My last load of Engine Components has been delivered and my contract has been fulfilled. I have just received my check via my neural-net account and am awaiting clearance to leave. Seems to be some unusual Dragon activity outside and all the outbound ships are temporarily on standby, pending the arrival of the KNF to deal with this threat. Oh well, not everyone can get along I suppose.
I am currently plotting a course to the Cortez System now, for a weekend vacation on Planet Curacao....much needed after this job. It's been almost two months since I've seen those crystal blue waters and shining beaches. Three full days of drinking and gambling, I can't wait!! I've made a promise to myself not to gamble more than 10 million this time though, last time the dice weren't in my favor and I had to do some risky runs to recover what I lost.
Sophie will be quite surprised when she finds out that I'm bringing her a case of Curacao Rum. I've taken quite a liking to that girl and it's the least I can do for her, given all the kindness she's shown me at The Ship Inn.
Well, apparently the scuffle outside has been dispersed and I've been given clearance to leave, so I'm initiating undocking procedures now. If anyone needs to contact me, I'll be Planetside in Cortez in approximately eight hours. You can reach me at the Shimmering Orb Resort and Casino, I'll be in the Presidental Suite on the top floor. Well, to sleep anyway....most of my time will be spent downstairs in the VIP Room at the craps table.
-Cutter out.
You ask me why Im weary, why I cant speak to you.
You blame me for my silence, say Its time I changed and grew.
But the war's still going on dear, and theres no end that I know...
And I cant say if were ever...
I cant say if were ever gonna be free.
Incomming Transmission
Comm ID: James Watson
Onboard the Advanced Train, Break Even
Subject: Ruddy Corsairs!
So here I am, mindin' my own business with the Beagle in tow, fulfillin' my overdue contracts as usual, and these Corsairs come up to me. O'course, they want part of what's in my wallet, dont they! Always the same.
I tried to have a nice chat with 'em, but that went out the window when they opened up on me. Good job I was close to a Freeport. Those damn 'Sairs were demandin' three big ones! Can you believe it?! Three million credits?! You're havin' a laugh, I said, but they weren't. They honestly thought I was gonna cough up the dough.
Even with Beagle in his Ravens Talon, it was clear that any retaliatory action straight away would end in failure on his part. Bloody Zoners in the area too weren't bothered, either. Well, I say that, but in truth, the AoF vessel Titan was going ape tryin' to stop 'em.
Of course, I needed a bit more firepower. Good job I just met another Freelancer by the name of Tanath, flyin' a Taiidan bomber, all kitted out and ready to go. In the time it took him to get there, and the time it took me to get some Zoners to relocate their backsides to Freeport 9, most of the 'Sairs disappeared. Where too, I dont know.
Well anyway, remember the names:
Or summat along those lines. Ain't known for their patience, so make them wish they had a bit more of the stuff.
Let it be known that I intend to spend more protectin' myself than payin' out to greedy pirates. Ain't no room in Sirius for the beggar-type!
Well, actually, that ain't quite true. The other day, I had a lovely chat with a man of Corsair disposition, and he got double what he was askin', despite the fact that I won the bet we made. Lovely chap, I can only wish there were more of him and less of these greedy ones. Sirius would be a better place.
PS: You epsilons better get your behinds in space soon, I need safe escort here! Do your job for a change, instead of idlin', gettin' drunk all the time!
Ahh, the weekend is over, back to work. The tables on Curacao favored me this time....finally. One hell of a rest and 26 Million in the green, OH YEAH!!
Well, it seems that the Zoners here have a surplus of Deuterium this week, so I'm going to take some of it off their hands. I managed to secure a discount on the price by purchasing a substantial quantity, much more than I can haul in one run. I've rented a warehouse planetside and will store the remainder there until I can return to pick it up.
Well, my loading crew is almost finished in the cargo bay. God, those boys work fast. And they damn well better too, given that I spent about 1.5 million credits on them this past weekend!
I've also hired five extra hands for my loading crew, just to speed things up a bit. If they work out on these next few runs, I think I'll keep them employed full time. After all, time is money.
One more loose end to tie up before leaving so I better sign off now. Safe travels to all, and keep that money rolling.
-Cutter out.
You ask me why Im weary, why I cant speak to you.
You blame me for my silence, say Its time I changed and grew.
But the war's still going on dear, and theres no end that I know...
And I cant say if were ever...
I cant say if were ever gonna be free.
So I was'a hang'in oot wit dem Bretonians, runnin all over Leeds and I got ta say, dis system be da ugliest I have 'ver had the pain of look'in at. I need to be gettin back to Liberty where da people know 'ow to be rude and drunk. Be back soon.
Well thanks to your combined efforts, and a little donation from me, we have secured a contract with
those excellent boys and girls from the Mandolorian Mercenary Group.
This is a copy of the contract we have with them at the moment, extra funds may become available for
increased cover if the need arises. My pockets are as usual, very deep for some reason ...
Terms of Service:
* Target(s) - N/A
* Zone(s) of Interest - Sirius wide
* Guidelines - 1. Observe courtesy and friendliness towards IND traders and their escorts; 2. Keep
Magellan/Cortez/Cali clear of pirates when IND are operating; 3. Escort and scout ahead for them if
* Restrictions - Do not engage registered associates.
