Comm ID: Capt. Tom Mathers CO Battlecruiser Louisbourg 75th Marines
source: alameda naval base planet manhattan
<transmission starts theres a thick texen twang to it >
frist off lemme me just say this congradulations on your award Capt Winston, you doin the Republic mighty proud to get that medal in peacetime so consider your next round of drinksfor your command staff on the Louisbourg*he chuckled* secondly while i know it dosent directly concern me at the same time it concerns our beloved Lady liberty so if yal lcould a fill me in as to what the Kraut wants,id be grateful hes got a serious pair bringing a rhineland warship into our heartland demanding a court marshal and its got me scratching my head,as for my ship well shes allmost tagged as guard so gimem a week probly and ill get it done also i may rename her if i chose to put it forth and go through with it il lkeep yall posted anyway id bestget back to me wife and lovely daughter
god bless liberty and godspeed to yall
-capt T. Mathers
ps shad stay away from the pitsburg twist to be blunt you could scrape the paint off a hul lpannel that just made atmosphric reentry with it if you do drink it water it me i made that mistake frist hand when i got comamnd of the Louisbourg still cant taste right because of it*he chuckled again* lordy if sarah knew she wouldl hang me out ta dry off our flagpole so dun tell er none wil lya soldier ta soldier,man to man
<transmission ends>
***Incoming Transmission***
Comm ID: [Navy]-Casero
To: High Command
Location: Texas
Subject: Diamond Black
I was serving to Liberty Navy with the Zeruel bomber havoc, along with Anderson (//Sorry I don't know your rank), when we got a SOS communication from a ship, codename: Solar.Angel
In the beggining, we heard some gunblasters, and it looks like someone was fighting there. When we find the ship, at planet Chisos, a human voice came from the radio. It claimed to be "Diamond black", who took control of the cocpit. With 500 passengers, 300 prisoners and 10 crew members, we had been dealing with a hostage situationb. They killed 23 passengers. We tried to negotiate with DB (Diamond Black), because the ship was too close to the atmosphere, and if we shoot at it, people could die into the atmosphere's planet.
After negotiation, DB accorded to leave the ship once he gets to Badlands, so we started to escort them.
But, in the middle of the way, the ship went out of control, turning and spinning all over around. And we heard a recorded voice from radio. DB had been launched while it was spinning, and the ship was set to run into the sun.
Without train disruptors available, and my mosquitos being no capable of stopping the cruise engine, the Solar.Angel finnaly crashed into the sun. We recovered around 60 passengers, 30 prisoners and 6 crew members. Too many people had died in this slaughter.
The survivors were taken to planet Houston with several injuries.
I require permission to High Command, to start an investigation over this "Diamond Black", in his comunications he said he has "masters", so it could be a big terrorist group, or just a madman, which any case, I want to find out what was the cause of this slaughter.
Salutations, this is the Gladius. I wish to attain permission to operate as a mercenary in Liberty. You need not worry, I shall not engage any civilian vessels, nor those of any Libertonian authority. I merely wish to seek lawful employment within Liberty space. I was informed that you were interested in the current reputation of any mercenaries interested in operating within your territory, and have the necessary information ready. It will be sent over private channels to whomever is responsible for such information. Gladius out.
This report supplements Officer Casero's report on Diamond Black and includes the events of my patrols afterward.
I will not go into too much detail as Casero already pointed out in his report. I was on patrol near the Bering gate when the transport Solar.Angel began a distress signal. We heard gunshots, people screaming and the assailant who is Diamond Black laughing. We rushed toward the coordinates of the distressed ship where hundreds of passengers and prisoners were held hostage by the pirate. We tried to ask him to give it up, however he was too close to planet Chisos as Casero already mentioned. We allowed the pirate to leave in return for the control of the transport, however he set the ship into crashing into the sun. We pursued however, the transport was destroyed. Casero and I quickly began rescue efforts but they were not enough to save all of the people that died on the transport. The injured are at Houston Medical Center.
After we settled back into patrols, I receieved a comm message by an Alexander.Shaw who worked for DSE. We talked for a while on the secure comms of the incident and he also knew this Diamond Black. He told me that he was in a small ship of unknown type and had "animals" in his cargo hold. Mr.Shaw also told me that he was heading toward the Border Worlds and away from Liberty. An extremely disturbing fact that Mr. Shaw also mentioned was that Diamond Black may be part of a cult of some kind. Several other ships have been attacked by people such as this and said that they wear black robes with a strange "red overgrown animal in the middle". I am questioning Diamond Black's sanity, and if he is seen by any officers, to use extreme caution when dealing with this man. It was a pleasure working with Casero even though the outcome was unfortunate and hope to see him in space again.
