We are willing, for a price, to do any task within reason.
2 mil for each SSO| tagged member participating in the assasination upon completion.
This may only be against 1 or 2 players.
Hostile Sortie (raid into enemy space):
1.5 mil per person per kill (ie if i get 2 kills, you pay me 3 mil. the guy who didnt get any kills doesnt get any money). Must be targetted at 3 or more players
Escort duty:
1-2 mil depending on the length and dangerousness of the route (a route is classed as a return trip). This is to be paid on a per escort basis. (ie you hire 2 escorts, you pay them each the required sum in advance of the route)
On-the-spot help:
3 mil per SSO| tagged person who helped drive away the pirates/terrorists. We may help if you are allied or freindly for free. We will only help Neutral players if asked too (hard in the middle of a fight i know).
We may do many other services within reason but we only hunt Pirate/Terrorist groups or people. We WILL NOT hunt players of a freindly faction. For any other services, the price is at the discretion of the SSO| member.
The prices listed here are not fixed, just the reccommended price of the designated service. All sso| members reserve the right to deny help for payment (if they are going to leave soon or somthing like that)
This is Kingpin, I have a listing of services that may interest you...
We will transport any contraband you may have, up to 200 units worth per ship, for a nominal fee of 1000 creds per unit, anywhere in sirius. We will also provide you with any cotraband you may want, from synth dope to Carda, for Variable Price, depending on location of delivery
We will eliminate a trading competitor, sabatoge a rival company, or disrupt buisness in a given system, for a fee of 2 Million per ship destroyed, and 3 million per planet/base blocked, per 30 minuite period. The last option is avalable only upen request 24 hours in advance, or quality cannot be garanteed. Capital ship's cost will be negocited depending on the class.
We will secure any weapons you wish, including Nova Torpedoes and Fighter Battle Razors/Infirnos. We cannot garantee CODENAME gun's avalability, but ask for a listing. Prices vary for CODENAME weapons, however normal weapons are avalable at Normal price +20%
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
1. Bounty Hunting, as i am in the SSO i dont need to explain that here as you can look in mcneo's post
2. escorting
3. I'm set up a store called Jon&Matt's_store i sell any hardpoint. if you want a certain wep just pm me and ill get that wep for u. (for a price of course)
these r the weps i have in stock:
20 Nomad Energy Cannons
5 Nomad Energy Blasters
This is the Hellfire Legion Mercenary job listing this is where you find our service list... Meaning if you want to hire us for anything even put out a bounty on someone we are ready and willing to accept it.
Assistance in combat situations: Price varies on how many enemies and how much help is given consult the player you are hiring for price information.
War: If you want us to help you in a war against anyone except our allies the price is 500million credits
Escort: (Price is on what is escorting you) LFMKII (2million) VHF (4million) Gunboat (6million) Destroyer (7million) Cruiser, frigate and Battleship escorts are not available.
Pirating: This is for players or anyone to pay us to pirate somone and bring back some profit for them most useful during wartime scenarios if someone wants to disrupts enemy shipping. ie find out who the trader is of their leader we add him to the pirating list. 10mil (this is for constant pirating over a series of time 10mil a month for us to pirate someone you dispise)
Protection: You want protection from somone tell us, pay us and we will keep you safe. (25mil a week)
Policing: For those lawful or new unlawful factions that own systems we will help you police these systems and protect your territory. (50mil a week)
* What do you want to ship?
* When do you want to ship it?
* When do you want it to be delivered?
* Where are you shipping from?
System, Station
* Where are you shipping to?
System, Station
* How much does it weigh?
* What are the dimensions?
Length, Width, Height
Then call us to talk to one of our shipping specialists.
Toll Free 555-Universal-Shipping
Incomming trans to all traders or wep dealers.....
I am in need of four codename wepons, two level nine misiles, one nova cannon and two BS heavy mortars. I am willing to pay 80 mil for it on delivery.
I will be in game as DEFIANT, EXIMUS, or SOVERIEGN in the New Tokyo areas.
The first person to contact me in game gets the job.
Alright, my team is always looking for something to do.
We'll escort traders, attack pirates, even help with salvage operations.
........Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;..........But when the blast of war blows in our ears,.....
........Or close the wall up with our English dead...........................Then imitate the action of the tiger;.................
........In peace there's nothing so becomes a man........................Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,.........
........As modest stillness and humility:........................................Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage!....
"Another popup faction. Great. What's wrong with my popup blocker?" - Denelo
"Oh come on, slow and steady doesn't win any races, fast and steady does."
Roddy: Ahoi My friends! The 'Jammy Dodger' and our brand new Cruiser The 'Defiant' are up for hire! We have had experiance in doing many tasks!
Rita: You Can basically tell us to do anything legal and we can sort it out for a small fee.
Roddy: Basically, If you need us to ship supplys (commodities). It will be a downb payment of 10mil for the Dodger and 15 mil for the Defiant.
Rita: We will then give you 50% of the profits made. Also, we will escort you if you need to go somewhere.
Roddy: If you need us on a trade rout, we will ask for a down payment of 10mil for the Dodger and 15mil for the Defiant.
Rita: If you need us to escort you anywhere else, its 1mil per system for the Dodger and 1.5 mil per system for the Defiant.
Roddy: Among other things, we can help you in a combat situation. If we happen to fly past you and you need asistance, its 5mil for the Dodger once the fight is over and 10mil for the Defiant
Rita: As well, we can assasinate certain characters! This is the most expensive and will require a bigger payment.
Roddy: Consult this Handy Chart!
Jammy Dodger
Fighter 10mil
Gunboat 12.5 mil
Cruiser 20mil
Battleship 30mil
Fighter 15 mil
Gunboat 12.5mil
Cruiser 17.5 mil
Battleship 30 mil
Rita: Now, if you can think of anything else that is legal that we could do, talk to us in-game and we can work out a price.
Roddy: We also frequent in the bounty hunters area of Work, and will be accepting bounties Reqularily.
Rita: And One last thing! We will NOT be accepting any contracts by unlawfuls! If you are tagged Pirate, terrorist and are in apirate clan, you will most likly be shot on site.
Roddy: And we don't accept Contracts against lawful tagged people. Don't care who you are, we just wont do it.
Rita: I hope you find this helpful when choosing a mercenary in the later days! We are allways willing to do a good thing!
"I am seeking, 2x IRON HAMMER and 2x SILVER FIRE. Post a time in which the person holding the items can contact me, I am willing to pay 7 million credits for the weapons."
(You guys can contact my trader, [UNI]Valiant in game or one of my various characters if you know who they are)
(Korrd/Admins: Perhaps you guys could just beam me the weapons and I could pay for them that way or something....)
EDIT: SILVER FIRE no longer needed, I am willing to pay somewhere in the neighborhood of 3mil for the IRON HAMMERs