from lsf forums, by me Wrote:Okay okay, Now there is a problem,
So here is what I have to say, and listen to it carefully...
Respect you enemies as much as you'll respect the person you love/your friends/etc. If an enemy does not seek to fight, only wants to RP; RESPECT his choice, RP with him if you want. If a player is telling you that he is setting up, let him go.
Always be polite and nice with the person you are talking to, whatever the context. Sure your CHARACTER may show some disgust for an enemy, but out of that perspective, you should stay polite with the player behind the computer (ex: talking in PM). Even if someone flames you, try to be as polite as possible...Otherwise, things may hit you back one day.
Most players don't mind fighting 1 vs. 1-2, but outside of those parameters, it gets excessive. You don't need to bring in full force 4 fighters for a lone one... If there is too much participants in the battle on your side, tell some of them to pull out and simply provide an assist role (Like giving bots and bats). Otherwise, it makes things un-fun for the pirate who's also trying to enjoy his time as well.
If it happens that you need reinforcements to help you, when fighting against for instance, a fighter. Don't call a capital ship in reinforcements. If an ally joins the fight, making it unbalanced, ask him to pull out in system comms. At least, your enemy will know that you are trying to help.
Firstly, saying "Engaging <names>" is far from enough... At least try to give some kind of explanation for your intent to terminate an enemy... Like "You have attempted to murder multiple naval officers, You are too dangerous to be let free" Of course, it can be something else, but please, use some of your creativity, not just a few words stacked together that don't even or barely make a sentence.
Also, do NOT go OOC in system chat for no real reasons, unless you don't have the choice (like talking OOC to 3 persons at the same time). If you can resort to PM, do such things privately, with a demarcation (//, OOC: ((...)) )
As for the group chat, please make sure that everyone is comfortable with you if you speak OOC in group chats. some have no problem with that, but others might do and end up reporting you.
RP or RP-PVP, not only PVP...
Do not swear! simple no? Do not swear in front of people that may feel disgust for such language.
Those ships will have to be dropped sooner of later... They will be Phantom only ships. I suggest that some of you do the switch ASAP so you don't get caught with your pants down.
As for some of you mounting four missiles on them... ugh, stop using such lame tactic against vanilla fighters... They all die to ONE SINGLE missile... Do you like being blown up by a ship spamming 4 missiles and abusing you mechanical weakness? Be reasonable against your enemy
When YOU do something wrong, ALL the faction you are in is being criticized... So think about your actions and their impacts not only on you, but on everyone else... I doubt you want your faction to be pulled in mud like some were
This message applies to EVERYONE, leaders, members, recruits, indies. Show some sportsmanship, read the server rules, play nice.
That is all I have to say for the moment
response 1 Wrote:If I may say so. I agree withy everything mentioned in this post except one thing. Shouldn't we use any means to beat the enemy?[...] If I were a pirate, I would expect 15 to one odds from the enemy if they could muster up the numbers, [...], there is no such thing as a fair fight.
response by me Wrote:In RP terms, yes, we should somehow take no chances to loose peeps on our side, etc, etc.
However, such concept doesn't really work well when the target is an human player that has feelings, etc. For an NPC, it is all fine of course, since... well, an NPC doesn't care.
Problem for the victim is that he gets no chances to score a hit, hurt someone something. He could simply stand there, not moving, and it would be the same result...
Plus, if you are always overwhelming your enemy, there is no challenge for you. You will never or barely improve your capabilities. Nor will you enjoy the fights in long term...
Think like it was some kind of Martial art competition. Do you fight one versus 5 guys? I doubt so, you will in -more or less- equal numbers than your enemy. That is sportsmanship; give a chance to your adversary, put him on equal ground as you, have a challenging encounter.
And at the end of the fight, whether you win or die, you will be kinda proud of it, since it was challenging and fun. If you fight an enemy in a fair way, and win over him. Chances are that he may PM you telling you good fight.
Sure, a 100% fair fight is purely an utopia. but it is easy to get close to it.
Respect your adversary, and you will be respected
It seems like only a few people are actually trying to apply the concepts of sportsmanship nowadays. Majority of people here are complaining for fair fights when getting killed, then simply switching sides to overkill/gank enemies, to those players: " deleted et accepter de devenir le vaincu".
Try to make everyone happy when playing, not only you. If we all play selfishly here, in a community, we will end up cutting each others throats.
from a member in an other tread Wrote:Okay, this is realling pissing me off.
