Congratulations new Officers, and welcome to the Liberty Police Inc.! We also welcome those returning Veterans who want a little brush up training.
These training lessons are being presented to you so that it will make your orientation easier and enable you to hit the ground running.
This training series is a continuing series, so check back often. Heed these lessons well, they just may save your hide out there.We will be drawing upon the experience of the senior LPI officers and presenting them here for your study.
This training series has been approved by the Chief of Police, Matt Myers and Deputy Chief of Police, Jim Markey.
Good luck out there, and hope to see you on patrol.
Captain Hull O'Brian
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
Welcome New Officers, and welcome to the LPI. Greetings to all Veteran officers who are reading this.
Seeing as this is my first training subject, I will start with something simple...
On your comm device in each of our ships, there is an option to set up preset messages to save you time. They are numbered 0 thru 9. In the proceeding parts, you do not need to type the quotation ["] marks. In the chat panel you can see what you already have by typing "/showmsgs" and hitting enter. Most of you will have nothing. So lets set one up so you can see how it works.
In the chat panel type "/setmsg 0 Hello World" and hit enter. Now when you open a chat window and type "/0" and hit enter. In the system chat it will now say "Hello World"
So to set it up for our use, I am going to show what ones I have setup:
0 #t, please halt your ship.
1 #t, halt your ship at once!
2 #t, halt your ship at once, or I will engage!
3 #t, standby for inspection.
4 empty
5 empty
6 empty
7 empty
8 empty
9 #t, Greetings
Or something close to these effects.
Now you are probably asking what the "#t" is for. That will be the name of the ship that you currently have targeted in your aiming reticule. Makes life easy if you have to get someone's attention in a big hurry. Using these or a derivative thereof, nobody can say that you didn't give ample warning.
You can see that messages 4 thru 8 are empty, so you can put in some customized messages.
UPDATE: It has been asked that we "tone down" some of the commands, so an alternative to #3 could be: 3 #t, please halt and standby for a cargo inspection, won't be but a second. #4 could be: 4 #t, ok, your clear, please continue on your way.
UPDATE #2: please add the following lines in you comm systems:
7 Docking control, don't let #t land! Shut down the mooring fixture and docking ring!
8 Ground control, deploy teams to arrest the crew of #t !
Take guncam footage of the smuggler/escapee and your warning to the docking control. If he somehow LANDS anyway, we can add him to our fugitives list and up his fine.
UPDATE #3: The #c command has become available to us. This command will read out your approximate coordinates within a system.
I would suggest using Message 9 for a stored message of:
9 Mayday, need assistance at #c.
This will be faster than trying to type and fight in a bad situation.
End of training lesson.
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
Subject: Lesson 2. Registering with the LPI Guard for entry to the Illinois system.
Welcome again New Officers and returning Veterans to the continuing training series.
Today, we are going to talk about getting yourself registered with the LPI computer system so that you and your ship registers properly with the LPI Guard, so that you can safely enter the Illinois Guard system.
The Illinois system is where the LPI guard is stationed. We maintain a station there, Springfield station, where LPI officers can rest and refit or outfit their ships.
When you look on your reputation page you currently do not have an entry for the LPI guard. Don't worry, it's there, you just can't see it yet, because you haven't encountered them yet. What needs to be done is to raise your reputation with them from being hostile to at least neutral so you can enter the Illinois system and get onto the Springfield station.
This is simply done by completing 3 or more LPI Missions. The level of the missions is up to you, doing three level 1 missions will get you there. The best place to pick up these missions is the Bar on Manhattan. If there is only one, or no low level missions, you can F1, then log back in with the same character. Now check the job board once again.
Subject: Lesson 3. Laws of Liberty and fines for violating them.
Welcome again New Officers and returning Veterans to the continuing training series.
Today is a review of the Laws of Liberty and the fines that are applicable for their violation.
NOTE ** An easier to access copy of the Liberty Laws are here: Liberty Laws
(Quoted from the Liberty Laws Omnibus here.)
Disrespect to the laws is severely punished
1. Licenses Registration
Vessels carrying less than 50 units of non-stackable equipment with the ambition of arms dealing or storage are to pay 3 millions of Sirius credits,
Vessels carrying up to 50 units and higher of non-stackable equipment with the ambition of arms dealing or storage are to pay 5 millions of Sirius credits,
Vessels carrying any kind of nomadic equipment are to pay 5 millions of Sirius credits, in order to obtain proper papers for dealing arms, storing equipment or possessing nomadic materials safely within Liberty.
Unlicensed vessels will be escorted out of Liberty until they obtain a License.
Nomadic materials those need a naval license in Liberty space are as follows,
* Nomad Brain(s)
* Nomad(s)
* Nomad Cannon(s)
* Nomad Blaster(s)
* Nomad Thruster(s)
* Nomad Power Cell(s)
* Any other Nomad equipment, such as Capital Ship Nomad Turrets
Retrieved from BPA Nomad Licensure
**Note, the only ships that you should encounter that have Nomad weapons mounted on them are Nomads, Keepers, Das Wilde, and The Order.
2. Foreign Battleship class vessels ban
All Battleship class ships from any foreign nations are permanently banned from Liberty for security reasons due to the rising tension between Liberty and Rheinland and political instabilities in Liberty. Liberty government will, from now, not tolerates any violator since they could be labeled as a ship trying to take power of Liberty space.
However, permissions to fly in Liberty might be granted to some Battleship pilots for the following reasons:
* Diplomatic purposes with the Liberty Government
* Rendezvous with bankers that are in Liberty to do a transfer
* Flying through Liberty to get to another system
* For Emergency Repairs
* Rendezvous with an Arms dealer
The concerned pilot must make a request to an officer in charge of the Navy, Liberty security force or Liberty police inc. If a pilot dares to enter Liberty Illegally, (s)he will be nullified.
3.Ship series ban
On the same note, The following ships series, regardless who is flying them, are banned from Liberty:
* Rheinland Military Vessels
* Outcast Vessels
* Corsairs Vessels
* Rogue/Pirate Vessels
* Lane Hacker Vessels
* Order Vessels
* Nomad Vessels
Entering territory with those ships will be illegal and the offender will have to leave the governement space
4. Liberty Texan total blockade
As our nation is currently at war with Rheinland, all trading traffic toward Rheinland or coming from it is now to be halt and turn back. Pilots attempting to break the blockade will be terminated on sight. For Further info, please refer to this message from the Liberty Navy.
5. Liberty Penal Code
Violent Crimes
* Kidnapping; Defined as the unlawful holding of an individual or individuals against their will by another individual or group of individuals, most commonly applied to the holding of lawful pilots in cargo holds. Violator must drop the pilots
* Slavery; Defined as the commercial enterprise of selling captive individuals, most commonly applied to holding slaves in ones cargo hold for the intent of commercial profit. Penalty for less then 2500 slaves is 2,000,000. Penalty for more than 2500 slaves is 4,000,000 credits.
* Piracy; Defined as the unlawful coercion of the owner or owners of a vehicle or vehicles to render their resources towards the offender. Most commonly applied to vessels attempting to impose taxation upon traders. Penalty is death.
* Assault, Attempted murder and/or Murder; Defined as the unlawful attacking of one individual or individuals by another individual or individuals with intent to Unsuccessfully/successfully damage or terminate said person or persons. Most commonly applied to one vessel attacking another with intend to cause harm. Penalty is death.
Corporate Crimes
* Violation of Trade Secrets; Defined as the violation of the implicit confidential and lawful trade practices of a commercial entity. Most commonly applied to non-Ageira or non-DSE holders of Gate/Lane parts. Penalty is 500,000 credits.
* Dealing of Arms to Pirates, terrorists and Rheinland; Defined as dealing of arms to hostile entities. Most commonly applied to those who deliver Light Arms or Military Vehicles to Liberty Rogue, Lane Hacker, Xenos and Rheinland Government bases. Penalty for less than 2500 tons is 2,000,000. Penalty for more than 2500 tons is 4,000,000 credits.
* Dealing of Arms to Class 0 Terrorist Groups; Defined as dealing of arms to groups classified as Class 0 Terrorist groups by the Liberty Security Force. Most commonly applied to those who deliver Light Arms or Military Vehicles to Order, Hellfire Legion or Phantom bases. Penalty is death.
