As you are probably aware, we in Bretonia have a problem. Several problems in fact. Whilst our forces on the Tau front are constantly engaged in defeating and overthrowing the Hogosha-backed Kusari Government, we have been noticing an alarming rise in Corsair activity in Bretonia. New London itself has been the scene of a number of major battles against worrying large corsair fleets in recent weeks, many of them including Talarca-class cruiser vessels and even several sightings of an Osiris Battleship in New London; a great cause for concern to our citizens as I am sure you will agree. Now, whilst we do not in any way hold the junkers to be directly related to any of these attacks, I must unfortunately relate to your the irrefutable evidence that these corsair fleets are using a confirmed Junker Base from which to stage their attacks against our capital. Evidence from BAF, BPA and independent pilots all confirms that your base in the Southampton Debris Field, a most important facility that I readily acknowledge we depend upon for the processing of the industrial materials in that field, has been used to supply and house the pilots of this corsair fleet, including numerous occasions of an Osiris-class ship being seen to dock there (though it is unkown whether this was seperate ships or the same vessel on repeated occasions).
Now, we are all pragmatic people here, I'm sure you will understand our concerns that your representatives on this base, I believe referred to in your logs as Trafalgar or somesuch, are directly supplying powerful fleets of our enemies to launch attacks against our Capital Planet itself. I must state that we do not want to have to threaten to close down your facility - as I have already acknowledged we greatly appreciate the recycling work you do there, but I must declare that if you wish to continue your operations there unhindered by the Bretonian Government then we will need to see some measures put in place by the Junker Congress to help alleviate our concerns.
Now, I don't want you to think that we are merely making demands of you; I have genuine proposals to offer in returnl. First of all, as your recent communique with the head of Her Majesty's Privateering Corps confirms to us both, we share a common goal in the overthrow of the Hogosha controlled puppet regime in Kusari. I can propose a more formal set of agreements enabling us to work more closely together in this matter, coordinating our strategies to undermine the Hogosha, and perhaps supplying your forces there with direct equipment and assistance from our Privateers. Possible hiring of Junker ships to bring us supplies through the Kusari blockade might also be on the table. It might also be worth noting that we have uncovered a recent agreement by the Kusari government with the Corsairs - the fact that the Corsairs are now actively helping to prop up the hated Kusari regime should surely give you an added incentive to help us protect against their growing strength in Bretonia. As for the Corsairs themselves, the current reports that they are engaged in a bloody civil war killing their own brethren probably tells you about as much as you need to know of their loyalty and reliablity as business partners.
In addition, in exchange for your ending the dangerous corsair use of your New London base the Bretonian Government is prepared to overlook certain....allegations of illicit smuggling within Bretonian space. Naturally individual pilots found with contraband will continue to be prosecuted. But you may have the agreement of the Bretonian Government that we will never press charges against the Junker Congress as a whole, nor hold you responsible for the conduct of your pilots; a generous concession I'm sure you will agree.
To conclude then, agree to our most reasonable request for your cooperation and there is great potential for mutual benefit. Refuse, and you risk allowing the Kusari Government, with corsair help, to gain control over yet more territory, perhaps even Bretonia itself - and with it the encroachment of the Hogosha regime. At this present time we will not threaten you with economic or military sanctions against the base in question. However, if the situation continues to deteriorate I must most regretfully state that if we are to defend our capital, then we may be left with little choice.
Sincerely and Respectfully Yours,
Lord Canning, 9th Earl of Malmesbury
Foreign Secretary of Bretonia
--End Coded Transmission--
Sir Stanley Nelson <span style="color:#000066">Charles Canning </span><span style="color:#000066"> Foreign Secretary</span>
I am Hannibal Bishop, Chief Arbiter of the Junker Congress. It is with honor that I receive this communiqu?.
You will pardon the succinctness of my manner. We of the Congress are merely the acting voice of a collection of simple scrap dealers and freelance cargo pilots. I must express surprise at the reports you submit with this proposition. Raiding parties of any faction, let alone an Osiris-class battleship using Trafalgar as a staging area is news I expect to be informed of by my personnel aboard the base, not the Bretonian government. Neither their presence nor activities are authorized nor condoned by the Congress.
Agents have been dispatched to investigate the identities of the offending parties. They will also see that the dock crew responsible is made aware of the repercussions of such irresponsible behavior as failing to inform us of such significant presence. They certainly are acting counter to our interests and this has got our attention.
Be assured that any party using Junker installations as a home port for undertaking acts of war is acting well beyond logical boundaries of any sane agreement. Abuse of our hospitality is not tolerated in any form. We Junkers value our standing as welcome guests in Bretonian space. Any who wish to use our facilities to purchase supplies, or sift through the refurbished equipment and trinkets found out in the wastes must be aware that the maintenance of this good standing is critical.
Bretonia must also understand that a blanket ban on unwanted vessels in any space outside the lanes is as enforceable as forbidding the rain to fall on New London. If this is true for Her Majestys mighty fleet, it is certainly true for a band of humble scrap dealers and independent cargo captains as well. Steps will certainly be taken to dissuade craft from unauthorized use of Trafalgar. We can not afford to be painted as accessories to acts of war against the very authority presiding over the space we occupy. But we have little in the way of craft with the capacity to repel a direct military challenge. Said steps to repel unwanted elements must be carefully measured and weighted as a result.
The terms you offer for cooperation in the reinforcement of our standing policy have been the cause of some confusion. We can only assume you are guessing at our operations in the hopes of entrapping us into confessing to some illicit activity. Save yourself the trouble. We have no use for a blanket amnesty clause in regards to our organization; if a craft under Congress colors commits a felony, the captain will pay his debt to society as per the written laws of Bretonia like every other law-abiding resident. Any further sanction against the Congress as an entity will be met with legal action and contested in court of law. We are aware that you and your fellow Honourable Lords dictate the laws. But there are still rules that we all must follow as well-perceived leaders of our respective populaces, and we hold cards of our own in this game.
You do venture correctly that we share a common goal in working against the Hogosha and their interests. A consolidation of efforts against the current Kusari regime is an appreciable offer, but such a move will be executed on our terms. We have been undertaking our own campaign against the gangsters which has seen considerable success. Congress agents in place in Kusari have been funneling supplies and funding to revolutionary forces, and working to sway their foreign connections. It is for this reason that blatant consolidation with your forces is ill-advised; this will jeopardize our operation. This in turn will jeopardize yours and everything else in the process. Do not underestimate the impact of our efforts in Kusari.
This brings us to the topic of the Privateers. Our ends are similar, but our methods are incompatible. We will continue our present means of cooperating with them -- through stocking their apparent Kusari base of operations with a surplus of goods. They will continue to be purchased at the rate requested by the noble ladies present, thus aiding both themselves and a faction whose nobility and tactics match their own.
In short: We understand what is asked of us. We hope our level of compliance will be deemed satisfactory. Your offer of payment is not accepted. We will perform the requested tasks and further establish the Congress value in Bretonia. We will then state what we wish. Our terms will be reasonable and to your benefit.