This just doesn't look like it makes sense to me.
It says here that Borneo is an inexhaustible source of food, that it basically supplies all IMG bases in the Taus with food, and Minato(The station in orbit of Borneo, from which that same food is shipped, and where it gets stored) actually buys food, and not sells it.
Should it not sell it at a relatively cheap and in-RP profitable for exporters price, and not actually buy it?
Why'd a station which exports food basically buy it off of other exporters?
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
Well - how sick would you get of 3 meals a day, every singe day, of fish?
Sort of like in Forest Gump, when Bubba was talking about all the different ways that shrimp can be prepared. And even then, I would still take this to mean there is a huge amount of kelp, plankton, fish, crab, lobster, and other stuff...
But at the same time, when my brother worked on the oil rigs, sure they fed them well. But when he came home he wanted something like spaghetti or pizza - not just steak and eggs and fish.
So they'd be importing fresh fruit and other items of that nature. I'd say that they're bringing in other things to liven up the diet.
On an aside - one of the things that ALWAYS amazed Soviet defectors to the United States was our supermarkets, and the varieties of fresh foods available there at all times. No rationing, no days without meat - it's always there.
Anyways, no matter about food diversity, the fact remain that Borneo, and effectively Minato, is an extreme producer of Food.
If it supplies the thousands of people inhabiting the Taus(the CR and IMG, numbering in a lot of people), it's not really disregardable, no matter if they'd "go crazy eating all that fish".
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
The only answer I could think of, is that unlike Synth Foods that have a major list of patent Flavorings, the IMG have only one, maybe two, so the people would like to have a differant taste once in a while.