Hello to you as well, and welcome to the server, we're glad to have you.
This is an OOC part of the forum so you don't need to mark it, but I like you already because you marked it, since it seems like you're one of the good role playing kind from the start hehe.
Good luck with everything, and if you need help, let me know.
I can spot you with a little bit of cash just to push you along to a better trading ship, but you can earn everything by yourself if that's your preference.
Read the rules just in case, because sometimes, though thank God mostly not, what seems feasible in-RP is against the server rules, like killing someone without them noticing you, or catching up with cruise engines to an opponent who's running away on thrusters only, and that sort of thing.
Rules might seem complicated at first, also might not, but in any case, a little common sense goes a long way, even if you did not read the whole rule chapter.
And one piece of advice..
Think hard on the first faction you'd join, because for most people, the first one they join becomes their primary one, the one they care about most.
So make your choice wisely, there's plenty to choose from, and don't hesitate to ask for any help you might need, either "material", or in the form of advice.
Edit: Oh and one last thing, there's this skype chat, called the Disco Assistance Channel, where a big group of experienced and new players alike communicate and everyone can ask for advice, help, etc.
My skype name is "swift-cr"(Without the quotes.) so if you want, feel free to add me and I'll get you into the chat.
Also be aware that the community communicates via Skype so it'd be good to install it if you don't have it already. Comes handy when you're in a faction or just know a lot of people around here.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
Welcome to Discovery. Play by the rules, get familiar with the RP, and don't buy a capital ship unless you've got your foot firmly set on the concrete that is Discovery.
All the info you'll need regarding which ship belongs to who should be on the ship infocard, mate.
As for the location of the ships, I think there's a log somewhere, but I just don't know where. Just do what this mod is named after, and "discover" all of them.:)
You can always use FL Stat, a program which can list all the ships ingame for you, their infocards(Can tell you who flies them), their owners, selling locations, the works.
And anyways, your best bet for checking out which faction you'd like is visiting this thread: http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?ac...t=25332&st=
Feel free to check out the Colonial Remnant faction post in my sig(Shameless recruiting attempt).
Details on joining all those official factions are contained within their faction posts in the first link I gave you.
It mostly consists of posting an in-RP, or OOC, or semi-OOC, depends on the faction and application guidelines, application in their recruitment thread or private forums.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
Also remember that you can buy every ship in the game except for a few select ones.
The SCRA and Nomad ships are only for those in their Player factions (NPC faction being the faction in the game, with the player faction merely being a group of players who roleplay as a group in that npc faction)
The player factions for those are the SCRA (Oddly enough) and the Keepers.
The Necrosis, the Barge and the Kusari Royal thingymajig are all also restricted, only Admin given.
Apart from that, the ID states what you can and can't fly in terms of ship class (Fighter, bomber, battleships etc) while this: http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=39532
Will show you what you can use or fly as part of that NPC faction.
On a more basic side:
Everyone is in a faction apart from Freelancers, Miners, Pirates etc, the generic IDs.
All other ID's are faction ones. Using one means you are part of that NPC faction. You aren't part of the player faction just for having the ID though.
You are expected to only use the ships,equipment etc that that NPC faction could use, hence the chart above showing who can use what.
Sorry if this is confusing, I probably worded it terribly:P