From: Jack Mohr of the Civilian Transport Vessel, Mohr
--Log Entry -15:30- Central Standard Time--
Decided to visit Britonia today; wanted to see what type of things those Brits where interested in. After a few issues with the local pirates I finally made it to manchester. As I was coming out of a jump gate, I was surprised with the sight of a NOMAD BATTLESHIP!! It was was practicly blocking the jumpgate! I didn't stick around to see who it was or what was going on; the thing seemed preoccupied with blowing the bejeesus out os every police and military vessel there! However, I did notice it had Corsair tags...
First off, is it common practice for the likes of NOMADS to be allowed in Britonia space? If so I may need to look elswhere for viable customers for my service.
Second, are the Corsairs in legue with the nomads? That seems downright impossible even for them! Just don't seem right havin' to worry about nomads all the way in Britonia...
Thank you ahead of time for looking into this, but it's not like a simple transport vessel such as mine can have any say in Britonia Policeing procedures...
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
To: Jack Mohr of the Civilian Transport Vessel, Mohr, Broadband Broadcast
OOC: Depends if the player is RPing, but given blasting BAF fighters in our home system...
If sighted, the Nomad BS is to be requested to leave, no response...BLAST IT to the place that spawned it. Also an ID on the vessel would be helpful for future refence.
Transmit to: Mohr/SF Command
Transmit from: High Chancellor Aeon, RAFC-Dreadnought
This is a serious development. Rest assured, if the SCRA sees any Nomads in Bretonia, we will destroy them. Normally, we try to keep our presence down in Bretonia, but this undermines our security, so we will help you in this endeavour.
---Incoming Transmission---
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mark Kaine
To: SF High Command
We would be glad to assist all efforts to banish the nomad scum from bretonia. We are all threatened by their presence, and humans must bond together to defeat this. If you need help call. Kaine out.
---Transmission Ended---
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
' Wrote:---Incoming Transmission---
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mark Kaine
To: SF High Command
We would be glad to assist all efforts to banish the nomad scum from bretonia. We are all threatened by their presence, and humans must bond together to defeat this. If you need help call. Kaine out.
---Transmission Ended---
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
To: Grand Admiral Mark Kaine
Thank you for the generous offer, but rest assured forces friendly to the SF will suffice particularly against Nomad craft. If you want to help then by all means, KEEP THE HF OUT OF CAMBRIDGE. Thank you.
From: Jack Mohr of the Civilian Transport Vessel, Mohr
--Log Entry -19:20- Central Standard Time--
Well, I do have to say that I am impressed at the speedy response I recieved on this one from the Brets. Thank you all for looking into this. I know I could not assist in identifying the pilot, but the **** manual on this Rheinland piece of junk is nearly impossible to decipher! How was I to now that their was an onboard camera!
*grumbles to himself* (why couldn't the Camara be made in Liberty...)
To all of Bretonia Armed Forces; I apolagize I did not get an ID and make your job that much easier to track down this scum. But, you ARE the police in town...
*grumble to himself* (sure expect the civilian to do the work...)
However, I know from the response that I am safe from Nomads in Bretonia. Thank you all.
Oh, and if your wondering I know how to use the onboard camera now. So I can at least check that next time... *grumbles some more*
-Jack Mohr signing off.
--End Log--
ooc: it's been a while since I played and I totally forgot about the snapshot key.
To: To the Bretonia Policing Forces and To the BSG
From: Jack Mohr of the Civilian Transport Vessel, Mohr
--Log Entry -13:10- Central Standard Time--
Well I was finishing a transport of engine parts to Cambridge when all the sudden I find yet another Nomad Battleship! Above Cambridge of all places. Thankfully the good folk from the BSG where there, AND I got the name. An {FGS}GM.Sunburst was piloting the monster. But it wasn't doing much probably due to the =BSG=Galactica and =BSG=Sgt.Warhammer; two of the finest ships I've seen! Granted they aren't Liberty Dreadnaughts, but I digress. They where able to convince the thing to leave Bretonia, which is amazing! Without a firefight or anything!
Two other transports where present; a GhostCat and a WarHorse I think... Oh where the **** are those images...
*grumbles to himself* (stupid rheinland filing system...)
Anyways, Bretonia is feeling more and more hospitable thanks to you guys! Ask for me if you need some extra transport support! Currently I'll be transporting some big wigs from Cambridge to Munich, after I sleep of course...
i whent thier , with my nomad ship smsll fighter and had some freindly pvp , and finly left.. after arguments , but i wanted to see thier role playing , parts ..
after that i logged onto my cargo ship a train , and was still forced to leave , and never return , as they seem to take things to heart.
so i dont think , that they in all play as a role play game the =bsg= .
i think they hold grudges , And kept destroying my train After Undocking.
So my train is personly Cargo .. So wheres the pirate guy In that?
its simply a trade vessel ,Wheres the bad role play in that ? As thiers not a preyer in Hell , that a train vs 2 battle ships Could Outrun or out gun them. So i feel kinda upset about it , as they hold grudges over the nomad ship. And rule out my train so i cant play with it thier eathier!
& thier mad over Being i know Alot of the newcommers thier.
First of all i had Joined this Server With intent Of trying this mod , myself , it wasent till a week later that I found out that i had OldSchool freinds , that i have not spoken to in 3 years , was thier as well.
I had told that to warhammer , & Some other guy thats tagd =BSG=
Warhammer is a decent guy.
The other Guy well , if I do decide to stay on server, & do manage to get built up anywares at all close to a compatable ship , thier will be war!
As i was in a chat at the time last night about 1:20 am EST , in server With the servers Owner/admin Wolfpack in a Private chat , & he dident have the decentcy to put things on hold for a min.
I dont know what war the guys i knew started with this =bsg= clan.
But i am currently Not part of it!
To hold a grudge Against some buddy or try make it personal , i feel is wrong. Over for noing other players on a more Personal Leval .
All i wana Do is Run my train & be left alone by =BSG= .
Other wise Im not starting Over , as i can move to a difrent server, If they still want to take things personal.
I realize thier Suposto be role Playing , Thats fine With the Nomad ships if thats the Way Role playing works?
But with cargo Vessles it should Fall under the Same line , Not labled
" Kill This player on sight as he owns a nomad " As thiers No Fair Role play in that.
Hey, Warhorse. From what i decyphered from that, a BSG told your other char to stay out, even though it was your first that had the infraction. That is indeed a shame, because it goes against RP.