The Golden Dragon Liner is the hot spot of Kusari. Businessmen, Politicians, Aristocrats, Wealthy, and all regards of upper class come to blow off steam and thousands of credits. It is here that all of the great men of Kusari relax; as the finest in music, the arts, dance, gambling, and geisha are found on board the vessel. It is here that influential citizens of Kusari are untroubled, and thus can talk amongst themselves informally. The Golden Dragon can be found flying through New Tokyo, Honshu, and the rest of the Kusari Core.
It is in the lounges and casinos of the entertainment center that all prestigious members of Kusari rub shoulders. From rising young Samurai to Retired Admirals, budding entrepreneurs to corporate presidents; the elite of the empire are here. All under the protection of the KSP, Samura, and Hogosha.
All Samurai and other noblemen of Kusari are welcome and pampered en board, often fraternizing with businessmen and the more nefarious Kusari nationals. Please, come, take a seat at our tea house or many lunges. Enjoy our casino and many wellness centers.
Duty and honour
Elder Ruuku Ochi, So-Honbucho of The Black Dragon Society
Ruuku Ochi does his final inspection of the vessel on the docks of New Tokyo. Finally the Golden Dragon is ready for her maiden flight; the finest in honkyoku and other musicians are hired, the greatest of dancers are preforming, and all of the rich and important of Kusari are there. Ruuku signals the take off and the liner emerges into space as she breaks atmosphere for the first time. The vessel leaves behind the reception party on the planet as all the influential members of Kusari have boarded the Liner before her take off. Once in space, Ruuku makes his way to the Jade Monkey Lounge, the largest en board the Golden Dragon. Here he talks to the aristocrats of the empire; sharing stories and sake. Ruuku sees to it that all en board the Golden Dragon know no ends to his generosity, as well as the comforts offered.
Duty and honour
Elder Ruuku Ochi, So-Honbucho of The Black Dragon Society
Kuroda Ryouji Walks On Board the Liner off of a Bumblebee Shuttle wearing casual clothes. Surprised by how much it changed the last time he was here he walked to his favorite area of the Ship, the Bar.
He noticed a tab their waiting for him "Free Drinks and 'Entertainment'"
So he walks to the bar grabs some drinks and sits down at the Poker tables in the Casino.
"Deal me in" Says Kuroda.
He receives his cards. He puts on his glasses and looks at his cards. An Ace and a Queen.
Places a 100,000 Credit Chip on the table and leans back.
Cards are played down and Kuroda has a Full house and wins. The other players at the table seemed angry at the fact he won so fast.
"I love this place" Kuroda reminds himself as he collects the bets. Leans back and takes a drink.
After watching the young farmer win hand after hand of poker, Ruuku smiled. He ushers several of the business men and gas miner delegates over to the casino; right into the poker table where Kuroda Ryouji is cleaning house. He introduces Kuroda Ryouji to the new players; This is Kuroda-San, a great friend to my brother, and all honourable citizens. He pats Kuroda Ryouji on the back as he walks from the poker table. He begins to walk through the crowd, making note that all security details where properly put into place.
Duty and honour
Elder Ruuku Ochi, So-Honbucho of The Black Dragon Society
Ze'ev Barak walked out of the shuttle bay. He had hitched a ride from Kagoshima with a load of Luxury food and a delivery of Kyushuian Sake on board the AFA's newest transport ship the Cargo Hauler. Seeing the transport pilot just ahead of him in the hallway, Ze'ev called out to him, "Pilot, hold there just a moment." The pilot turned and seeing who was calling, immediately stood at attention."Yes Minister Barak?" As Ze'ev caught up, he waved at the pilot, "At ease pilot, I just wanted to ask you how the new ship is working out." The pilot relaxed, "She's a fine ship Minister, I have done a few runs out to Gamma in her, and she handles like a dream." Ze'ev looked at the pilot, fondly remembering his younger years flying a transport. "Well...good, carry on pilot, and you should push your schedule back and spend the night here, enjoy the facilities." The pilot stood again at attention, "Thank you Minister" and turned sharply and walk back toward the ship to let his crew know.
Ze'ev headed straight for the bar, finding a quiet table in the corner, he sat down, order a drink from the scantly clad waitress and sat back, waiting to see what happened.
Hakatoa Yamota stands in the reception area, greeting delegates of the liner as they make their way onboard the ship. Adorned in one of Kusari's finer suits it's easy to assume his position as one of Kusari's wealthy citizens. However, his colourful suit, and the pin on his jackets lapel, displaying the Black Dragon logo, clearly distinguishes his position as part of the Hogoshan syndicate. Even the way he walks through the crowd can be distinguished from the Kusari citizens. His arrogant wide gait is markedly different from the unassuming way most Kusari Citizens go about their business.
