The petite, young woman sat at her desk in a small bedroom, not unlike those found on Kusari Battleships. It was quite late at night, shipboard standard time, indicating the woman was up to something abnormal. Arranged before her was an optronic computer display with an attached printer, which was currently converting several of the images on the screen into durable laminated paper photos.
The images on the computer that she was printing displayed a quite hideous scene involving a certian Kusari Naval Forces officer and an Antlion, which most people would double over in disgust at seeing. Naomi however, smiled as she did her work, taking the printed photos and placing them in letter envelopes. It was the sort of smile that protrayed an aura of innocence, or more accurately, covered up the sort of demented anticipation she had of when the letter was opened.
The last of the pictures printed, and the woman placed them into the envelope, licking it closed and placing a stamp on it. She quickly got up and placed the letter into a pneumatic transfer capsule, which sent it via a tube system to the ship's mail room. Her job done, she turned off her computer console, stripped off her robe, and curled up in her bed, falling asleep satisfied.
The letter and it's incriminating contents travelled through the ship's letter delivery system and to a sorting room. A robot extracted the letter and scanned it, marked it, and placed it into a larger box full of other letters to be delivered. Another woman grabbed the box and took it out to the hangar, to her ship... a GC heavy fighter.
Most of the mail the GC sent and recived went by way of the Interspace base in Okinawa, or their contacts living on Kyushu or Honshu. Usually, scarce few letters went in or out of the ship, for security reasons. The few that do are usually very important. In this case, it was a chance for a certian Sister to wreak havoc on the inner workings of the KNF.
The parcels were loaded among other cargo onto the GC courier, which departed the ship... the Battleship Matsuda... and turned and headed toward Furyoka. The letter's journey was about to begin an unfortunate series of events which would mercilessly force several lives into conflict.
The letter's sender however was blissfully unaware of any reprocussions. She happily dreamed of the letter's recipiant's reaction, and the potential chaos that would ensue...
Senzo was sitting at home, sipping his tea. Normally he would go to the Perfect Blossom, but current events had him streched like a wire. he didn`t mind slaughtering a Dragon battleship, fighting off hordes of crazed housewifes who call themselves the GC or annihilate the BAF singehandedly.
right now, the mailman was his worst fear, and his mortal enemy. the wrechted GC from hell had announced that certain... indiscretions on Senzo`s part would be made known to Reiko, his loving and understanding wife. if Reiko were to see the dreaded files, she would not be so understanding. Senzo would be slaughtered without mercy. gut like a pig and mauled into dog meat. the Phantom empire would crumble if it had to face a angry Reiko. imagine what would happen to a mere mortal like Senzo.
blaster in hand, he awaits the arrival of the mailman, praying that Reiko doesn`t bump into him when she comes back from the shops.
At the local post office, the package arrived with all the other off-world mail destined for that district. The letter was removed from storage and sorted by a series of machines before being handed to a mail courier. The couriers cared little for the mail they were to deliver, and the courier of fate strode forth carrying his bag of letters and parcels. He made his way to his perferred delivery vehicle, a high-tech hoverbike which allowed him to quickly and easily make his way to the local residential block.... the residence of one Mr and Mrs Senzo...
The unsuspecting man walked toward the building and knocked on the door, unaware of what he was in for.
Senzo heard knocks on the door. Reiko always just barges in so he knew that it was the Mailman From Hell. looking at the blaster in his hand, Senzo started to doubt. shooting a mailman in the face would be quite conspicuous. and off course, there was always the alternative of accepting the package and flush it. Senzo lay his blaster aside, nearly tripped over the cat as he dashed to the frontdoor. reason for this panicky action was the unmistakeble sound of Reiko`s 50cc hovermoped entering the street.
Senzo yanked open the door and saw the mailman standing there with the dreaded parcel. Senzo attempted to yank it out of his hand but the mailman demanded his thumprint signature first. almost smashing his thumb through the reading glass of the mailman`s pocket signature module, nothing happened. "oh dear me, looks like the battery`s dead." said the mailman. Senzo cursed under his breath. the sound of Reiko`s hovermoped was drawing ever closer. lazily the mailman reached in his satchel to grab another battery. he started to replace the battery VERY slowly, taking all the time in the world. "do you get paid by the hour you lazy bum?" Senzo asked and yanked the terminal out of the mailman`s hands. he bashed the battery in and rammed his thumb on the reader. "arigato" the pocket terminal said. "dozo!" Senzo yelled at the terminal as he yanked the parcel out of the clutches of the mailman, threw the pocket terminal in his face and kicked him away from the door.
ignoring the verbal cannonade of the mailman, Senzo tried to smash the door behind him to drown the foul pachage when a very familiar female voice behind him called "tadaima honey! hey, what`s that package? is that the video Habaki said he would send us"?