* Fees - 300 million credits blanket fee paid in advance.
Feel free to call on them at any time, and I believe further gratuities for the destruction of niggling
problems will be gratefully receieved. As always, those are entirely discretionary, though recommended
for continued good health, and working relationships.
Just a note to remind you, bar tab payments are due very soon. I would hate to have Sophie break your
legs if they are not forthcoming on that date.
That is all ...
Message Ends:
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Mr. Simon,
It seems my E-Transfer of 100 million credits has reached it's destination and conformation of arrival has been confirmed. I am delighted to know that the Mandalorians will be working side by side with us in these troubling times. Added protection can only mean more for the coffers of us and our allies.
On another note, I have already made an arrangement with Sophie in regards to my bar tab; my last delivery to her from Maltese Space was, shall we say, more than generous. In addition, I also have another surprise for her. I recently purchased an ancient recording from a man on Battleship Hood in Dublin. Something called "The Who". I have listened to this fine recording and do believe it will fit well in our jukebox collection. Unfortunately, it seems to be of a "counterfeit software" nature so I must be careful when delivering it. Fortunately I just picked up a load of teddy bears headed for the homeless children of Planet Los Angeles, so I do believe I can conceal it with relative ease.
Also, if Newark requires anything from California Space, be sure to let me know soon, I will be arriving to Newark in two days time.
That is all.
You ask me why Im weary, why I cant speak to you.
You blame me for my silence, say Its time I changed and grew.
But the war's still going on dear, and theres no end that I know...
And I cant say if were ever...
I cant say if were ever gonna be free.
Message to: All IND Vice Presidents and their associated ships.
Comm ID: Jay Simon, from Fuyoko Base.
Now, the government in it's infinite wisdom, has given us some fairly exclusive paperwork to keep flyin' as we
currently do. They also, in this wisdom, put it out of the reach of those not tagged and bagged with our colours.
Sooo, I have had to do a fair few trips to a secret base up outside the normal routes, to get this paperwork.
All of you now have it on your ships, and your neural net accounts have had the necessary credits removed to
cover the costs, which were a measly one million. Good value I thought ...
Now to the other matter at hand concerning this 'special license'. It limits your cargo carrying capacity to just
four thousand seven hundred units, so those using vessels with a little more than that, have to trade them in
pronto ...
Think that's it for now. I believe new and lucrative trade routes have come on-line recently, so get out there,
hunt them down, and report in our own neural chat. Mum's the word ...
That is all.
Message ends
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Gregory sat on Waterloo station and watched his beloved planet revolve underneath him, his position within the IND and Her Majesty's government allowed him an even better suite than Jay's here, although he hadn't bothered gloating about that. He'd just finished running a cargoload of Iridium through the Omegas to Thames, useful for the war effort. He composed a few messages.
Message Encryption: High
Comm ID: Major General Lord Professor Gregory Bayliss M.Phil
Recipient: Jay Simon, CEO Interspace NueralNet Division
Have delivered Iridium to Thames, Run completed safely, no pirate activity noted.
That is all
Bayliss Out.
The War Footing now sat at the mooring point looking like a bastion of power. For a transport her firepower was amazing and with the new armour plating he'd gained access to her durability was astonishing. Gregory smiled to himself. Things were really looking up.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.
Greetings IND Employees,
As you may or may not know, I am now the new IND Press Officer. For those employees who do not know me, allow me a moment to introduce myself. My name is Jake Cutter. I pilot the fine ship Cutter's Goose and have been employed by Interspace for a rather short time. My piloting abilities, coupled with the fact that my deliveries arrive in record time and undamaged has allowed me to rise quickly among the ranks of the glorious IND personnel. Being a persuasive man in the ways of diplomacy has also played no small part in me getting nominated for this position.
As you may understand, I have a mountain of paperwork to attend to, so I will be rather busy for the next few days while I get everything in order. Should the need arise for my assistance regarding small matters, please set an appointment with Rosalie, my new secretary, and she will schedule you in at the earliest possible time. If the matter is an important one, you may contact me immediately through my Private Channel or my Sirius Knowledge You Personnel Examine
It is my pleasure to be in this position and rest assured, I will do everything possible to insure the future prosperity of our glorious company.
Jake Cutter, your new Press Officer.
You ask me why Im weary, why I cant speak to you.
You blame me for my silence, say Its time I changed and grew.
But the war's still going on dear, and theres no end that I know...
And I cant say if were ever...
I cant say if were ever gonna be free.
A rather poorly handwritten note, stapled to the door of the Newark bar in the hope that it arrives at its destination reads thus:
We 'ave ranks now? Eh. Well, g'luck Mister Cutter. Ah guess we all kinda took Bayliss fer granted when he were still alive. Errr... He did die, right?
Anyways, finally got the -mostly- boron stains out've me Palace after me last run-in with the nasty 'Acker man. Mostly, seein' as me seat didn't have any boron on it, but it were sure as hell stained. Anyways, I'll be back in space soon, eh?