Everytime We lawfuls enter a fight we always fight 3 v 6. Because more and more Pirates show up. None of us complain.
Yet when Pirates enter a fight starts out as 1 v 1 then 2 v 3 then 3 v 5 then 8 v 6 and a Gunboat. (Pirates having 8.) Yet when they're numbers dwindle. They start complaining.
To make this worse. HALF of the PIRATES also have Liberty Navy and LSF Characters! What the hell?! If you loose a fight and complain don't switch to your Lawful and yell at us! -Don't- Complain period.
response from me Wrote:Liberty = ganking <strike>paradise</strike> hell.
Although, main point is, do you really have to gank your enemy because they always gank you? two wrongs don't make a right. don't do like others, if you can "balance" a fight to make it fair and nice for both sides DO IT, Balance the fight, so people will show you their gratitude afterwards.
If you see a player playing really unfair, like a missile boat. Ask him to pull out of the fight (IN SYSTEM CHAT) to respect other players. If he doesn't pull out, at least your opponents will know that you've tried to help them.
response from a member Wrote:Newbie
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I think the real issue here is how you look at the game. Is this a RP game with an overlay of shoot-em-up action game? or is this a shoot-em-up action game with an RP overlay?
That is something that can be debated for a year and a half. Disco is a RP based server yes, but they are using a game that was designed by a company to be a first person shooter game in all reality. You have to respect both sides. I mean there are extremes on both sides. Personally I like the FPS, and not so much the RP. In RP people pull stuff out of their butts, like the guy who tried to throw a virus into my ships computer systems. My reaction was 'you've got to be joking me!' And although I respected the wishes of the server and RPed it so I didn't get the virus, he still died a horrible PvP death to say the least. Normally, I would have just laughed and opened up on him, but hey, when in I did some RPing first.
Anyways, not to get sidetracked. The basics is this, you can't please everyone. And in all honesty this is still a FPS game and unless you fly around with no guns on your ship, don't complain when someone owns you.
As for ganking, ganking is just some word some guys made to make sure they can cry foul when they die. It's a fight, and everyone and I mean everyone ganks. Unless we all went out and bought the exact same ships, the exact same guns, armor upgrades, scanners, toprs, missiles, and IDs, we are all gonna have different advantages and disadvantages. You don't hear me crying about losing when I take on a fighter in my bomber and get killed. I don't cry foul and tell the guy he ganked me cuz he came into the fight with an upper hand. Have you tried taking on a fast maneuverable fighter in a Havoc MK II? It's hell, specially when its 2 pirates in fighters vs me and my slow bomber.
If you look at any system in the game, no fight is fair, but you bite the bullet, learn from your death experience and come back strong with more of an edge. That's how you improve your fighting skills. I didn't win a single fight for the first 10 days i flew my Havoc Bomber, 2 days ago i had 6 kills total and were complimented on my abilities to do so by 2 separate people for killing them. In all 6 fights I died cuz after killing one or two of them I had to run as I had no NBs or SBs left. Did they let me get away? Nope. But that's the price I paid for going into a fight knowing I was outnumbered and out gunned. I also made a point, I sent a clear msg to them that if you come to liberty, there is at least one guy who doesn't care if the tax payers have to buy another ship, he is gonna make you bleed. Most pirates can't dock on New York, they either don't know about the badlands or they are hostile to it. When they have to use shield batteries and nanos, or missiles and torps to take me down, it's worth it to me, cuz they eventually have to leave to reload. That in my opinion is what my job came down to, making the pirates leave any which way I can. It's about an attitude, you come to liberty, you leave with a black eye. Eventually they will think twice about coming there alone and robbing traders blind. And if you think about it, this is what liberty lawfuls are trying to accomplish in both RP and PvP.
Or how about the other day when we were chasing a wounded gunboat who was clearly dead, and while chasing him for 15 minutes around liberty, he suddenly stops and I get killed by some other pirate who obviously came to his aid and shot me with a SNAC? That same guy was crying about dying in a later fight cuz he was ganked. Come on!