Back on the Matsuda, Naomi had just awoken, eagar to the chaos she was to wreak. She lazily got up, dressed herself, and went down to the ship's galley. Her first objective, grab a hot mug of coffee and flip through the holovision channels to see if anything had made the news. However, the newsfeed consisted mainly of 'Mon'star attacks', 'Renzu Corp. Advertizements', and 'Male Enhancement Products'. She finished her coffee, filled a second thermos for the road, grabbed a shot of Cardamine, and went to the hangar.
After quickly putting on her pilot suit, she boarded her Blossom VHF (Newly painted in the colors of Kiretsu wing) and launched forth into the void. She flew nonchalantly through the Okinawa gate to the Honshu system, around the far side of the planet, and ultimately to the New Tokyo system. Once she was hidden and in range of the planet, she activated her transmitter/reciver array. Several holoscreens in her cramped cockpit activated, displaying newsfeeds. However, no mention was made of Senzo or an angry Reiko. Presumably, she hadn't figured out yet.
Naomi activated several switches on her ship's console and another screen flicked to life as a device on the planet linked to her ship's control system.
On the surface of the planet, hidden by a rocky outcrop on the shore of one of New Tokyo's islands, a large device, which resembled a metal box with antennae on it recived the transmission from Naomi's ship. To anyone else, it would appear an oddly placed electrical regulator. Infact, it was a Consortium survalliance device, which Naomi would use to her own ends. The box opened and a small robotic device, roughly the size of a condor, emerged and deployed.
The device was apparently a small survalliance UAV, designed to resemble a large bird and blend in with it's surroundings. The device took flight with a small gravity motor and headed toward the Senzo residence, displaying near real-time information back to Naomi in orbit.
On her ship, Naomi sipped more of her coffee and recived a cup of instant noodles as she watched the drone approach it's destination... anticipating the show which was hopefully soon to begin.
There was very little time. Senzo hurled the package into the hallway and turned to Reiko.
"hi my beloved cherry blossom". Reiko regarded Senzo with a strange look. "why did you just throw that package away?"
Senzo was considering his options:
1: confess - > result: agonising death
2: knock Reiko out and burn the package - > result: temporarily relief, then agonising death
3: run away, crying like a little girl and never return. -> result: seppuku (thus: agonising death, and a messy one at that)
4: make up an excuse and try to bluff his way out.
after carefull, but fast consideration Senzo opted for nr 4 (nr 2 was a close second)
"that was... ehh... indeed a videofile Habaki send me. but it`s not all that fun you know?"
"why not"? asked Reiko? "I think Habaki has a great sense of humour."
"it`s filled with Naval jokes, real rancid ones. I don`t want you to see that honey"
"ooohh, man stuff eh? well, ok. sure. whatever honey" Reiko said.
"something`s wrong. this is too easy" Senzo thought. "normally she`s so nosey I can`t even fart without her asking what I had for dinner at the cafeteria"
while Senzo was grinding his brain as to whaever Reiko could be up to, it hit him like a slippery fish. too bad Reiko had already squeezed past Senzo and dashed for the Package Of Evil Doom And Horrible Nastyness that was lying in wait on the floor of the hallway.
By this point, the recon drone had hidden itself in an ornamental tree near Senzo's residence. Naomi was curled up in her ship with a blanket and a mug of cardi-laced tea, most of her ships' holoscreens occupied from images from the drone's high resolution optical, thermal, and infra red cameras, allowing her to see exactly what was going on inside the house.
She decided to send the drone a bit closer, close enough to see into the building's window. The drone flew forward and hid amongst a nearby bunch of dumpsters. Refocusing it's cameras.
Naomi was giddy with anticipation as she watched two human figures, presumably Senzo and his lovely wife, moving around the house. She saw some object being thrown down a hallway and the smaller, more slender figure charging toward it. The show was apparently about to start...
Naomi began giggiling uncontrollably, finding this entire situation hilarious. She very much liked blackmailing people.
Senzo dashed after Reiko. he would have been able to prevent her from reaching the package first, if it hadn`t been for the cat. Senzo once again tripped over the damn thing. "you stupid feline f***er! I`ll make soup out of you later!"
alas, before Senzo was able to stop her, Reiko had snatched the parcel from the ground.
a cold shiver went down Senzo`s spine.
