Heh, so i had a few ideas, while trying to finally fall asleep, regarding interceptors and bomber.
A light bomber, imho would be a ship with vhf agility, one torp slot, no TCD, no mines, no guns/turrets. Aka a pure, anti cap ship. Vhf shields, normal vhf ish armour and b/bs
Interceptors are now used to shoot down nova torps, as they cannot be CDed anymore. A lf, one class 9 gun, class 4 shield, paper armour, agility, no cd/mine slots...
I think the idea of light bomber has been shot down many times before, something to do with it being too easy to shoot down fighters, so your suggestion is good. But honestly, who would fly that when regular bombers still offer better perks?
and unless you plan to suicide interceptors into Novas, what use are they with only 1 gun? They're more likely to be free bots/bats to me.
Good ideas in concept but I don't think people will fly them enough for them to be feasible. For specialised ships they are probably worse at what they do than regular ships, I.E. Bombers and Light Fighters.
If our torpedoes were actually analogous to real-world torpedoes, then there would be some specialized ships potentially possible. As the game it right now though, doesn't look like it's gonna happen.
a "light" bomber would cause the same trouble as the red catamaran.
if you like a light bomber - you can fly the nomad fighter... the most agile fighter in the game with torpedo ability.
we are currently trying to size bombers up and make them slooooooower step by step without introducing more "agile" bombers.
in short - if you want to fight a cap, you sit in a brick. if you want to fight a fighter - you got the option to zig zag around the battlefield in an agile ship.
The mentioned bomber vs vhf is nulled, since he cant solo the vhf, as it has no normal guns, missiles, mines or a secondary torpedo to use like a shieldbasher.