* Unlicensed Possession or Dealing of contraband; Defined as the unlicensed possession or dealing of illegal goods. Penalty for dealing of less than 2500 tons is 2,000,000 credits, penalty for dealing of more than 2500 tons is 4,000,000 credits. NOTE: Blood Diamonds are not considered as contraband in Liberty
* Unlicensed Possession of Nomadic Entities; Defined as the Theft of Nomadic entities. Most commonly applied to those who possess or trade Nomad Brains without a special Cambridge or Willard Research Institute license. Penalty for unlicensed possession or trading is 10,000 credits per unit. Anything in a Nomad vessel will be shot.
* Violation of the Texan Blockade; Defined as attempting to pass through the blockade to deliver illegal goods from or to Rheinland.The violator has the following choices:
-Drop the illegal goods to travel further
-Turn back in order to keep the goods.
Failure to comply will result in death.
Governmental Crimes
* Impersonation of senior Navy or LSF staff; Defined as the impersonation of senior agents of a naval force or the Liberty Security Force. Most commonly applied to those attempting to impersonate Liberty Navy or LSF officers of Captain (Navy) or Deputy Departmental Supervisor (LSF) rank or above. (ex: Claiming to be Brian Copeland or Ft.Adm.Woolsey)Penalty is 4,000,000 credits.
* Theft of a Navy or LSF snub vessel; Defined as theft of a naval or LSF fighter or bomber. Most commonly applied to those who fly Avengers, Guardians or Upholders (Defenders and Executioners are sold publicly as surplus) without special permission or membership (ID) of the LSF or Liberty Navy. Penalty is 2,000,000 credits.
* Theft of a Navy capital vessel; Defined as theft of a naval or LSF capital vessel. Most commonly applied to those who fly Liberty capital ships without permission or membership (ID) of the LSF or Liberty Navy. Penalty is 4,000,000 credits.
Restricted Areas
* Virginia
The entirety of the Virginia system is a restricted area to all non-military traffic under Liberty law. Permission of senior staff of the Liberty Navy or Liberty Security Force is required to enter, and approval of the Fleet Admiral is required for a permanent right of passage. Liberty Navy and Security personnel are authorized to stop, search and eject pilots under threat of lethal force within this area.
* Ellesmere
ERROR...Data corruption...system does not exist
* Zone 21
The entirety of Zone 21, Alaska and the surrounding minefield is a restricted area to all traffic except senior staff of the Liberty Navy and Liberty Security Force or entities directly authorized by them. Permanent passage may only be given by cosignature of the LSF Director and one of Libertys 2 Fleet Admirals. Lethal force is authorized towards any non-military vessels which attempt to trespass, and military trespass may be punishable by suspension or warning. Only ONE warning will be given towards any vessel attempting to breach the mentioned areas, which if not heeded will result in the destruction and kill on sight status of the offending ship.
o In the listed areas, all unauthorized ships, except those that are LSF/LN IDed/IFFed and flying proper Liberty military ships, may be destroyed.
o Ships docking on any installations without authorization in the Alaska system will be immediately terminated</strike>
End of lesson.
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
Subject: Lesson 4. Standard loadout for LPI ships.
Welcome again New Officers and returning Veterans to the continuing training series.
Today is a review of the Standard loadouts for LPI ships.
(Quoted from Chief Myers message, LPI message dump, message #70)
Factional Equipment Regulations
Justice/Vengeance Liberty laser cannons - allowed for all officers
Stunpulse/Debilitator Civilian pulse cannons - allowed for all officers
Lavable/Magma Hammer Liberty plasma cannons - allowed for SWAT officers only
Starbeam/Flashpoint Civilian laser cannons - allowed for Captains and up
All explosive ordinance allowed
All cruise disruptors allowed
Factional Ship Regulations
LZF-6364 "Patriot Liberty Light Fighter
Permitted for use by all officers of Liberty Police Inc.
Standard setup:
1x Adv. Stunpulse
3x Justice III
1x Imp CM
1x Hornet CD
1x Tadpole/Razor mine
LZF-9805 "Liberator" Liberty Light Fighter
Permitted for use by all officers of Liberty Police Inc.
Standard setup:
2x Adv Debilitator
2x Vengeance V
1x Train/Mosquito CD
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM
CLI-11000 Arrow Civilian Light Interceptor
Permitted for use by Sergeants or above as a more agile alternative to the Liberator.
Standard setup:
2x Adv Debilitator
1x Train/Mosquito CD
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM
CTE-HF "Kingfisher" HF.
Permitted for use by Sergeants or above.