Giving one last look at the Hogoshan bouncers, ensuring everything is in order Hakatoa make sure his earpiece is snuggly in place and proceeds to enter the entertainment hall. Immediately overwhelmed by the interior of the grand room, the music, and the mass of people, Hakatoa pauses at the entrance to reach into his coat pocket. Revealing a large, luxery Kusari cigar and wafting its scent he eagerly lights it and proceeds to the bar.
A businessman, talking to one of the hired geisha stands in his way. Pushing the man aside slightly, Hakatoa leans over the bar with one elbow, enjoying his cigar with his other hand.
“Konnichwa Brother”
The bartender dressed in luxerious Hogoshan clothing is busy mixing a drink for an alliance farmer, who is dressed rather plainly. He turns to Hakatoa and greets him with a smile.
“Brother! Dozo yoro shiku.”
The bartender, quickly dispenses the drink, and hugs his brother over the counter and begins pouring Hakatoa one of the finer Kusari whiskeys.
Shiniki Yamota, his younger brother has been working as a bartender for the Hogosha for a few years. Hakatoa never let his brother take on a more dangerous job than the occasional needed transport mission. Using his contacts, Hakatoa was able to get his brother a better position in the syndicate. Now a bartender aboard the luxery liner, Shiniki is now placed in the eyes of the Black Dragons, and under the watchful arm of Hakatoa.
Hakatoa politely grabs the drink in one hand. He hits the glass on the table and cheers with a few of the geisha. Hakatoa yells out "Kampai!" before giving the whiskey a taste. He then enjoys another drag of his cigar before speaking again.
“I see you are already enjoying your new position. I’m glad you find it fitting. The Black Dragon society has much to offer. Make a good impression.”
Shiniki, already busy taking another order from a patron, calls back to Hakatao
“Don’t worry brother, everything will be fine. Go! Enjoy yourself. You are always busy working.”
Before Hakatoa can say another word, his brother is already lost within the crowd of people at the bar. Taking a look around Hakatoa can’t help but notice the seductive geisha, entertaining the guests. It is no wonder gaijin are always passing through Kusari bearing expensive goods, and precious gemstones, probably as gifts for the Kusari women. Taking a deep sigh of relief of not having to deal with unwanted foreign presence here, Hakatoa begins talking to the crowd of citizens. Politics, business, women, ships, all the usual chatter, uninteresting after periods of time. I need to find someone interesting, Hakatoa thinks right before locking eyes with one of the geisha.
“Tonight is going to be a good night” Hakatoa exclaims as he takes another drag of his cigar.
Hakatoa Yamota, Fuku-Honbucho in the Black Dragon Society
Mazakatu Nagumo stares out the lounge's panoramic window into space and the soft colour of New Tokyo far beneath them. A simple cigarette in hand, his eyes are dark as he peers into the far great unknown.
Normally he is a little uncomfortable at such social events, though he would never admit it; this, however, is a very special occasion for the syndicate. As Nagumo turns to take in the room he sees the scope and depth of Hogosha power. Leaders of industry and government officials mingling freely with syndicate bosses. A smile forms in the corner of his mouth, this is why I'm here.
Nagumo pulls himself back to the job at hand. The Kumicho is a few metres awar talking to someone - who? - over by the bar. The nearest gaurd is no more than a stone's throw away, no need for concern. Nagumo reaches into his blazer and adjusts the laser pistol concealed underneath it. It's a terrible, bulky thing that leaves a just-visible bulge in the jacket; but when it comes to protection nothing can be spared.
I'm sure I saw Ruuku Ochi here earlier, he thinks to himself. Perhaps I should join him for a drink or two . . .
A strong empire begins with a firm foundation.
[|]Mazakatu_Nagumo - So-Honbucho, The Black Dragon Society.
Ruuku Ochi makes his way through the casino. Tonight he is busy, as he and the Kaigun Taisa, Hiroake Abe, were the maitre d' for the evening. As he walked into one of the more mundane bars he notices Minister Ze'ev Barak drinking in a withdrawn corner. He walks up to the bartender; That man there, drinking alone. See to it that he is comfortable. Shiniki Yamota nods to Ruuku.
Ruuku finally arrives at the main reception hall. After fifteen minuets of wading through the crowd, he makes his way to the Kumicho. The two exchange nods as Ruuku hands him his data pad. Ruuku discusses politics with several businessmen when he spots the Wakagashira leaning against the bar; eyes watching over the crowd.
Do you know how many men are stationed in the casino, Mazakatu-San? Ruuku asks, and before Mazakatu Nagumo could respond, How many samurais have come in armed? A good Wakagashira must be mindful of all around him.
Duty and honour
Elder Ruuku Ochi, So-Honbucho of The Black Dragon Society
A lone gaijin dressed in a fine Kusari suit appears at the entrance of the crowded lounge, quickly one of the heavily built guards at the doorway steps in front of him to block his entrance. The stranger turns his head just enough for the man to notice the black dragon tattoo on the side of his neck and the guard quickly realises his mistake and moves aside to let him pass through. "Forgive me sir, I believed you to be an unwelcome intruder", the guard bows his head a little in an apology.