"let`s just watch it. I`m used to some rancid stuff honey. especially since you decided to do the spring cleaning."
she stood still for a second.
"it`s a bit light to be a video disc honey. maybe it`s that travel brochure I requested. you know, to that Luxury Liner called Shetland"?
"I won`t set a foot on that filthy tub. everything in and around Bretonia is bound to be filth"
"oh, there you go again. why are you so short sighted? it`s not like all Bretonians are warmongers"
"have you ever met some? they are aggressive, primitive fools. they cannot even fight with diginty"
"what has that got to do with anything? it`s not like the BAF is onboard the Shetland."
"seeing what kind of scum those gajin are, I wouldn`t hold it against them to board and rob every single man and woman on that ship to fuel their pathetic war effort."
"oh come on, you`re beiing ridiculous"
"I am? ha! what do you know? I`ve dealt with them on more than 1 occasion. all you have to worry about is that you don`t pay too much for our grocery shopping"
"what a harsh and discriminating thing to say! the nerve! Are those Grysanthieums getting the better of you, you big bad warrior?
"pah! don`t be ridiculous. I don`t have a-"
"you`re just an overly patriotic...!" Reiko shouted through Senzo`s words
Senzo stopped, suddenly remembering something about Grysanthiums and 1 of them in particular. he didn`t even hear Reiko`s verbal abuse anymore.
the discussion had become so heated that he had completely forgot about the files.
a tactical mistake, seeing as Reike had opened the parcel already and was pulling out the contents, still looking, and shoouting, at Senzo, who stood there nailed to the ground as all hell was about to break loose.
This was it. One of the figures, which appeared more slender and efeminate, was going to pick up a small object, presumably the letter box. Naomi grinned as she leaned closer to her ship's screen and watched closely what was about to unfold.
At that exact moment however, the feed from the drone cut out. Naomi's elation turned to anger and discontent as she tried to re-activate the drone and reconnect the feed. Quickly diagnosing the problem and trying to reboot the datalink. She let out an impressive string of curse words as she did this, extremely disappointed at what she was missing...
Reiko`s verbal cannonade wasn`t over yet. once she was on a role, she could keep at it for quite some time.
Senzo regained his posture and tried to get closer to Reiko, as inconspicious as he could. as he was about 2 feet away from her, she was still shouting at him, he tried to reach for the parcel whilst trying to calm her down. it didn`t work, she was still yelling. but she wasn`t looking at the parcel. he almost yanked it out of her hands when the cat came zooming past, tackling both Senzo and Reiko. neither had a firm grip on the package as it went airborne.
Senzo picked up Reiko who was calm all of a sudden, now that she was knocked over by the cat. the package was lying on the floor, some of its contents spilling out.
"are you ok honey boney?" Senzo asked.
"I`m fine. that stupid cat. completely nuts he is." Reiko said. "all this because of that stupid package"
"curse my good manners" Senzo thought. he realised he should have left his wife on the floor, maybe even kicked her uncouncious. the cat had given him the perfect opppertunity to get rid of the files and he blew it.
"Reiko was back on her feet, and turned to the livingroom. on the doorstep to the livingroom lay the horrible files.
Senzo saw images flashing before him: a bare mountain, a charckled corpse clutching some files with multiple stabbingwounds to the back. A crazed woman brandishing a breadknife and a canteen of H-fuel dancing around the corpse, screaming vulgarities.
Senzo yanked Reiko`s head to the oppposite direction
"ouch! what did you do that for, you jerk?" Reiko yelled.
"your neck was sitting croocked by that fall my little bumblebee"
"the only croocked thing here is you, Senzo. god, what have I been doing these last minutes? I can`t believe this. I`m gonna relax, watching those travel brochures"
"what travel brochures?" Senzo asked.
"oh damn, THOSE travel brochures!" he thought out loud.
"did you say something"? Reiko asked
"nothing, look, why dont`you go to the bathroom and freshen up. in the meantime I`ll get your brochures and kill the cat. how does that sound?"
"well... ok, sure. although you have been acting weird the past few minutes. even weirder than the past few days." Reiko said.
she then turned and walked to the bathroom and away from the files.
Senzo quickly snachted them of the ground when Reiko was out of sight.
"victory" he thought. "hahaha, take that you filthy Grysanthium. it`ll take more than this to ruin me"
he walked into the livingroom when a voice behind him said, "oh honey, you dropped something"