...Super... i say AYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
incoming transmission
from grand admerial kid nasty
to: grand admeial drake thatus
untracible message
srry about making it untracible but as you know i dont like people to know where i live and find out my real idenity if the Cuff are still tresspassing in your system do you want be to deal with them if no HF are on at that time? if so plz send a message to the junkers(OCC the helghast message dump) i am sure to get it when i drop in to check up on our allies
Transmit to: HF High Command
Transmit from: High Chancellor Aeon, RAFC-Dreadnought
*In a very grave tone*
Greetings, friends.
Your actions recently against the SF have put our only recently signed alliance in jeopardy. We are requesting a full diplomatic report on your plans for the SF.
Allies should always consult one another before taking such drastic measures as these. A full-scale attack on the Bretonians is a major event, and after intercepting their comms, we have some knowledge of what happened. Attacking a defenceless medical frigate is a huge violation of international law, and the countless deaths that caused will be lost forever. The SCRA is not impressed at all...
The HF should have noted that the SCRA are on neutral terms with the SF. We wish to continue this relationship if possible. Seeing as we have also recently bought Nomad Transportation Licenses, we do not want our money wasted.
The SCRA regretfully states that we cannot act in concert at any time with the Helghast, because of past actions against us.
Note that the SCRA is trying to repair our relations to a certain extent with the Colonial Remnant, who have close ties with the Bretonian Armed Forces, and thus, SF.
It appears that such wide-reaching implications were not taken into consideration before your attacks were made.
We are currently re-evaluating our alliance, and whether it will indeed prove a worthwhile venture for us. We are also re-evaluating our stance with other factions at this point, because our relationships with certain factions have proved to be trouble-some and have conveyed negative connotations for us.
The AW are about to declare official war with the SF due to the actions of Exeter, one of the frigates. We will be negotiating with other organizations about alliances. As of now, all SF are prohibited from Theta. Any SF attacking an HF will be shot by AW. SF will be given no warnings after the first, and public, one if they enter Theta. If you see any SF in Theta, terminate.
I believe the Helghast will assist us in this situation. As well as the Wraiths, given their leader's past actions.
The actions of the SF today will not be forgiven, nor forgotten. They've made war to us before, and seem to again. And it is my belief that the outcome will remain the same.
I recommend we move fleets into position in Megellan, Theta, Dublin, and Omega-5.
The Intelligence Liner, Feiran will arrive in Megellan shortly to make recon runs into Bretonia and survey the defenses and find us back doors into the systems.
From: Mark Kaine
To: Luciaden
The HF may join you in this attack, but would like to remain neutral until we are fired upon first by the SF. However, if any AW asks us for help in this situation, we will gladly comply.
Transmission Ended
From: Mark Kaine
To: High Chancellor Aeon
I am sorry to hear that you will not be helping us in this endeavor, although it is expected. I can't ask you to work with your former enemies, or go against friends of friends.
ooc: to all SF and every1 ic: I deeply regret the actions of the battleship Atlas. It was working outside of HF control, and disobeyed direct orders. The Captain of the ship is now being held for a court-martial *hears gunshot* ...Just executed. Again, I'm sorry, and we would be glad to assist the SF in the rebuilding of her medical fleet. Please forward my regards to the SF commander (tell him to read this post) Thank you Mark Kaine out.
Transmission Ended
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
Run Messaging Program
Run Command " Send To "
Send To: Luciaden
CommID: DBoy, Black Squadron Commanding Officer
Luciaden, War is not a smart idea.
Black Squadron is allied to Sirus Federation, so in this case we will be defending Cambridge.
And I do not want to see AW and Bs| going hostile, we have only been under friendly terms for under a week.
So before declaring war, think of what will happen after it.
Going hostile to Bs| , [RCG] , {F.E.A.R},
Possibly [CR], [IND], sso|
Just MHO.
End Message
Run Command " Send "
Message Sent
Terminate Program