nahh - mounting razors / pulse is totally inRP.... enemies of the BHG sometimes get quite defensive when there s a risk that BHG gear might be improved:)
but the fact is - the BHG has a 100% average gunboat with the orca. its not really the smallest - but its quite powerful when you get used to the forward cannon which makes up for its lack of turrets.
the BHG GS is simply a very old design regarding to the lore. - it is below average - succeeded by the orca. its like the rheinland pirate cruiser - an old and obsolte design.
the BHG gunship is now used for mainly anti-fighter/bomber duties, cause it is smiply not powerful enough anymore to go against other gunboats or larger ships.
the shield ( as it was said ) is its main advantage. - it HAS less firepower than a SHF with torp slot. it HAS of course less firepower than a bomber. - but it CAN be used to hunt for bounties. - which then means that in the best case - you ll have a 1 vs. 1 fight - and in a 1vs1 a gunboat vs. a VHF or bomber is a fair game - and the superior protection makes it better than your average SHF.
a SHF can be beaten easily by a VHF.... the BHG GS can t - ( at least not easily ) - a bomber can take it out yes. - but a bomber can take out everything so thats hardly an argument for / against the gunboats.
against large gunboats like scorpion ( 8 guns ), order ( 8 guns ), outcast ( 6(8) guns ) or corsair ( 7(8) guns ) it has little to no chance - UNLESS its fully equipped for anti-gunboat duties. at the same time, a multigun gunboat can equip antifighter AND anti-GB weapons. - and frankly.... a corsair GB that gets beaten by a BHG GS 1 vs. 1 needs some more training when both ships are equipped for anti-cap. - a corsair GB that looses to an anti-fighter BHG GS should not have gone afk for 45 minutes.... .
just as an idea... what do you guys think about removing the two rear-only turret hardpoints from the gunship, and replacing those with forward firing class 10 gun hardpoints? Or even altering the model slightly so that it "looks" like it has a few big guns equipped, but hide class 10 gun hardpoints inside of them so the ship is based on fighter/bomber weaponry instead of gunboat weaponry?
Just a thought. It'd give it a tad more firepower without allowing it a really versatile setup - codenames or faction class 9's/10's dont match up to gunboat weaponry anyhow.
Can the Gunship's powerplant support supernovas or novas? If not, then why not replace a couple of the turrets with torpedo hardpoints, so it can mount mini razors or sunslayers. I'd say keep the four turrets on the main body as is, remove the turrets on the rear fin (the rear only turrets) and add a couple torpedo hardpoints up on the front of the ship. A BH gunship with a couple mini razors and 4 normal gunboat guns would at least stand a slightly better chance against other gunboats, but still not be as effective as cap weaponry.
Or, one more idea if we want to make it focused on anti-fighter/bomber use, replace those two rear only turrets with class 10 fighter/bomber missile hardpoints, so it can equip firestalkers, sidewinders, or cannonballs in addition to 4 gunboat turrets.
The Bounty Hunter Gunship is fine - if you need more firepower against a bomber, fly forward and fight it in rear view. There, you've got six turrets and you can still dodge supernovas by strafing.
All the current GS neds is the 3.6 armor as it used to have. That way it could have survived some hull damage and a single SN, and this way it can barely survive one SN..
one side thinks the BHG GS is underpowered for its purpose - others believe its uberpowerful. - what opinion is right?
usually someone that fights against it thinks its overpowered, cause he mght have lost a fight - those that fly it often think its underpowered, cause they lost a fight or seen someone loose a fight that they believe should not have been lost.
about 2 lvl10 gunslots - thats too much. - i don t believe ANYONE would really mount guns, eh? - 4 GB guns + 2 sidewinder will make bomberpilots cry in rage. and we got a lot more bomberpilots around than warship pilots.
Note: There is no such thing as "missile only" or "gun only" hardpoint. They are just "Gun/Missile" or "Turret". Missiles are the same as guns for this purpose.
No one would mount guns regardless, though. Armoured transport is testament to this. Even if you wanted to mount guns, the different speeds would make it fruitless.