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' Wrote:This attack is surely from the COALITION of (evil) school teachers! To force us, disco junkies to study a bit.. :(
Most likely from someone who just has way too much time on their hands - and got banned for doing something against the rules.
If I understand this correctly, majkp runs a small ISP? Maybe this downtime has nothing to do with Discovery - a rival ISP possibly? Or just someone who is pissed off at life in general?
' Wrote:Warnings will be issued. Accounts will be banned. In game characters will be deleted. I will drive to your house and punch you in the mouth.
' Wrote:All this talk of revenge and what not is pointless, we have the information, something can and will be done. But as to who is responsible that shouldn't be conjectured until we can prove that someone is to blame. So let's leave comments about Tenacity out of this thread. Innoncent until proven guilty and there's no reason to suspect him at all.
' Wrote:This really isn't something that needs to be taken super seriously because it's a game and most of us are just here to have fun. You should try smiling, you'll feel better about things (honest).