**Incoming Transmission**
**Decryption Process initiating**
**Clear text reads**
To: Lord Charles Canning
From: Samuel Nichols, CEO Omicron Supply Industries,
Representative of the Council of Zoners
Message reads:
Seems there is one little adjustment we must make. Since you mentioned that our lease you be the counter of the lease at the Port Jackson refugee location, we need to adjust that sum. It seems we were both remiss and should have reread that lease which is located here.
Quote:4. Bowex shall initially pay a sum of 100 million Sirius Standard Credits to the Council, and pay a sum of 30 million Sirius Standard Credits on a Monthly basis as payment for use of the aforementioned parcel of land.
So we need to adjust this line from 60 million to 30 million, and would not read as thus.
Quote:2) Grant a a 10 year lease of the 5k of space about Freeport 1, and recognize this space as Sovereign Zoner territory during the term of this lease. The amount of said lease will the be sum of 30 million credits per month.
Doing this would guarantee your statement here,
Her Majesty has most graciously agreed to lease the 5K sphere of space around the Freeport to the Zoner Confederation on a renewable 10 year lease, for the most reasonable price of 60 million credits per month (which would be financially cancelled out by the current Bretonian lease on Port Jackson, hence negating the neccessity of you actually paying anything for it).
And cancel out both debts. Hope you find this acceptable as it does follow your original intentions.
Samuel Nichols
Council of Zoners representative
Then that would appear to be a clerical error on our part. Thank you for pointing it out. If, indeed, the monthly lease sum for Port Jackson is in fact 30 million credits, then that is what we shall request in return for your Freeport sphere of space.
Charles Canning
9th Earl of Malmesbury
Foreign Secretary of Bretonia
Sir Stanley Nelson <span style="color:#000066">Charles Canning </span><span style="color:#000066"> Foreign Secretary</span>
Just a polite reminder that we are still awaiting confirmation to proceed to the signing ceremony.
I think perhaps Bethlehem Station in Pennsylvannia would be an appropriate location, as a Zoner facility safely within secure House space? A delegation of Bretonian diplomats will be available throughout the next week as suits the other 2 parties in these negotiations.
Many thanks again,
Lord Charles Canning
9th Earl of Malmesbury
Foreign Secretary of Bretonia
Sir Stanley Nelson <span style="color:#000066">Charles Canning </span><span style="color:#000066"> Foreign Secretary</span>
I would also like to ask that this be moved along as swiftly as possible. I hope the completion of the final draft is coming along quickly, as I have other things on my agenda to deal with. I'm sure you understand, of course.
I agree with holding the signing ceremony on Bethlehem station in Pennsylvannia. As Lord Canning points out, it is a Zoner facility within secure Liberty space. Therefore, it would be a good place to publicise the signing and spread the word of the solidarity of our relationship between the houses of Liberty, Bretonia and the Zoner Confedaration.
I should be available for the ceremony until this Thursday. If the ceremony cannot be held before then, please notify me and I will arrange for an appropriate person to stand in my place.
Regards, Harrison McRemitz
The secretary of state for foreign affairs.
**Incoming Transmission**
**Decryption Process initiating**
**Clear text reads**
To: Harrison McRemitz, Lord Charles Canning
The secretary of state for foreign affair
From: Samuel Nichols, CEO Omicron Supply Industries,
Representative of the Council of Zoners
Message reads:
Gentlemen, we have had a slight hiccup. Some of our folks are very opposed to us allowing house Navy's the privileges we outlined here. They see it as us taking sides in wars and conflicts, since the primary job of the Navy is border control and war, not trying to catch criminals. With that in mind we want to alter the wording of the items to exclude the LN and BAF. The LSF, LPI, and BPA would retain all the privileges we outlined. We realize that some of these station are outside police jurisdiction, but we think that allowing them to pursue criminals into the NFZ's is more fitting then the Navy.
I await your response.
Samuel Nichol
Council of Zoners representative
I've been told that police forces have, due to their own circumstances, much less presence on the ground than their military counterparts. The Liberty Security Force falls under the same bracket. Hence, such a change that you propose defeats the point of why negotiations were initiated in the first place. As such, this amendment is unacceptable to the house of Liberty.