"Do not worry, your doing a good job and it's an easy mistake to make", a smile appears on the strangers face, "after all us gaijins all look alike don't we?"
The stranger strides confidently forward towards the bar where several geishas an alliance farmer and a businessman, (looking a bit worse for wear), are engrossed in the tales of a rather talkative Hakatoa Yamota.
The hogosha, noticing the strangers approach, stands up and warmly greets him, "Tomodachi, where have you been?"
"I've been out dodging asteroids and those BAF fools. I was bringing in valuable supplies from our friends in omega 49 and there was a few too many patrols out there in Tau for my liking", Tomodachi turns to face the young barman eager to serve him, "A glass of your finest Sake for me and whatever this unsavoury bunch are drinking!", Tomodachi slaps Hakatoa on the back and grins at him.
Quote: That man there, drinking alone. See to it that he is comfortable.
Shiniki Yamota nods to Ruuku. Looking at a group of 3 finer geishan woman, he points at the man in the corner. Almost immediately they slink their way over to the man, drinks in hand.
Quite the job my brother has gotten me into.. Trying to please everyone is quite the chore. But the view is quite nice. Shiniki throws a small look to the other bartender, a scantily clad women who is equally swamped in the unending orders of alcohol.
Hakatoa in the middle of a story about his travels with his brother continues talking to the geisha, the farmer, and the businessman who shifts uneasy in the presence of the alliance pilot. A bead of sweat runs down his head.
"So here we were, at the end of a long journey to the omega's bringing supplies back to New Tokyo. Outside the landing gate we were about to dock when Shiniki makes a wrong turn and came nose to nose with Samura container transport. All of a sudden, you could hear this irate female ground controller lashing out at him, screaming 'Hogosha transport Shiniki Yamota, WHERE the hell are you going?! I told you to turn right into the charlie lane! Instead you turned left into Delta! Stop right there. I know it's difficult for you to tell the difference between C and D, but get it right!' Continuing her rage to my now embarrassed brother she was now shouting hysterically.. 'God! Now you've screwed everything up! It'll take forever to sort this out! You stay right there and don't move till I tell you to! You can expect further instructions in half an hour, and I want you to go exactly where I tell you, when I tell you, and how I tell you! You got that Shiniki!?' Naturally overwhelmed by such a display from a women Shiniki remained silent. Ground control frequencies fell terribly silent after the verbal bashing of Shiniki, be it from a women. The tension was builing up and was running high in traffic control, and in each pilot awaiting to dock New Tokyo. Just then an unknown pilot broke the silence, 'Wasn't I married to you once?'"
The group broke out laughing, as Hakatoa took another drag from his cigar.
"Leave it up to a women to mess up traffic at New Tokyo! I'm sure she lost her job." Hakatoa exclaimed as he took the final sip from his whiskey.
Just then he notices a familiar face, easily standing out from the crowd. Leaving the two geisha sitting down beside him, Hakatoa stands up and warmly greets the gaijin.
"Tomodachi, where have you been?"
Quote:"I've been out dodging asteroids and those BAF fools. I was bringing in valuable supplies from our friends in omega 49 and there was a few too many patrols out there in Tau for my liking", Tomodachi turns to face the young barman eager to serve him, "A glass of your finest Saki for me and whatever this unsavoury bunch are drinking!", Tomodachi slaps Hakatoa on the back and grins at him.
Returning the grin and pulling Tomodachi into the group, Hakatoa introduces Tomodachi to the rather confused faces.
"Now, if your looking for a something interesting, you should hear some of the things I've ran into with this guy."
Returning to his previous position between the scantily clad geisha, Hakatoa invites Tomodachi to join them,
"Sit down, and join us in another round!"
Shiniki, hearing the requests immediately begins pouring a glass of whiskey on the rocks for his brother, and mixes the other drinks for the geisha and company alike. He then takes out a cheaper bottle of sake for Tomodachi. Seeing the cheap sake, Hakatoa quickly shakes his head at Shiniki.
"Always messing things up" Hakatoa muttered under his breath.
Shiniki seeing Hakatoa's disproving gaze, quickly opts for one of the finest Samura sake, imported from Kyushu, and sends a Geisha out to bring the drinks to the small gathering. She arrives at the group and takes up a position beside Tomodachi. Seeing the tatoo on his neck, she wraps her arm around him, handing him the sake with the other.
"Now where were we. Ah yes, my good friend here.. You should know," Hakatoa says, beginning another one of his stories waving his cigar infront of him as he looks at each person in their gathering, "this man here has his fair share of stories. Why just a few days ago, he saved my life from a BAF intruder. Go ahead, tell them the story Tomodachi, I won't steal your spotlight."
Hakatoa Yamota, Fuku-Honbucho in the Black Dragon Society