Allow me to introduce myself; I am Sargon, Commander of the entity known as The Black Fleet (TBF). We base our fleet attitude on the Klingon Empire and it has always served us well.
For the last 50 hours (give or take) the advanced recon team comprised of Krog and I have been enjoying the hospitality of the Rheinlander people and we will continue to do so. After all have you seen those diamond prices!
First, as to the charges levied against us they are all true. The Black Fleet will not be scanned, will not reveal its location, and we go where the money is. In short the only one giving orders to The Black Fleet is me. Just so we are clear you have a bats chance in hell of getting any of us to pay fines. Its not in our nature, knowing that up front will save us all a whole lot of typing.
Second, as to this bounty that allegedly may or may not have been placed upon TBF players, I would rethink that policy quickly. If its true I wont blame those that try to collect Im just going to bring it all back to Rheinland. Its just going to cost you in the long run and trying to strong arm us into paying is only going to get innocent bystanders killed. Besides its cowardly not to do your own dirty work dont you think?
Like I said, Krog and I are only the advanced recon team, we are not the main body of the TBF. Since any vessels tagged as TBF are to be destroyed on sight in Rheinland, I have to assume that any vessel (or alias) with a RM tag is hostile and will fired upon us so dont be surprised when we start picking off your members. No crying or whining!
We were going to give you the benefit of the doubt but RM-Plunder blew that. Grow eyes in the back of your head buddy! Im coming for you at a time and place of my choosing and it wont be in an Avenger next time.
Third, please note the lack of name calling, derogatory remarks, statements about anyones lineage, etc. If you have to resort to that then youre taking yourselves why too serious and I can recommend several highly trained therapists or anger management classes.
Thats it! You just met Sargon the neutral Klingon trader. What you do now is out of my hands. You have been properly warned, so has my fleet. All this can now be avoided by paying 20 million to any Black Fleet member! No, I am not smoking crack! 20 Million and TBF will pretend this incident did not happen. Simple!
If you choose not to pay then all that is left to say is defend yourselves!
Commander, Black Fleet
Quote: Today is a good day to die and the day is not over
Krog was attacked by what I can only assume to be a bounty hunter, call sign: Ice, while moving through Rheinlander space. Krog was forced to destroy the attacker and did so despite the enemies attempt to surrender. The Black Fleet does not take prisoners nor do we show mercy for someones bad judgment.
I have now ordered weapons free on any vessel that does not identify its intentions upon detection in Rheinlander space and only Rheinlander space. We will not attack individuals that are simply going about their business. Poking your nose into ours is ill advised.:nono:
Pirate or not; affiliated or not; the incident happened in your space therefore the responsibility is yours.
As to flying in Rheinlander space I strongly suggest you stay out of our way. Any attempt to approach, detain, scan or otherwise impede a TBF vessel on official business of the Empire will result in said vessel being destroyed. Any RM vessel, where ever it is found, is to be considered hostile and will be destroyed. Any vessel attacking a TBF vessel will be considered allied with Rheinland Military and need I say it, destroyed.
Again vessels the show no hostility toward TBF will be unmolested and free to go about there business. Some may even be granted favors (this has already happened).
Any further blood shed and lost of life can be avoided by paying restitution in the amount of 45 million to any TBF member. This is no joke! There are more than two TBF members flying here as we do not always wear fleet tags.
As for your allies, you may find them distancing themselves from an organization that can not control the happening within its own borders. How weak you have become that you can not even intimidate a simple two Warrior RECON team of the Empire. If you were Klingon we would have euthanized you long ago.
All right, normaly this would be the job of the Alzett but since the good Admiral appears to be elsewhere, I guess this 'honor' falls to me.
Listen up you reprobates! I don't know who you think you are, nor do I care. You don't get to set policy in Rheinland, all you are allowed to do is follow it.
First off, if you refuse to submit to the rather simple requests brought to you by my officers, then your other options are simple as well. You either choose to never enter Rheinland again, or you choose to die by our guns. Ever heard of 'Zero-Tolerance?' That would be us. And I'm afraid we have been around quite a lot longer then you have, plus we're the ones in charge. So either shut up and sit down or kindly shoot yourself in the head and save us the trouble of doing it for you.
Second, the RM only have jurisdiction within Rheinland. That's how it's always been. The bounty is there so that arrogent roaches like you can be stepped on anywhere.
Third, one does not get to insult the Rheinland Military and then get away with it. If I were you, I would watch your own back. Bring your little Avenger then, because you'll be munching on my plasma and missiles before too long!
Fourth, where do you get the balls to break OUR rules, attack OUR ships, refuse OUR orders, and then expect US to pay you!? The Rheinland Military has never, and will never, pay terrorists, pirates, traitors, or Enemies of State!
So much for 'neutral traders' then. I hope your ships are insured, because they're going to start finding quite a lot of holes in them in Rheinland.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
' Wrote:There are more than two TBF members flying here as we do not always wear fleet tags.
You do realise that to RP ONLY the TBF tagged ships, which are showing that they are in the TBF, can actually RP as TBF.
Otherwise that character is just a freelancer.
As for being weak, I don't think so.
More like fed up of everyone and their dog screwing around in rhienland and thinking it's perfectly ok to ignore the RM.
If you wanted to RP as 'neutral' traders you should have done as asked. Afterall, it wouldn't have added that much to your route or the time it took to do it.
The only way to 'ignore' house faction directives is to be a pirate or terrorist. Traders rely on the house factions to protect them, so going around annoying them is suicidal at best.
Also, the only faction on the server totally neutral to all other factions is the [Angels], because they help out new players.
Claiming neutral status doesn't give you the right to do what you like or go where you like. Especially if you make demands on the people YOU wronged.
When in omicron theta you do as the AW asks, in omicron minor you do as the Bs| asks, in cambridge as the SF asks and in the rheinland you do as the RM asks.
Especially if your a trader, only pirates and terrorists ignore it, and then only in rhineland and cambridge (because they're the only house factions).
It's simple, it works and so far only you TBF have totally ignored it.
Oh and as for ICE, we RM have tried to get rid of him (and his mates) for about two weeks now. If you wanted protection from pirates you should have done as asked.
Also, your entire RP background seems to be setup so that you can't do anything but fight, if you like PvP that much go find a PvP dedicated server, at least then you won't have to come up with excuses to fight.