So anyone who is an avid player has always heard of the story of one terrorist faction MOXing a planet. For the ones who do not it basically means making a nuclear detonation on a planet to the scale basically making all life on that planet not a pleasent thing to deal with. Anyways, enough of the back ground.
To RP a terrorist MOX bomb actually occuring is quite easy. Being a terrorist you need two things, 1: Plenty of Mox in your cargo hold, 2: To be willing to be suicidal.
A reasonable example of such an endeavor: :yu:
The phantoms enter New Berlin and kindly warn the RM that they will Mox New Berlin, too keep things fair, trade lanes and cruise speed should be off limits. One of the ships of the group is carrying mox and if it successfully rams the planet of New Berlin, they have succeeded in MOXing it. :yahoo:
XFIRE: JackDHuntr
Send me a message if you wish to try out the AEGIS.
Works, we've had similar thing before with a nomad infested BS determined on ramming Manhatten, as well as something similar in Rheinland. The idea's good :cool:
The Phantoms recently Mox-bombed planet Leeds again during a large scale assault on Bretonia.
Not the first time that has happened in Rheinland either, or Kusari as it happens.
One of my favourite old terrorist tricks and one I suspect will occur again in the future. Never
like to give to much warning though, the casualty rate drops below acceptable levels. Can't be
seen to be going soft on the population.
The only way to prevent these attacks will be for Sirius to submit to the will of the C'Tan.
You have had enough warnings.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
The helghast Delivered our Own special weapon through the way You described a few weeks ago. It was cool, Cmabridge was in a state of uproar for several Days.
While the MOX bomb is a good idea, there is one problem. There are times when there are lots of bad guys on the server and few good guys to fight them off. (Mostly it is the Phantoms and SF who run into this problem) I think that MOX bombing should only count when both sides have reasonably large forces. It should be difficult for a terrorist faction to enter lawful territory and do something like drop a MOX bomb on a planet.
' Wrote:While the MOX bomb is a good idea, there is one problem. There are times when there are lots of bad guys on the server and few good guys to fight them off. (Mostly it is the Phantoms and SF who run into this problem) I think that MOX bombing should only count when both sides have reasonably large forces. It should be difficult for a terrorist faction to enter lawful territory and do something like drop a MOX bomb on a planet.
I dont know, winder...
What if a lone demented terrorist with a huge paycheck wanted to do it?
Quote:[7:42:05 PM][6:51:36 PM] Igor (Smokey): btw terry
[6:51:48 PM] Terrance Cooper: Ye?
[6:52:00 PM] Igor (Smokey): nothin
[6:52:03 PM] Igor (Smokey): just sayin btw
[6:52:05 PM] Terrance Cooper: <_<
Quote:Johnny_Haas: you shot anti criuse speed rockets!!!
Johnny_Haas: but why????
Johnny_Haas: ??
Johnny_Haas: why you shoot criuse speed rockets?