I didnt fined that either, if i knew that i will never do it.
May i say that in version 4.79 when i was trading several ppl tax me with BS, what do u have to say bout that????
I say, thats why we brought the rule in in the first place, to stop that happening like it
did in 4.79. The odd (NovaPG) Battlestar was becoming a bit silly ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
The rule about not using anything bigger then a gunboat is part of all pirate/terrorist IDs, along with what ships your allowed to use with that ID.
Oh and anyone who claims that because frigates aren't mentioned they can pirate with one needs to think very carefully before doing so, namely on the meaning of common sense.
As for the bots/batts thing, unless you agreed with your opponent before the fight theres nothing at all stopping you from using them, thats why they are there.
The exploiting bugs is when you know full well that ship has an unfair advantage, like the viper being unhittable unless you use missiles or know where to aim, yet you continue to use it.
The other stuff that tends to really annoy people is lack of simple common sense or the lack of any RP sense, eg: an outcast ID'd player should not be flying around in corsair ships or a military ID'd player using a pirate vessel, or the other way around, a pirate ID'd player using house ships.
Or the definate way to annoy everyone you meet/fight/shoot at is mounting a rediculous amount of tizona del cid turrets onto a gunboat.
Thanks Mate, me being daft there, of course thats where it says it ... Doh, should read
the blasted things more often myself. Tend to take it for granted.
The rest gets trolled up everytime theres a bit of hanky, seems it ought to be pinned
now, with the rest of the rules ...
The ships are with us till they get balanced, and don't start me on the RP bit please ...
Or the meaning of faction statements ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
I use a trader but don't really understand the restriction on piracy with larger ships. If they want to go chasing around the place in capships, so much the better I reckon.
Might give the military and police factions more to do. Gives a reason to hire escorts.
And besides that, think of the bounties that would be available! :D
If the pirates want to invade and halt commerce, so much the better for RP.
The cruisers and BSs can too easily attack traders. Its not a simple matter of avoiding them, you can't always do that. Plus, do you see any pirate caps pirating ANYWHERE? They are defensive ships, and offensive. A pirate faction wouldn't waste them on pirating runs unless something is extremely important (For example, the kidnapping of a house leader).