The rest of the day included a continued stay in Texas as there were several interesting people about. A Lane Hacker gunship was destroyed by Fred.Hertz while I was on my way back to Houston. Also, and LPI named Alejandro had a Bretonian Templar which I thought was a little strange. When enquired, he told me he will get a Liberty ship and that he is working on it.
Another incident was the transport by the name of Budhound. He had VIPs on board and blantenly confessed that they were going to Malta. Agent Fred Hertz and [Navy]Casero told him to drop the cargo however Budhound somehow docked with Houston and smuggled the VIPs off.
--Incoming Transmission--
-Source: LSF Agent Michael Fox-
-Boosting signal...-
Greetings command.
It seems that an LSF traitor, Boris McDonald, who I do believe defected to the Order, has taken it upon himself to lead a force of Corsairs into New York. I intercepted them at Norfolk, and engaged one of their fighters for some time, but to no avail. Without proper assistance, I was destroyed by one of the many Gunboats.
A short while later, Lane Hackers, lead by Phate, came to Norfolk and quickly dispatched the Corsairs. I unfortunately, was stuck in the repair bay on Manhattan.
((((This is G-14 classified, only authorized personell can open this file)))
access codes please ______
access granted opening file
today at approximetly 00:45 Navy time an Order Fleet led by "BigFatty" entered Alaska. Fairbanks reported them leading 3 squads of Order fighters((NPC)) a Praefect and a Juggernaught to glass our Planet. Fairbanks sent in a defence force ((NPC)) and wiped out a portion of thier attack fleet, but our boys were defeated. THe only major targets were the Juggernaught and the Heavy Cruiser as our support fleet entered Alaska, Our forces contained of LNS-Lexington, LSF cruiser Thunder.Rock and the [LN]-LNS-Commonwealth. Not to mention Darkmoor and Krusa as bomber support. We had a formidable fleet. We headed to Anchorage and there the Order had waited for us, after a couple minutes of talking BigFatty launched his salvo with Nomad_KillerVII shooting at us. The fight was on
uploading initial holoimage...
After several minutes of harsh Capitol ship fighting, We lost the thunderrock and Lexington. Lexington Went down first, followed by thunder Rock, both to BigFattie's lethal guns. I was the only capitol left. The bomber fleet moved in to engage, and Bigfatty suffered a great amount of damage. We kept on him.
After we defeated the hostiles LRS showed of another Osiris inbound by the name of |LEE| Our forces regrouped at Fairbanks the the Order Forces made a final attempt to breach our barriers. We soon managed to get a quick repair and moved to engage lee. After long minutes of fighting my ship was heavily damaged, the pods returning to Fairbank, and the ship towed in for major repairs but the proud Navy officers did not falter and soon destroyed LEE, We had fended off the invasion and had clamied a victory with a high cause
Combat report first wave:
Liberty defence forces casulties:
Fairbank's security force - all 2 squads -destroyed
LNS-Lexington-Liberty Assualt Frigate-destroyed
LSF-Thunder.Rock-Liberty Cruiser-Destroyed
Order Attack Force casulties:
Fighter Support - 3 squads- annihalated
[THC]BigFatty - Order modified Juggernaught- Destroyed
Nomad_KillerVII - Heavy Destroyer - Destroyed
Liberty fleet:
[LN]-LNS-Commonwealth-Liberty Cruiser-Heavily Damaged
Order Fleet:
|Lee| - Osiris - destroyed
My ship is in drydock for repairs and I should be on duty later
Long Live Liberty!
Winston out
---Incoming Transmission---
---Source Identified: William von Darkmoor, Lieutenant Commander---
---Destination: Liberty Navy High Command---
Priority: Medium; Informing HC
Subject: Captured Enemy Personnel
Shift Report:
In a recent engagement involving several Order Capital vessels, reported by Sub-Lieutenant Winston, I was able to tractor in several Order pilots from their rubble. Requesting information on what the High Command would have me do with them.
--Incoming Transmission--
-Aboard the Thunder Rock, Liberty Cruiser-
--LSF Agent Michael Fox--
..Downloading data
Warning! Highly Classified!
Enter ID and Password.
ID: *******
Password: ********
I am here to report the destruction of an Order vessel named the "Nomad Killer MkII".
Time after time he was warned to leave Alaska, and he continued to re-enter. After warning him a final time to leave, I was forced to eliminate him. Here are a few holoimages of the battle..