I cannot speak for Lord Canning, but I doubt he will be pleased.
Let it not be said, however, that we did not have contingencies for such a predictable turn of events. That said, if you can convince your collegues of the value of this agreement, then we will still be pleased. Though, I will not be able to attend the signing ceremony in person due to the lateness of this issue arising, which I doubt will be sorted out today.
Regards, Harrison McRemitz
The secretary of state for foreign affairs.
[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Whitehall, New London]
[CommID: Bretonian Foreign Office]
Your description of a "slight hiccup" could hardly be more of an understatement. For Bretonia, such an amendment would render the entire agreement essentially worthless; the BPA does not include Omega3 within its standard area of operations, the BAF effectively acts as a police force and assumes the responsibilities of the BPA in the Dominion of Omega 3. Granting consent to the BPA to enforce laws in an area in which they do not operate appears, I must confess, to be a rather blatant attempt on the part of certain elements within your Council to derail these negotiations at a point when we had just managed to reach a rather difficult agreement.
Your point regarding taking sides in conflicts, Mr Nichols, seems somewhat misguided. For a start, I would have hardly thought that a conflict between 2 lawful Houses and a group of murderors, pirates and terrorists, many of whom are a threat to Zoners as well as us, was a conflict in which anyone could desire to remain "neutral"; both in terms of ethical standards, self preservation and the political weight of parties involved. We understand you do not take sides in wars between groups, such as Rheinland and Liberty, or even between the corsairs and Bretonia, given that the terms of the agreement as it stands does not allow arrests merely on the basis of affiliation with a hostile group. This is not what we ask. All that we have requested is the right to arrest those who have committed greivous offences against our people and, might I point out, committed offences against the Council of Zoners itself, as your own laws already prohibit loitering and the use of your bases to stage attacks.
If you instead would rather that your bases were used to shelter such criminals from us, then I think that would in fact be a far clearer example of taking sides in our conflicts - a conscious decision to harbour and protect those who harm both our peoples from our attempts to provide justice. Please don't insult us by trying to say that your no fire zones shelter our forces equally from the criminals - we all know that our Armed Forces have little need of it and that the vast majority of those taking advantage of it are criminals. After all, it is they who are running and hiding to try and escape justice. If you therefore enact a policy which aids those who run and hide, you are aiding the criminals, not us. So don't for a moment be naive enough to think that you can avoid taking sides and maintain perfect neutrality - whatever your decision someone will benefit from it more than others. You have to accept responsibility for the decisions that you make, and realise that our previous agreement is in fact the best decision, not just for us, but for peace-loving citizens everywhere who want to sleep safely from the threat of dangerous criminals. If any among your council honestly believe that this false vision of "neutrality" is more important than the welfare of ordinary citizens of all our nations then, frankly sir, they are fools.
I request that you ask your Council to reconsider, pointing out that in the specific system of Omega3 the Armed Forces (and similarly for Liberty) in fact take on the responsibility of the House Police forces to catch dangerous criminals and hence the privileges granted to them should reflect that status also. The previous terms of the agreement already provide adequate safeguards against us using the no fire zones to wage war on enemies, due to the fact that mere affiliation with a hostile power is not sufficient grounds for an arrest; evidence of specific offences is required. Perhaps your Council delegates missed that point - be so kind as to point it out clearly to them.
Might I remind you that, as of yet, we have not ratified any of your new laws and will not be doing so until we have a satisfactory Foreign Law Enforcement Treaty from you. Whilst at present we are continuing to respect your no fire zones out of politeness whilst these negotiations continue, we are not in any way obliged to do so until we have ratified your laws. Perhaps your council should bear this in mind when they make declarations designed to stall and delay these negotiations.
Trusting that your delegates will see sense over this issue,
Lord Charles Canning
9th Earl of Malmesbury
Foreign Secretary of Bretonia
[End Transmission]
Sir Stanley Nelson <span style="color:#000066">Charles Canning </span><span style="color:#000066"> Foreign Secretary</span>