I dunno... I think the Paladin looks alright as it is. Just make it smaller, and probably change the color of the cockpit. I don't know of any other Bretonian ships with orange glass...
' Wrote:The Paladin is not just a TIE fighter, but also a striking resemblance to a certain Bionicle toy made by LEGO company..
Wait, you mean the Bohrok? Well, maybe... but that's not the first thing that comes to mind when I see it. (Yay Bionicle!:yahoo:)
As I have told you, Unioners need a heavy fighter and a bomber for the next mod. And maybe even a gunboat. Why? Becuase we need them and we can construct them with the knowledge and supplies we have.
Since there is long time till 86, I will be working on the descriptions of each and find the best way to integrate them within the framework of RP efforts.
Geier / Heavy Fighter / Unioner (Possible hybrid of Falcon & Banshee.)
Stein Adler / Bomber / Unioner (Advanced Arbeiter retrofitted as a Bomber.)
I may even send you some sketches if I can get a friend do them for me.
Possible stats and descriptions with some sketches may be added later.
I have the bomber of done, but have a misery figuring out a gunboat. Heavy fighter shouldnt be too hard, but if I do that I think I will redo the entire line.
' Wrote:I have the bomber of done, but have a misery figuring out a gunboat. Heavy fighter shouldnt be too hard, but if I do that I think I will redo the entire line.
Because the bomber looks weird, and AoM reworked my texture to the point I dont know the template he possibly used to achieve it, so anyhow, I'd need to redo the texture entirely.
Which reminds me. You prefer it green, or white and red as previously used?
' Wrote:Because the bomber looks weird, and AoM reworked my texture to the point I dont know the template he possibly used to achieve it, so anyhow, I'd need to redo the texture entirely.
Which reminds me. You prefer it green, or white and red as previously used?
It was way awesomer before with the red and the dark texture, as opposed to the chlorinated civilian look at present.
What would be a really neat ship would be a modified civilian freighter for use by farming type groups. The idea of farming implements to weapons seems sensible even in the future. My thought? The Starthresher! Original use was for farming and moving the end products, but currently also used to fight for farmers' rights and such.
Visually? The Freighter version of the Starblazer, etc.