2x Imp Debilitator or 2x Adv Debilatators
4x Vengeance V
1x Train/Mosquito CD or Mini Razor or Sunslayer torpedo
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM
BDR-804 "Guardian" VHF
Permitted for any SWAT members per agreement with Navy authorization. SWAT designator [G]
Standard setup:
2x Imp Debilitator or 2x Adv Debilitator
2x Vengeance Vor 2x Magma Hammer
1x Firestalker/Cannonball/Sidewinder missile
1x Adv Debilitator turret
1x Train/Mosquito CD or 1x Mini Razor or 1x Sunslayer torpedo
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM
CTE -6000 "Eagle" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
Permitted for use by Sergeants or above as a heavier alternative to the Liberator, also usable by the SWAT team. SWAT Designator [E]
Standard setup:
2x Adv/Imp Debilitator
4x Vengeance V
1x Vengeance/Debilitator turret
1x Train/Mosquito CD or Mini Razor or Sunslayer torpedo
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM
CTE-19000 "Roc" Civilian bomber
Permitted for use only for members of the Special Forces or SWAT teams and officers of Captain rank and above. SWTA designator [R]
Standard setup:
4x Imp Debilitator or 4x Magma Hammer
1x Adv Debilitator turret or 1x Magma Hammer turret
1x Supernova Antimatter Cannon
1x Train/Mosquito CD or 1x Mini Razor or 1x Sunslayer torpedo
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM
XB-2 "Havoc II" Ageira Bomber
Permitted for use only for members of the SWAT teams and officers of Captain rank and above. SWAT designator-[H]
Standard setup:
4x Imp Debilitator or 4x Magma Hammer
1x Supernova Antimatter Cannon
1x Train/Mosquito CD or 1x Mini Razor or 1x Sunslayer torpedo
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM
LI-117 Liberty Upholder Bomber
Permitted for use only for members of the SWAT teams and officers of Captain rank and above. SWAT designator [ U ]
NOTE ** Withdrawn from service, current possessors need to turn them into the Navy and obtain a different bomber. **
Standard setup:
4x Imp Debilitator or 4x Magma Hammer
1x Supernova Antimatter Cannon
1x Train/Mosquito CD or 1x Mini Razor or 1x Sunslayer torpedo
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
1x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM
2X Vengance V turrets
DL-Hai Liberty "Grizzly" Class Freighter
Permitted for Cargo Interdiction and SWAT operations. SWAT Designator [Z]
4X TR9-D "Vengeance" Liberty Laser Turret Mk V or TN26 "Magma Hammer" Liberty Plasma Turret Mk V
4x Imp Debilitator
1x Train/Mosquito CD
1x Screamer/Nuclear mine
2x Adv/Enh/Hvy CM Armoured Tansport
Permitted for use by the Sergeant and above. These transports act as riot vans will be used to handle the larger pirate attacks.
Standard setup: N/A CT-49X "Gull" Civilian Transport,
Permitted for use as a storage ship and for transport only.
Standard setup: N/A CT-39X "Albatross" Civilian Large Transport
Permitted for use as a storage ship and for transport only; LPI-Rikers.
Standard setup: N/A Liberty Gunboat
Permitted for use by the Chief of Police & each Deputy. These Gunboats will be used to handle the larger pirate attacks.
Standard setup: N/A
Prison Liner
Permitted for use only as bursar and prison ships.
Standard setup: N/A
[size=small]Plus all ships allowed for by the LPI ID.
Note on all standard setups: minor variations are allowed, including adding one or two missile launchers to your ship, or substituting Vengeances for Flashpoints if you have the prerequisite rank.
End of training lesson.
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
Subject: Lesson 5. List of current Nomad and Arms Dealers Licenses.
Welcome again New Officers and returning Veterans to the continuing training series.
Today is a review of the current Arms Dealers and Nomad Licenses. [size=small]
** Note There has been a Sirius wide ban on Nomad weapons. The only people still using them are the Das Wilde, keepers, Nomads, and the Order. Weapons dealers may still have them, but not use them.
[Nomad And Arms Dealing Licenses]
All bounties valid only in New York, California, Texas, Colorado, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Alberta, Minnesota and New Hampshire. Bounties in the border worlds will not be paid.
300,000 credits for the destruction of any Outcast, Hacker, Rogue, Xeno, or Rheinland Military** fighter.
