Sorry, but I am sure, guys... lmao
Just got back from a journey and had loads of time to search the Sirius-Net.
Ah, Markus, if you look for new toys, could you get one of the new laser-scalpels for me ?
My old one became a bit weak after the last operation.
A beer would be good now, I have no duty tonight and I had a long time without hangover.
Aaah Soph, you are the best, second becks in progress ?
Btw.: it's not the plasma chicken, that is dangerous for your best friend, it's only the gun - too focused, the energy...
Wow, that was quick, Soph... you have a third one ?
"Now Doc ... Drinking and flight, not a good combo as we have found round here in the past. That, and just no
to anything without drugs in it ... Or something like that.
Now to plasma again ... Pistols, scalpels, but definately no chicken on the menu here ... Becks most certainly.
One of the only RH beers not spoilt by Bretonian breweries in their awful attempts to imitate ... Mainly cos they
can't get the licence. Like my Bret beers warm and flat, as everyone else seems to point out ...
We just call it 'bitter' ... Ho hum.
Blaster anyone ?" ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
"Warm and flat huh... what you mean like lemonade that's been sitting in the sun too long? ~ducks~
But seriously, yeah that Rheinland bier can pack a bit of a wallop.... I indulged in a Bok last time I was over there, it could have killed a horse (in fact I think there was a dead horse in it).
Anyhow, I've put an order in with those agiera nuts, I think they refused to send a scalpel, said something about a free state-of-the-art surgical suite..."
Rheinland beer really is the best. And they can smile, sure, I remember a a guy being thankful
after I extracted a boot out of his.....
Anyway, it was a kind of smile and his pals were nearly lying on the floor from laughing.
Thanks for the try to get me a new scalpel, Markus. They have already send me an affirmation of order.
Your words were the right ones, I think.
Where were we ? Ah, yes, Beer....
Ah, and Hood, Rosi the Nurse is at the First Aid, she will manage and I can drink a bit....
You know that freaky little lady ?
Coloscopy is her best work..... though I think, nobody is really interested ????
Pat was laughing so hard he could barely speak 'Markus, you might want a new hole for that?' the antique sidearm was ready... 'and then again, people's tastes differ... '
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor