, I won't be surprised if any ally of the Outcasts and all those freelancing Borderworld inhabitants want to have this vessel.
It receiving a German name and making it Bundschuh only - don't know if that's the way to go.
A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay,
brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.
Schiavona, a basket-hilted double-edged sword which saw use throughout Europe.
Baselard, a swiss short sword.
Katsbalger, a German short sword.
Dussack, a Northern European sword, considered an excellent close-combat weapon. Made from one single piece of metal, in an odd but effective design: (not all were so strongly curved).
Rondel, a dagger/knife carried by armored soldiers, for the task of finding gaps in the armor of downed enemies to finish them off.
Coustille, a large dagger/small sword with a wide blade and crossguard. Convenient like a dagger, but wide enough to defend against sword attacks, with good cutting power.
Gladius, the famous Roman short sword.
I'm sure some of these have already been suggested, but I didn't have time to read through the whole thread.
' Wrote:Schiavona, a basket-hilted double-edged sword which saw use throughout Europe.
Baselard, a swiss short sword.
Katsbalger, a German short sword.
Dussack, a Northern European sword, considered an excellent close-combat weapon. Made from one single piece of metal, in an odd but effective design: (not all were so strongly curved).
Rondel, a dagger/knife carried by armored soldiers, for the task of finding gaps in the armor of downed enemies to finish them off.
Coustille, a large dagger/small sword with a wide blade and crossguard. Convenient like a dagger, but wide enough to defend against sword attacks, with good cutting power.
Gladius, the famous Roman short sword.
I'm sure some of these have already been suggested, but I didn't have time to read through the whole thread.
Out of those, Schiavona and Coustille.
A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay,
brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.
Okay, if it's primarily a Bundschuh/Rheinland ship, as in, designed by Bundschuh and built by the Hessians, Zoners, or IMG, then a German name is preferable. Since Zweihaender gives such offense to actual German speakers, Katsbalger or Langschwert is probably a better idea. If we go into mythic sword names, I can hand off a list.
It it's primarily a BW ship, with some design aid from the Bundschuh, then Falchion or any of the other suggestions named in line with the BW fit better.
For it to be sold on a Bundschuh base, that means that the Bundschuh are distributors for it; no way we have the facilities to actually build our own ships. Thus, making it Bundschuh only is not a rational option. Rheinland Pirate ship used extensively by the Bundschuh works, however; the Hessians have the facilities to make their own ships and can pass these on out of the goodness of their hearts... in exchange for eternal gratitude and assistance whenever asked, sort of like how the rest of the Bundschuh/Red Hessian bargains work. Although, in that case, I would suggest the design be modified a little more to feel bulkier and more Rheinland-like; like a less well refined and less sleek Sabre as modified by Rheinlanders. So, bigger frame, harder edges, and scarce doodads. And greener. Rheinland is green... which is ironic since they have the nastiest corporations to blight Sirius. As for selling locations, it is reasonable that the Hessians allow the Bundschuh exclusive selling rights since they've got their own shipline already.
If it's a Zoner or IMG product with Bundschuh developer aid, then it's good as is; but should receive a name in line with the BW series, and have an appropriate infocard. As for selling locations, this should be sold in at least one location that is not a Bundschuh base; the Bundschuh may be entitled to cheaper prices so they could sell at a profit because of their part in its development, but they would almost certainly not deserve exclusive rights to it.