Requirements: Must be a Bounty Hunter, Freelancer, or Mercenary, must fly a gunship*-class ship or lower, does not cover LF Mk 1s (Daggers, Bloodhounds, etc.)
350,000 credits for the destruction of any Outcast, Hacker, Rogue, Xeno, or Rheinland Military** bomber.
Requirements: Must be a Bounty Hunter, Freelancer, or Mercenary, must fly a gunship*-class ship or lower
600,000 credits for the destruction of any Outcast, Hacker, Rogue, Xeno, or Rheinland Military** gunboat.
Requirements: Must be a Bounty Hunter, Freelancer, or Mercenary, can fly up to a gunboat-class ship
250,000 credits for the successful interdiction of any smugglers, either by forcing them to drop or destroying. This includes Rheinland trade ships (Republican, Daumann, Kruger, ALG) Force them to drop their cargo and leave Liberty.!
Requirements: Must be a Bounty Hunter, Freelancer, or Mercenary, must fly a fighter-class or bomber-class ship
NOTE: any 'assists', where an LPI vessel is present, results in 50% of the normal pay. Any 'assists' where the LN/LSF are present results in 75% normal pay. Proof must be in the form of gun-camera pictures. If the ships are LH, HF, LR, or XA ((player faction)) ships, the pay is increased by 75,000 credits.
*Gunship does not cover the Orca, only the BH Gunship
**Bounties on RM ships are only valid in the Texas system.
If a Bounty Hunter needs to claim a Bounty, please have him post on the LPI Bounty Board here.
Please check in on the list to keep yourself apprised of any changes.</strike>
End of Lesson
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
This is the current status. Please check often as situations can and do change.
Liberty Police Inc Diplomacy
Allied (Fellow agents of the Liberty government or entities in direct partnership with the Liberty government)
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Friendly (Trusted friends of Liberty welcome in all but restricted space and given lesser scrutiny)
Ageira Technologies
Bretonian Mining and Minerals
Border World Exports
Bounty Hunters Guild
Bretonia Armed Forces
Bretonia Police
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Deep Space Engineering
Gateway Shipping
Interspace Commerce
Orbital Spa and Cruise
Planetform Inc
Synth Foods Inc
Universal Shipping
Neutral (Entities of average reputation towards Liberty. Maintain usual policy)
All others
Unfriendly (Entities that are highly suspected to be enemies of Liberty. Maintain extreme caution)
ALG Waste Disposal
Blood Dragons
Daumann Heavy Construction
Golden Chrysantheneums
Kruger Minerals
Red Hessians
Republican Shipping
Farmers Alliance
Banned from Liberty (Entities which are banned from entering Liberty, but shall not be fired upon except in self defense)
Kusari State Police
Kusari Naval Forces
Rheinland Military
Rheinland Federal Police
Hostile (Entities that are active enemies of Liberty. Shoot on sight)
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
War (Libertys most dangerous enemies. Highest priority targets)
Phantom Empire
Nomads/Das Wilde
Hellfire Legion
The Order
End Of Lesson
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
Welcome again New Officers and returning Veterans to the continuing training series.
Today is a review of the new Life Pods that are going into service.
With the revitalization of the LPI and War looming on the horizon, serious effort has been given to revamping of life pods. LPI personnel will be doing more than ever before, one day running normal police duty, the next protecting Liberty Space on the front lines from an invading horde. Pilots take time to train and educate, even longer to get the experience needed to be a serious threat to those who seek to destroy our way of life. Pilots needed to be protected so that they could go out and perform their duties again.
Some of the areas that have been enhanced:
1. Armour Plating: Defensive plating has been doubled. This is to ward off weapons fire from those who would kill a helpless pilot.
2. Cryo sleep: This is so that a pilot that isn't retrieved right away can still survive and be located.
3. Bigger engine: Capable of extended flight times.
5. Individual Beacon frequencies: Programmable beacon frequencies that can be used to distinguish
between friends and foe. Compatibility is 100 per cent with all current communications technology
(Including trade lane repeaters)
6. Imminent Death option: When faced with a no survival scenario, a pilot can choose this option.
Guaranteed to take a few with you. Also fitted with an abort option. This option intergrates the
components of a nuke mine into the base of the Life Pod.
7. Solar Power: Added to supplement the normal power source.
End Of Lesson.
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station