As for the ganking stuff again, how many times has one of you been going down a trade-lane and it gets interrupted, and you find yourself facing 1 fighter, 1 bomber, and 1 GB? WHo are a Xeno, an Outcast, and a LR to top it off. You don't even get a chance to type a word in before one of them says 'prepare to die LSF'. And these are the same people cussing up a storm on skype and crying about getting killed. They can't hide, it's easy to know who is who. But, it's the nature of the game. No point in crying about it. People who do, should make zoner characters and fly around smiling and waving at everyone.
response from me Wrote:an FPS with RP added to it, that is what I believe the game to be.
Now, I am a very active FPS player myself. Getting ganked in such game is part of it. However, you gotta admit one thing... when you get killed on and on and on and on without having a single chance to score, you kinda get fed up of the match and leave. You turn off the game and do something else, to evacuate frustrations a bit.
Same kind of thing in FL
If there wasn't a 4hours rules, people wouldn't mind much about ganking and would do like in any other FPS, respawn right after death and try to win again or find a new adversary in the same "server/area/match/environment".
But the current situation is that if you die, you can't come back for the next four hours, which is long and frustrating if you were killed unfairly. Hence why some sportsmanship is needed. Otherwise, it gets too irritating for everyone.
and yes, some people are simply "natural whiners". Kind of persons that is a "bad looser" can we say. Kind of folks who would scream hacker or find any kind of excuses to justify their death. However, after getting killed multiple times in a row and facing limitations afterward you are surely far from happy
Hope you will all learn something from these logs.
Most of the stuff compromising some identities has been removed and some part censored
My experience on this subject is that the most fun is had in a fight if we RP within boundaries we have set up OOC.
For instance. Most events are arranged so that both sides have an equal chance of winning, this provides fun, and the roleplay provides context to it.
We roleplay here to give greater depth to the otherwise endless pvp drudgery.
Sure, it may be very good roleplay for one side to bring overwhealming forces to a fight. However, this doesn't have any respect for your opponent's gameplay.
I will try to balance out fights, often by sitting out myself and roleplaying recording the fight for training purposes (as I did yesterday against the lane hackers while on my LN character, until I got fired on at least...) or roleplaying some fault with my ship.
Now that is both within roleplay and also respecting the gameplay of other people. It's also sportmanship, something which I feel is an important part of any game. It takes out any animosity we may start to feel against those who fly as the opposing faction.
Personally, the most funs I have had in this game has either been completely removed from combat, roleplaying with people, or in balanced fights, be they unplanned or on the fly.
Have your fun, but ensure that other people are having their fun as well. Find some roleplay reason for people sitting out. A damned good one is waste of resources.
In pure RP realistic terms, yes, we should try to massacre the pirates, for what they've done, and since they don't deserve to live, RP-wise.
But, what we all have to remember, is that this is a game, and we're meant to have fun RP-ing, as realistically as we can get, without taking the "fun" out of it, for all sides.
Kudos to you, kingvaillant.
This should be sticky.
And to be more constructive with this post, i'll add a bit of my own opinion.
I agree that this is a FPS with an RP overlay, but it is an overwhelming overlay.
Without the RP, or even if there was a certain amount less of it, i would not play
on this server. This game is much too simple, and way to outdated for me to
enjoy without the variety, excitement, and sense of community that the roleplay
and player base brings.
For me, RP comes first, always. With the exception of
the times of human error, when i am overly frustrated or simply being
ridiculous. That being said, i'm still working on my roleplaying, as i am far from
being an expert, and still consider myself relatively new to the server and this
forum. That doesn't stop me though, because for me the RP overlay of this
server is the most important part. Right after that - finding a group of people
to become friends and enjoy the game with.
I enjoy it just as much as the next person, but PvP is really quite low on my list of
priorities here.
Edit: I wouldn't say that sportsmanship is a trait of a dying breed of players. It's
more like something that was cool yesterday, but is now considered embarrassing
and very uncool to present. At least that's how it seems to me.
What goes around, comes around. You will eventually reap what you sow.
There's nothing wrong having the balance of the combat tipped to your favor, but if you always do not leave the opposition any change he will find a way to get back at you. He'll get that 6 missile GB and come after you. There's difference between giving a guy a fighting chance than just crushing him.
The FL naturally tries to follow the laws of a vicious cycle, BUT you can break it or prevent it going there being a considerate towards the other guy.
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Good post, King. I agree with all of it. Respect I think is the big one and it is in fact a two way street. I still think that a lot of those who can't RP worth beans or break rules are the kids who should be in school and just want to shoot, shoot, shoot. Not all but many mind you.